INSERT, POP-UP, REFLUX - PAUSE    (12:30am, 7-3-2010; Palm Springs, California)

each day
i live
i see
i feel
i sense
i know
sometimes even
back and forth
a little more
a little less
through days
through weeks
through months
through years
i wake
to the east
spread roots
to the south
to the west
gain strength
and power
from the north
when and with
my feet are in the earth
my head in the clouds
my heart in the sea
and my mind
my spirit
and being
are all filled
with radiant
life giving sun
here at this center
of whatever and wherever
my center point
zero point
innermost  more fully
self realized awareness s
greater truth and being are
at any given moment
just as
back and forth
and even here now
presently within
this greater  ineffable oneness
which everyone
everything and all things are
but which most human beings
still have no clue
nor any higher consciousness
awakened oneness awareness of
at all
which has always mystified
and deeply baffled me
to seriously question
but still
wherein  in which
beyond and despite all that
not having yet found
a sufficiently good answer
much less any ultimate solution
for all those and all them
who haven t more fully yet found
nor even slightly
from the looks of things here
in this increasingly troubled
profoundly struggling
deeply suffering world
yet i myself
have long foregone
even needing  nor trying to find
a convincing enough answer
much less solution for all them
at this point in mankind s historical time here
upon our sacred earth
just as i also have
for many long decades now
intentionally foregone both seeking
nor needing to find anymore answers
to that question for myself
by simply and consciously
living it s mysteriously elusive
yet nonetheless self evident answer
innately found within
the oneness
of all ineffable oneness
which at this point
in my still currently ongoing
present lifetime s temporal journey here
i have now so long
more fully realized and experientially known
this greatest  transcendent truth
of that truly ineffable
above and beyond
everything and all else
i have ever thought
believed in or previously ever known
here in this eternal
inseparable oneness
which i ve now
for so long
so intimately
so experientially
i also

Written by OyateInyanNajin
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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