Image for the poem Russian roulette

Russian roulette

"I'm so wet, baby,
I wanna play Russian roulette."
"It's a duet, honey,
You must save me a bullet."
"Dibs on the first run!"
"Then, honey, let's have some fun!"

I saw the light in her eyes
The same light just before our first kiss
which made me real
Gave me power.

I felt the grip on my waist
The same grip just before our first kiss
which crushed my bones
Burned my veins.

The revolver stopped spinning in my hand.
"I love you." She said,
Lips arose, rosy red.
And I know, that's my command.

Luck was never on his side.
Yet on the cheek it’s the smile
The same smile as he passed me by
When I saw him for the first time.

I'm not a little bit sad,
For we have already been dead
since we kissed for the first time.
And he is mine
Up until the end.

In my arms he lies
Like a child to a lullaby
More than alive.
Written by Krowzwish
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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