hang the demons with garlic

There's a graveyard  
under your mother's kitchen  
and I wonder if I'm the only  
body they'll find  
when they dig it up  
one day  
You came in  
like the destroyer of worlds  
roses in one hand  
duct tape in the other  
a crucifix hidden down your pants  
A demon with chameleon eyes  
sweet promises on your lips  
poison hidden between your words  
as you passed me the chalice  
filled with my own blood  
that I didn't know  
was yet to be spilled  
How easily youth is enchanted  
innocence compromised  
and you slammed  
your legions of pain  
into my soul  
and sold me yourself  
as exorcist and savior  
How easily I believed  
the lies you  
danced across my skin  
as you slipped yourself  
inside me  
rough and hungry  
and uncompromising  
You were not the knight  
in shining armour    
there on bended knee  
to woo my innocent heart  
You made me dig my own grave  
before you buried me  
and pissed on my remains  
like you were made of holy water  
your hate a gift  
at the end of my life  
How easily you walked away  
hands washed clean  
with the conviction of a murderer  
who will be forgiven if he  
just appeals to God in  
his last moments of breath  
How long it took  
for me to claw my way  
out of that grave  
you make me dig  
for myself  
How many demons  
I met on the way out  
with pretty faces  
easy smiles  
and godless intentions  
You would only be the first  
to bury me  
never knowing that every time  
I climbed out of hell  
I found more of myself  
the scattered pieces  
making something new  
something stronger  
something you could never touch  
I buried the last man  
who tried to hold me under the earth  
wound ropes of garlic around his neck  
and hung him with them  
Do you remember the last time  
you saw me?  
I found terror in your eyes  
and I smiled  
You might have buried a child  
but you built a witch  
that no earthly grave  
could hold  
Written by Indie (Miss Indie)
Author's Note
Written for the The Eighth House: Endings/Beginnings comp
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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