under stained glass (with the awesome Betty)

Can you feel my hand
pressed against this stained glass pane
waiting for sunshine

All of these sepia rainbows
will fill with technicolour

But today is blue
with pearlescent undertones
reflecting the glass

shards of you still seep through it
I can feel your radiance

A new dawn rising
like the first breath after midnight
everything comes alive again

Your breath, my breath; sanctuary
glass cracking with your heartbeat

Shattered, I cut my
own shoulders reaching for yours

tasting the way light reflects
on your prismatic beauty

Sunlit skin collides
shadows disperse like burned ghosts
your embrace is holy

Technicolour seeps through, lights us
Goddesses under stained glass
Written by Indie (Miss Indie)
Author's Note
Written with the fabulous Betty, for the Renga Comp. Thank you for sharing your soft side with me.
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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