Chaotic Thoughts

Have u ever felt so lost inside,  its hard to comprehend?
Have u ever wondered who u are,  but u just have to pretend?...
Have u fought a silent battle,  while trying hard to find..... the YOU thats YOU  inside of you, to give u peace of mind?
I just cannot explain it, how this struggle is so real.  
No matter what you think you know,  you don't know how I feel!
Im so sick of this addiction,  but its all I've ever known.  
And no matter high or sober,  I still feel so all alone.  
The high fills me with guilt and shame and so much that I regret.
But sober brings back memories that I'd rather just forget.
Im so sick of the battle,  and the roar inside my brain.  
I don't know who I am these days and it's making me insane.  
If you do not understand,  and  can't be on my side.
Then take a hike and leave me be,
I still have my wounded pride.
So if u haven't struggled and been lost inside your mind...
Don't be so quick to judge you see,  love isn't always blind.  
Often it can be clear u see...and u just ignore the signs.
Sometimes if u look closely,
U can read between the lines.
But life is busy day to day and often we don't know....
If you stop and smell the flowers,
You'd be surprised at what u know .
Have u ever felt so lost inside , that u simply must pretend. ..
You have no clue whats going on...its too much to comprehend.
Written by Sexyseaschelle (Seaschelle_Fairy)
Author's Note
Just me rambling again.
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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