In the calm before the last night.

Leaves twirl in the cool damp night air after the rainstorm.
Streetlights are dim in the fog that has settled.
But kai wasn't in bed.
He was alone as usual. Adrift in chemicals natural and not.
This was it all.
This is the best of life.
One unfaithful friend after another but now mark too?
Can't be.

So our man walked the wet streets and was lost, consumed in sounds.
But the streets were silent that night.
And then the calm broke into an evil in the air.
As if the world said: this one. Tonight. That way.
Who could say no?
Only the ones who the world dropped and forgot to clean up the glass after.

I melted that next week.
What went on in there bud?
where did you go?
All I know is you took me with you.
I went along.
We did it together until God told me no.
I miss you today, tomorrow, forever.
We lost a gem to the fog.
Now I cant drive around on nights like this.
Rain heals me, but it's a bitter beauty.
seeing you alive again would be the world to me but now I am lost too.
I tried my best bud.
I know you did too.

They never said...
Words I hear often.
But they say plenty of things that go into the same wind he must've felt.
People say the same things to try and lull me into reality.
It never works on nights like this.
I had no way to reach you.
No way to call.
All I had was news.
That bled into it all.
Death colored glasses.
"That's not healthy"
Oh yeah that's great.
I got to move on, that's a thing he can't say.

I'm never over it.
But most times it's over my head.
And maybe that's closure.
I wont ever know.
So I say goodbye to the ghost in my head.
And hug him real tight and drift off to bed.
The world wont take me tonight.
Written by I_was_rare_once (RareDreamer)
Author's Note
the names are changed to protect my friends fyi
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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