Prior to Covid, I had a mental map of how society worked. Covid destroyed that picture. Covid revealed society as it really is and it’s shocking. Here's what I’ve learned about society for almost 4 years:

1. The ruling class is psychotic.

Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, Albert Bourla etc. take delight in killing people, cause carnage just to overcome their own hedonistic adaptation, and are completely incapable of empathy or self-awareness. They have tremendous resources to shape society (and the technologies of persuasion have become incredibly powerful). But these people are completely immoral so they twist society into a hell-scape that provides them with endless sadistic entertainment.

2. Our meritocratic institutions are almost entirely fraudulent.

The Ivy Leagues sold the students in their care to the pharmaceutical industry and said nothing about the complete collapse of liberal democracy.

The Nobel Prize Committee gave MVP awards to the inventors of the technology that created SARS-CoV-2 and the scientists who created the worst vaccines in human history.

Tony Fauci, a mass murderer on par with Pol Pot and Stalin, routinely receives awards for “defending science” and “speaking truth to power.”

None of these institutions are capable of independent thought at this point. Which is surprising. These people are supposed to be smart, the best. But they are not. They are the opposite of smart. The intelligentsia are deformed, a claw fist permanently clutching a golden ring.

3. The American economy has always been based on genocide and is still based on genocide

Genocide of Africans via the Middle Passage; genocide of indigenous people via Manifest Destiny; genocide of the people of Guatemala, Vietnam, and Indonesia via neocolonialism; and now genocide of everyday average Americans via vaccines.

The way the global economy used to work was that white males in the U.S. and Europe enjoyed liberal democracy while militaries from these countries used violence to acquire resources and create markets in Africa, Asia, and Latin America.

4. Most people would rather die than think for themselves and risk being excluded from mainstream society

The TV told them to line up in stadium parking lots to be vaccinated and so they did. They had an inkling that it was dangerous, many didn’t really want to do it, but the thought of being labelled an anti-vaxxer was more terrifying than the very real possibility of being disabled or killed by the shot.

So they got the shot over and over again, these injections made no difference in stopping Covid, and now many of these people are dealing with life-long injuries from this ridiculous junk science.

It’s true for autism too. Many parents would rather have an autistic kid than get called an anti-vaxxer by their friends, neighbors, and colleagues.

5. The two main political parties, Republican and Democrats, are amoral and only care about power.

There are 535 members of Congress. Political parties exist to reproduce themselves. Elected officials only listen to donors. The larger the campaign contribution the more they listen. Our political system is entirely transactional — a vending machine for the very wealthy with no sense of national purpose.

More to come sometime in the future.
Written by Vision_of_insanity
Author's Note
You may agree or disagree with this observation. Nevertheless, our world is in a state of deterioration.
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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