Poetic Justice

In the human spirit, there is incapacity, incapable of discernment, that allocates the choice to believe in misconstrued context, semantics, interpretation, and subjection, creating what good and evil is to be, irresponsibly.

This is an obscure ambiguity between what is judgement, and what is opinion, which is somehow deemed a necessary personality trait, going through the experience of life.

Articulate details of witticism turn into an extreme insanity, exemplified in explicit, particular, erroneous assumption.

An over-generalized, encompassing, immoral prejudice sweeps over what is defined in relationships, in a sort of grandeur delusion.

In the subconscious mind is a rotten core of chaos and confusion, developing imbalance of patterned, emotional regulation, perpetuated in the language and communication that fuels illogical misconception.

Through fallacy, one is superior to all others.

Contradicting notions and assertions point out scales and levels of inconsideration, to be numbed by the definitive ego, posturing, yet plaguing its own disposition, fundamentally.

Constructing towards destruction.

Hypocritical conviction, proud to persuade, by the standards deceiving one's own conscience, is but varying degrees that will all-together collapse.

Amiss by the evasion of purpose, further nullified, and confirmed to project the obvious oblivion of irrational mercilessness, there is stubborn pride.

A daring, enthralling subjugation, submitting to the spiraling hypnosis of haughtiness and arrogance.

Mere stumbling and darkness, as there's no honest, cohesive esteeming of others.

Engulfed in a vacuous void of a self-absorbed, lopsided mistaking, is the true spectrum of consequence, which is now about to plummet.

Warping, twisting allusions of association fabricate the gullible perception of an irony, as the predator becomes a victim.
Dramatic, when credit is due.

Motive and intent have served corruption, which is to be exalted above heights inconceivable, only to be brought down low at the basic realization self.

In the gravity of the situation, the justified wrath of misunderstanding, ambitiously incomplete, on a quest to point a finger, weighs on shattering from within.


Poetic justice...
Written by Connotation
Author's Note
Just some reflection from within about what pride does to the mind of self and others.  As much as I capture the due justice in this rant, I also find my own justice is due - ha-ha.  Regardless, that's the epitome of being human - knowing that you're imperfect.  This shows how one can be willingly ignorant to that fact, and some of what that leads to, or some of what can happen.
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