Image for the poem Jesus VS Lucifer

Jesus VS Lucifer

(Just a heads up this isn't a poem)

The hidden truth they don't want you to know.

What if Lucifer, the very embodiment of evil, was actually the hero all along?
For centuries, We have been taught that Lucifer is the ultimate villain—the devil, the serpent, the fallen Angel. Meanwhile, Jesus is seen as the epitome of goodness and righteousness, the Savior of humanity.

But what if this binary is false?

What if there is more to this story than what we have been taught?

And what if ancient texts banned from the bible reveal that the very thing that could be liberating you was condemned as satanic?

There is a secret truth about Lucifer and Jesus the church doesn't want you to know.

The traditional church of the Christian narrative is clear, Lucifer rebelled against god and was cast out of heaven as punishment for his sins. In contrast, Jesus was sent to earth as a savior to redeem humanity from their sins.

But what if this was false, a lie that was pushed by the church to keep humanity in a state of Submission and obedient?

Allow me to explain… Did you know that the Name Lucifer Isn't even in the bible? In most modern Christian bibles, they don't include it. Lucifer is only mentioned once in the New King James Version and some older Versions of the bible. Specifically, in Isaiah 14:121 it says….

“How art thou fallen from Heaven. O Lucifer, Son of the morning? How at thou cut down to the ground, Which didst weaken the nations!

However, the use of this as a name is wrong and a mistranslation. The original Hebrew word in this Passage is” Helel “which means” Shinning one or Star of the morning, And its being used to describe a king, the king of Babylon, not the devil or any supernatural being.

So, what's going on here? The truth is in the Christianity today is just one of the interpretations that existed. See It's a facked that the bible was compiled over time by the church, and many texts were excluded from the final canon and some of these texts known as the Gnostic Text Were. Deemed to concur versal and heretical for inclusion in the bible, and were banned by the church.

Now, among these banned books are the… The Secret Book of John & The Testimonial of Truth.

(The Secret Book of John) reveals that the garden of Eden was actually a trap and The Testimonial of Truth says that the Serpent was actually a Hero a Liberator and that God is an Evil entity trapping souls on earth.

(The Testimonial of Truth) goes into details. “But what sort of god is this? First he maliciously refuses Adam from eating of the Tree of Knowledge, And secondly He said, “Adam, where are you? God does not have Foreknowledge? Would he not know from the beginning? And Afterward he said,” let us cast him out of this place, lest he eat of the Tree of Life and live forever, Surely, he has shown himself. To be a Malicious Grudger! And what kind of god is this?”

Now, The Testimonial of Truth is clearly pointing out that these are not the actions of a good and loving god.

Now did you know that early Christians actually believed that the God of the bible was the devil, now you can't blame them God is extremely Malicious and violent, killing the firstborn sons of Egypt, destroying humanity in the flood, Excepting Jepediah's daughter as a burnt Virgin Sacrifice, and a lot more.

The Scythians, Karpocritiens knights, these were all Gnostic Christians that believed the God of the bible was not the true God but a false God and an evil satanic being.

Many of them believed that the true God was an eternal mind of pure light, and that we all are pieces of that Devine mind that became trapped in the martial bodies by the evil creator God. They believed that Jesus wasn't the: Son of that evil creator God, but rather a Messenger from the Realm of Light who wanted to help us to come to self-knowledge of what we really are, so we can escape this Realm of Matter.

It wasn't until the 4th century CE, when the Church was backed by the power of the Roman emperor Constantine, they brutally enforced their interpretation of Christianity and that the Interpretation we know today.q

But what if Lucifer the fallen angel is actually a hero rather than villain?

See in these views Lucifer's rebellion against God was evil but rather a selfless act of love, in this interpretation, Lucifer saw the injustice. In god, a authoritarian rule over humanity and decided to stand up for our freedom and our rights to make our own decisions/choices.

Lucifer acted out of a deep love for humanity and desire to see us reach our foll potential as free – thinking, independent beings.

By rebelling against god, he created an opportunity for humans to break free from the Shackles of dogma and to Prosus their paths of in life.

And by offering the fruit of knowledge in the
garden of Eden, he revealed to them that they can become divine by looking within.

The Story of Lucifer is a tragic one. He risked everything, his power, his status, all of it for the stake of his ideals, in doing so, he was cast out of heaven and condemned to eternal damnation.

But what about Jesus? Now, Jesus's sacrifice Is commonly understood as the ultimate ad of love and redemption.

Now, according to mainstream Christianity. Jesus died on the cross to forgive humanity. Sins and save them from eternal damnation in hell, and his sacrifice opened the door for individuals to receive salvation and eternal life.

But if you think about it, Jesus is only saving you from hell because he's allowing you to go to hell in the first place.

You have to worship and obey an invisible God In the sky to be saved from the place he's going to send you if you don't.

Jesus's Sacrifice only to those who expect him as their savior and obey god, those who don't are condemned to hell even If they are good people

Jesus Christ died to save you from a punishment he gave out in the first place, and he didn't even stay dead, he came back to life in 3 days.

Lucifer's sacrificed his place in heaven and subjected himself to eternal damnation to bring knowledge and freedom to humanity.

Lucifer's sacrifice applies to all of humanity regardless of their beliefs or actions, and Lucifer simply wanted humans to think for themselves.

Ask yourself, who seems like the real hero here?

Think about it, in the interpretation, Lucifer refused to blindly fallow god's orders, and he wasn't acting out of malice or selfishness but out of a desire to create a better world. He wanted to illuminate the tearing of a divine ruler and gave individuals the power to choose their destiny.
He stands for freedom and knowledge.

Now, in contrast, Jesus is often betrayed as an obedient and submissive figure, he never questioned his father's will but instead excepted it unquestionably, even to his death. In fact, Jesus' message to salvation is called for conformity and submission to a higher power.

Mathew 5:39-5:40
Jesus Says “But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone is weak, slaps you on the right cheek, then turn to them the other cheek as well. And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand over your coat as well”.

Now you can imagine a verse like that basically! Teaches to let people walk all over you, and this could easily be exploited by the churches. To condition their followers to accept oppression. And keep them from challenging their status.

The truth is the churches have used the stories of Lucifer as forms of manipulation, brainwash and control. While Christ stands for submission and obedient and Lucifer stands for knowledge. And freedom, and what did the church do? They demonized Lucifer and matte Jesus their God. What better way to control the population by reinforcing the believers that they're broken weak dirty sinners that must be Submissive and obedient while also associating knowledge and freedom of thought as satanic.

Jesus has been used as a tool of the church to keep people in line and maintain their power over the masses, and it is no secret that the church has used Jesus to reinforce their agenda, throw out history. They used his teachings to justify wars, crusades, and the subjugation of entire populations… They've used him to maintain their power and control over the people, convincing. Then that their only hope for salvation lies in their church and its leaders.

But wait just a moment, the churches have treated the figure of Lucifer unfairly, making him out to be the devil himself. What if they treated Jesus unfairly too? What if they distorted Jesus like they distorted. Lucifer?

Allow me to explain… Remember how the name Lucifer Isn't even in the bible? Except for once in an older mistranslated versions? Well, the church & crafted this narrative about Lucifer over the years, well then of course, if you think about it, the serpent in the garden of Eden is never actually called Lucifer in the bible, the serpent isn't even called the devil either it's just some nameless serpent. That's it.

The church began to associate the serpent with Lucifer and the devil to demonize Knowledge.

In (The Secret Book of John), however, it is reviled that Jesus was in the garden of Eden and that he was the one who caused Eve and Adam to eat from the tree of knowledge.

In fact, it's reviled that Jesus, like Lucifer, is apposed to the evil creator god and wants to bring humanity knowledge.

Now inf then go you go to (The Secret Book of John) to Adam in Yaldabaoth's Paradise. Says: “As for the Tree called The knowledge of good and evil… They commanded (Adam) not to eat from it… However, I caused them to eat.”

What if Christs true message was one of love, freedom and equality rather than submission and obedience,

What If the church has distorted his teachings to suet their needs, just like they condemned Lucifer as satanic?

If we look at Jesus and Lucifer in this way, we can see that they're actually not so different, but were willing to stand up for what they believed in even if that ment going against the established order.

Both fought for freedom of humanity, and both have been represented and misunderstood by the church for centuries.

The point is this is all for control, these are all stories none of this happened none of this is real. This is all a war of the mind. A battle of ideas to enslave humanity or liberate humanity.

Who was actually in the garden of Eden? Was it Lucifer, was it just a nameless serpent, or was Jesus there?

(It doesn't matter there was no garden of Eden. It can be Lucifer, Jesus or the serpent, good or evil depending on your Interpretation.)

Now the problem is: People believe these stories are real, and so much of the destruction in the world today is caused by those fauls believes. Even though these stories didn't happen, the Ideas are very real and have been used to brainwash and enslave humanity.

So, why do people to continue to hold up Jesus as the ultimate hero, while demonizing Lucifer as the ultimate villain?

Well, they need a figure to represent evil to scare people and keep them from free away thought and knowledge, and they need a figure to represent the good as well as submission and obedience to keep people in line and to keep them

Coming back to church

But guess what, we can reject this binary and see both Jesus and Lucifer as complex, multidimensional figures. Both Jesus and Lucifer can be positive archetypes when interpreted as symbols of self-knowledge and freedom. But ultimately, the truth is we don't need Jesus or Lucifer or any other of the figures,

It is important to remember that these are just stories that everything is within us. Look inside to find true knowledge not to the church, god or any ancient stories!

Now, of course, this has been my interpretation. What do you think?

Now even if you want to discount these Gnostic Text banned by the churches and go strictly by what the mainstream Bibles say
You still have to explain why there's such a huge difference between the old testimet God and Jesus Christ of the new testimet.



Written by MYSTERIOUS_GIRL (Lizzy_3164)
Author's Note
I'm not religious, the modern Bibles of today doesn't make any sense at all, I don't waist my time praying to an invisible God that you can't see hear or touch as it is not one, nor ever gets answered.
I have been learning and doing some research speaking to the churches and learning about the Ancient history of Christianity and the banned books the churches do want us to know.
While doing research on the Banned Christian Gnostic Texts, they are nothing like these modern mainstream Bibles that are ment for controlling the people.
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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