Do You Read Me?

Do you read me, do you feel me,  
do you speak to me through the TV?
When I'm dead and gone no longer breathing,
Will you reach out to me through the Ouija,
In a dark room or an ark adrift on a blue sea?  
When I call your name and you get all queasy, will you light the space, seek the path that's easy?
Are you fine now, peacefully sleeping,
Or still feeding my ego with unceasing weeping?  
And grieving, your breath hot and heaving, hitching chest, a loop of my leaving?  
Is your chest tight, is your mind not quite
At its best and might you bind delight
To the masochism of your Sisyphean plight?
Do you fall down in exhaustion,  
ever clueless of the problem?
The gas lights, the gas clouds,
The dog bites, in dog towns
When the phone rings and that sound brings
A Pavlovian hope and your heart sings
one single note on broken heart strings,
But the voice isn't ever mine,  
it's only your own til the end of time,
Will you read me now, bereft of hope,
No longer needy, emptied of dope,
And see that it's always been a gallows rope?
You're not guilty, but innocent?
Written by SayQuois (JeremyK)
Published | Edited 17th Jul 2023
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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