Do You Know Me? Because I Don't

Who am I?
Well that depends
On the hour at hand
The month perhaps?
Or the year maybe?

I am charming
I am strong
I am disagreeable
I am weak

I laugh and cry
Sob and moan
The same as everyone else
Although I'm very different

I know who I want to be
But I don't know who I am
What I can be
Or how to achieve it

But for now I'm a brother

My writes teeter on light and darkness
An eloquent eclipse of lyrics
Made to walk the line
From calm to insane
To bridge the gap between love and hate

I am but a simple poet

A simple man

But I am no simpleton

I am the way God drew me
Written by ConsequentialChaos
Author's Note
We can be sure in our abilities, and the way we feel. However, can we truly know ourselves? The constant changes of life, and our environment. We constantly adapt to our surroundings. So I ask again, can we truly know ourselves?
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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