The Dream and the Myth

The Dream and the Myth

Floating weightless
Like a feather in the wind
Warm lagoon saltwater
Laps against my breasts
My ocean home
Milky Way streams across the inky black
Hera's milk lit with star fire
Stars twinkle in the glowing cloud
Stardust falling in my eye
Phosphorescent starfish
Looms at my right hand
Arms gently brushing my fingers
Pulsing with light
My hair swaying with wavelets
Sparks of light glittering on my skin
Tiny vessels of life illuminating my body
I a sea maiden, a being of light
My body feels fluid
A water creature am I
Filled with crimson fluid
Throbbing rivers of corpuscles
Flowing through my web of arteries
Hearing a soft voice carry on the breeze
Almost too lilting to be human
Some siren calling me from the depths
Beckoning me to come to her
Her voice sings a haunting melody
A song so sad yet filled with longing
Golden words pulling me
Drawing me to her iridescent body
As quickly as the breeze appears
across the silent waters
I feel fingers as soft as spider’s legs
scattering across my back
Hearing whispers of yearning
“Be mine, my love.”
Her face emerges from the darkened waters
Illuminated by glowing sparkles of life
A dazzling being
Celestial Goddess of the sea
Long black eyelashes are written on her forehead
Oval face, so soft and angelic
Almond eyes echoing the mystery within
Her body aglow with radiant love
The splendor of her face is made perfect by ruby lips
Glistening in glow star beings
Her hands cradle my baby soft back
Gently rocking my body as she treads
One hand cupping my derriere
The other tenderly supporting
my shoulder blades
She gazes at me with fiery eyes
Lit by the blaze of unrequited love
I have seen her so many times before
In dreams
When I pull from her embrace
Trying to escape my departure
From my earthly abode
Into realms of the eternal
Now she has entered my waking life
There will be no falling back now
My fate is sealed by her kiss
Her tongue plunges into my place of language
Speaking to me in the universal tongue of love
My surrender completed
With whimpers of lust escaping my lips
Our bodies thrashing about in a dance of love
As her hand finds my weakness
The place below my navel
Where the mystery of birth begins
The origin of all life
her fingers gently separate my womb portals
The petals of my life tunnel
Opening under her persistent prying
My submission fulfilled
As her left-hand grasps
the firm flesh of my derriere
Fingers sunk into the crevasse
Probing softly rear passage
Her right hand gently stroking like a virtuoso violinist
The length of my nether lips
Up and down each movement
Sending strains of glorious pleasure music through my vibrating body
Slowly the world around me
The sea and stars
Vanish into the flames of my passion
Leaving only my burning body
And her hands following my curves
The feel of her hand on my sex
Omni present throughout my being
My body hums with the heavenly chords
Nearing the final passage
into the crack between worlds
Where twilight of body
Merges into the sun of spirit
Endless palpitations of my heart
Beating drums of love beyond physical
Emergence into the spirit world
My salty fluids erupt into the salt sea
Procreative juice mixing with the birth womb of life
Where the first protoplasm divided
And cells began to exchange genes
The beginning of the dance of sex
Asexual giving way to sexual
My sex waters returning to the sea mother
The dream of release
From the cycle of death and rebirth
Dissolving as I wake
Milky Way appearing
through the cloud of my sleepy eyes
Arms and legs opening and closing
As I swim quietly to shore
Breathing slowly
Air flowing in and blowing out
Feeling my chest rise and fall
As waves gently tap my nipples
Splashing across my stomach
My night swim nearing completion
Mary greets me at the shore
Wrapping a blanket
around my moist heaving body
Leading me gently by hand
Into her dwelling
laying me on a soft mat of down
Her fingers leave trails
of smoke across my body
The dream become real
Written by goldenmyst
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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