The Empress of the Morning Star
- The Empress of the Morning Star -
In the fey courts of the ancient elfin kingdoms of old, of such antiquity that even the children of the goddess Dana could not have counted the generations back to the time in which those kingdoms were set upon the fathomless lands of the other world... and how great or small was the distance between and betwixt that world and this one. But in one of those great kingdoms, there was a certain princess whose name was Anudariel, whose noble house was known to the gods of earth and sea and sky and blessed by their mighty yet gentle hands. Her mother had been a great queen in those days, whose name was not lost to the generations that followed. She was not a High Queen as such, but a queen she was and one of the grandest reputations in the courts of the fair folk. Her name was Llana, and whilst not perhaps as fancy to the ear as a name such as Anudariel... she was far more famous than her daughter due to her varying skills and feats both of arms and of courtly subtlety. Her intrigues were infamous, whilst all her victories on the field of battle could not be counted even on a hundred pairs of hands. All of the women of their noble house had hair the color of deep burgundy and eyes the color of pale lavender, with skin as pale as ivory. All save for Anudariel, whose skin was as deep brown as the color of rich soil. That was a gift from her father, who was a prince from a distant kingdom that lay beneath the hot deserts of a part of the other world where famed merchants and noble explorers oft made great journeys to distant climes, this being how the man had met Queen Llana to begin with. Their love was at first naught but a dalliance, but in time it grew far, far deeper and though he had to return to his native land... where the man was said to be a great spiritual leader and teacher... a part of him remained in the form of the noble daughter whose face bore his likeness in such an uncanny way that the queen oft did a double take, her mind filled with surprise whenever it occurred to her just how much of Anudariel's father was actually a part of not just her appearance but in her mannerisms and certain facial expressions and ways of putting certain things with words. Of all the princesses of their house, it was she whom the queen most loved... and so she doted on her in all things and in all ways, favoring her highly. Unlike the queen, Anudariel was ever inclined to poetry and dreaming great dreams... and her talents lay in singing and dancing and in weaving stories to delight the hearts and minds of those who heard or read them. And so it was, that the princess joined the school of the bards and became the most esteemed bard of her age! Her voice, it was as music to hear, even when not in music so engaged... and her mind was filled with many splendid visions of grand and spectacular things. Many had courted her, but because of her position and the fact that even as a grown woman she had a childlike heart and nature... few found her to their liking. They were intimidated by the power and reputation of her house, and unable to quite comprehend what made this woman so special, so unique, and so different from all others. Many of the men of the other houses were used to a certain type of woman, and Anudariel was not like any of them. She was, they said oft, touched by the gods directly and her mother believed that she should not be judged by normal standard.
“It vexes me so, that men should hold me to such mediocre standards, when my mother says that I am quite apart from them!” the princess exclaimed to her serving girl Moira one day... whilst going through her closet to decide on what to wear for the upcoming party that her mother was hosting. “All because I do not pick up on the normal social cues... curtsy here, bow and giggle a certain way there... bat the eye but do not wink, make a jest but do not let it be too imaginative. Ridiculous rules, and I have not ever in all my years been able to comprehend such things! I wink if I like a man, my jests are always the highly imaginative sort that gained me fame as a weaver of tales and songs, and I simply will not giggle unless I truly find a man's humor to be funny. And mostly, I find them crass and dull... were they not noble by their blood I would take them for the worst sort of commoners, the ones that border on acting criminal! On top of all that, I hate batting my eyes... it is rather tiring if done too much, and looks rather silly.” to which Moira smiled, agreeing and adding in her own words: “Well said, milady. Oh, well said indeed!”
After a bit, Anudariel made her decision, picking the clothing she liked best for the occasion and had her serving girl lay the outfit out on a long table covered with a delicate tablecloth. “That will make for a splendid outfit for the upcoming party!” the princess exclaimed before picking up her favorite doll from a nearby shelf and hugging it tightly, allowing herself to express the child she felt she really was. “Moira, why do not any men seem to understand me?” she asked, to which the short girl answered her in as honest a tone as she could muster: “Perhaps because they are looking for a woman, when you are to be quite honest still a child? I mean no insult, and am merely making an observation milady. And to be honest... you know me, I always prefer to speak my mind about things rather than holding my words back even when I maybe should.” But that is what the princess liked about Moira. It was her honesty as a friend, not just as a servant, that oft inspired Anudariel herself to be more open with her words and all that she actually thought about things, rather than holding her tongue like a “proper lady”, which ever she was happy not to be. “I know, Moira... and as you know, I cannot help my nature! You do not think that my mother intends to arrange a marriage for me because of this do you?” to which the girl replied in her ever down to earth manner: “If she does go that route, then knowing your nature she will I am at my most certain be choosing a suitor for you wisely... one who would have to at least be made aware of your eccentricities.” To which the princess felt a sudden sensation of delight and excitement. She then danced about, doll in hand, singing silly nonsense songs to express her joy. Tiring herself doing that, the princess then sat down on the edge of her bed and lay back, staring up at the ceiling with her eyes wide, humming to herself. Moira sat down next to her and stroked her hair, finding it soft to the touch. The serving girl always enjoyed caressing her mistress' hair, and had a strong fondness for her that oft she found it difficult to put into words. “Milady... I am very fond of you, you know.” she said, to which the princess replied in her singsong voice: “I know, Moira! I am fond of you too. You are definitely the best of all my servants, and a really good friend.” Moira then suddenly kissed Anudariel's cheek and began to rain kisses all over her face and down her neck, whispering words of love to her as she did so. The princess knew then, that Moira was more than a friend to her, and she returned her passionate love with all the warmth and intensity that her serving girl was showering her with. Passing some time in the pleasantries of lovers' play, the two women spoke in hushed tones for a time after that, with Moira thus stating: “Milday... Anudariel... perhaps a woman might understand you better than any man? After all, we are far more nurturing in all our ways, and oft more compassionate too! Someone like me, perhaps, only one who is not a servant and so able to be a good match for you. A noblewoman, but one who is, like myself, capable of not just understanding you but loving you despite your being, well... eccentric.”
And so it was well and truly decided in all agreement, that noblewomen as well as noblemen would be accepted as worthy suitors for the slender hand of the princess Anudariel. With Moira being allowed to assist in approving the matches before it would come time for the princess to meet with them. The day of the party was fast approaching, and it was going to be a celebration regarding the anniversary of the founding of the kingdom. “I have always believed that rules are meant to be broken! And traditions changed, when necessary.” stated the queen to her advisors when asked about the decision. In the end, they were swayed by the queen's persuasiveness (and she could be very persuasive when her mind was set upon something!) and it was hoped that in time for the party there might have been time yet to thus arrange for some suitors to be present for the occasion. The queen said unto her daughter regarding the whole matter: “You may wed as your heart wills you, daughter, and not as tradition would dictate, but only so long as you choose one of noble blood. Other qualifications shall be at your own discretion, as ever, only this time I do believe that you will indeed find one of these people to be of your true liking.” And so did the princess find this to be agreeable, with Moira (who was present for this exchange) thus adding: “And make certain that you choose out of love, not just out of passion.” Her face was blushing.
Matters of state in those elfin kingdoms of the other world were oft matters of the heart first and ever foremost. People did not wed out of obligation so much as they did so out of devotion to the one whom their heart called to... though marriages of convenience or foolish matches made out of passion alone but not love had happened from time to time, and rarely resulted in bliss for those involved. Advantage in political games through marriage did occur, sometimes quite often, but never in a way that left those involved in such unions unhappy. For what use was there in a loveless union when high stakes might be on the line for those so engaged? And such unions were always undertaken with the utmost care for the parties involved. Queen Llana was not seeking any advantages for herself... she had the power she had sought in life, and was herself quite content. All she wished for was to see her daughter happy at last in a way that would ensure she would be taken care of well when the queen's time to pass on had come at last (however many hundreds and hundreds of years in the future that might be... for the elfin folk were quite long-lived indeed). It was noted that all prospective suitors for the hand of the princess Anudariel be also skilled in the arts of magic, for magic was something that the princess found delightful. And in those days, the old magics were still at their most powerful and undiminished! And so great feats, and great arts, could be woven from the weave of divine-granted powers. Many believed that in some way, Anudariel herself was tapping into such powers when she sang or danced, or recited poetry. For in all her words there was a power to move others, to fill them with emotions be they delight or sorrow. What she lacked in charisma she made up for with the power of her art, and that art was powerful beyond all that anyone realized at the time. On the day of the party, the princess appeared in the grand ballroom, as ever showing her propensity for being unusual. Moira was delighted, however, to notice the uniqueness.
Her outfit was of the style of those who dwelt in the distant lands whence her father had come... and in this way, the princess honored him well. She wore long flowing pantaloons of softest satin, gathered at the waist and ankles with drawstring... and the color of those were a rich scarlet. With those she wore a blouse of the same material and color, tucked into pants. It was long-sleeved, with sleeves as puffy as were the legs of the noble lady's pants. Around her waist, she wore a golden sash with a colorful leafy looking print upon it, the leaves of the print being a deep forest green. Gold were the slippers she wore often her feet, those same being soft yet with sturdy soles... and she wore upon her wrists many beaded bracelets of several colors and designs. Around her neck she wore a black choker in which was set an emerald gemstone that sparkled in practically any lighting, and her silky hair was put up and back with a golden hair cone, with her hair cascading down to her thighs (normally it reached to well below her knees). She wore small ruby stud earrings which were shaped like tiny flowers, and the makeup on her face was exquisitely elaborate... as was her want. In the middle of her forehead, she had one of those paste-on jewels, in this case a ruby, that was fashionable among young teenagers of the elfin lands in that time. Whilst other noblewomen might have chosen fancy gowns and a less eastern hair style, and perhaps more “classical” styled jewelry... Anudariel was at heart an eastern girl, and so that was how she expressed herself. Her father would have been proud! Many of her peers gossiped about her, said that this was all part of the reason why she could never find a suitor that found her to their liking... but many knew the truth, that being that the princess was beautiful and perfect just as she was. In ways that her peers simply could not understand, for their views were narrow in their scope of vision. She was an artist, and that was where Anudariel's truest magic lay! Courtiers bowed as the princess walked past all of them, and the herald who announced her by name to all present could not betray the adoration that he held for her. All of her subjects adored the princess, even if many did not comprehend her... and so this particular party appeared much like many others that came before it. Moira stood next to the queen near the throne, whilst the queen herself stood in front of it rather than sat upon it. The queen was a warrior first and foremost, and disliked the comforts of royalty. She was used to less formal means of relaxing.
The music began to play soon enough, the sounds of harps and flutes and lutes filling the hall with a myriad of splendid notes and snippets of symphonies, most of them composed on the spot. So talented were the bards who played the music, that they played totally by ear and sang with full memory of all the words... neither music sheets nor vocal parchments were needed for them to look at. The princess began to dance, and to sing along with the music... and soon, her angelic voice outshone all the others. People stopped dancing to look at her in wonder, and they began to wonder why it was that this special, delightful woman had no suitor as of yet. They forgot about tradition, about what was considered to be of the norm, and they were enchanted by the princess's artistry... her every movement and every word being sung, holding everyone present in a kind of a spell that was beyond all things. Soon, she ceased to sing and sat down on a marble bench to catch her breath. Moira went over to sit next to her, and said in that earthy tone that the serving girl had: “Well, that was incredible milady! I've never seen you perform with so much splendor before... not even in your professional performances.” to which the princess said in reply: “Oh Moira, I was not even trying to make it all that special, at least not consciously, I was just expressing myself is all. The same as I always do, most oft!” and Moira was surprised at that. She had always thought that perhaps Anudariel's performances were somehow calculated by the princess to be as magical as they were... but it seemed to her then, that this was a magic that was beyond Anudariel's ability to control. It was as natural a form of expression to her as laughing or crying might be. And that made it somehow even more magical! If Moira had not feel a deepest love for her mistress prior to this realization, she was wholly and utterly smitten with the princess now. “If only I had been born of noble blood and high birth! Then, I would not have to lose milady's affections to another on this sad day.” she thought to herself, careful not to utter those words aloud. She was not dressed nearly as splendid as was the princess, or any of the nobility present for this celebration... her attire was the functional clothing of the servant class. Plain white trousers, a white peasant-style blouse with short puffy sleeves, and a pair of brown leather sandals. At her waist the servant girl wore a purple silk sash, but otherwise her attire was unremarkable. And her ears were not pierced as was the custom of noblewomen... instead, she had no jewelry of her own to even wear. And as for makeup, Moira could only dream of what it might be like to wear it herself... having applied it to the face of the princess so very many times. Unlike the long and flowing hair of the princess, Moira's own hair was short and in a pixie style... she was fortunate in this, since most of the other servants all were required to shave their heads so as not to get their hair in food they prepared, and to ensure that their scalps were healthy. Since disease was known to occur at times among the servant and peasant classes, compared to the far healthier nobility of the other world, this was considered to be a necessary precaution. But Moira was almost a member of the royal family, rather than a servant, and so she was extended rights and privileges that other servants could only hope to dream about. Yet even so, her heart desired far more... and something within her knew it was what she should rightfully have, even if the law of the land said otherwise. “Why must nobility be decided by birth rather than by nobility of spirit?” she whispered low, under her breath. But the princess had keen hearing and heard Moira very clearly. She then put her arm around the servant girl and so said in a very tender whisper: “I wish the same thing, Moira! For both of our sake.” and at that moment Moira wanted very much to weep, to cry her heart out loudly and in public... but she dared not shame the royal court in such a way. So she swallowed her sorrow, and stared deeply into Anudariel's eyes, imagining with all her heart that she could do so forever. Her heart was breaking, her mind was beginning to fill with pain, and her pain was beginning to manifest itself physically so that the servant girl's head actually started to hurt. And this was something that had never happened to her before save only after laborious work or in moments when she ran or exerted herself too much physically. Moira wondered, if perhaps there might be something wrong because of this, but had no wish to trouble the physicians with it. Instead, she tried to ignore the pain and concentrate of living wholly within this moment, wishing that it need never end.
Each of the suitors presented themselves before the gathered nobility of the kingdom, and each man and woman of the lot showed off their magical abilities along with any other talents they possessed. As the day went on, it became less like an audition of prospective matches for the princess, and instead it got to be more like a boring talent show where each contestant tries their hardest to outdo the ones who went before him or her. So impressed with themselves and their talents they were, that it took nearly the whole morning before things got to the point where the princess could ask them serious and meaningful questions about themselves, about love, and about what they had to offer her as a prospective spouse. In each and every case, the majority of them seemed to not quite comprehend the questions being asked of them, all of which the princess cleverly prepared in order to gauge if any of these people could truly and honestly love and understand her as a person. But so into themselves were they, that they missed out on the whole point of this prospective union... it was not intended to be about them bettering their own lots in life by marrying into this prestigious royal house. It was supposed to be about love, about being most willing to care for someone, especially for someone who is different. But instead, they seemed to be all going out of their way to show how different they were, and it came off as almost imitation. Anudariel did not want someone who was exactly like her, or who thought they were like her. She wanted to be with someone she truly connected with, who understood her childlike heart and her magical dreams. It was tiring for her, listening to people whose voices dripped with insincerity, overt flattery, and a very obvious intention to woo her with cheap magics and even cheaper attempts at feigning understanding. And so, as the day passed into early evening... it became evident and obvious that perhaps no one in all the kingdom truly understood the heart and mind of the princess Anudariel. Only Moira truly did, and it was a fact that she was forbidden from marrying into a noble house of any kind. As the first stars of the night appeared in the heavens, a single mourning dove changed to descend from outside and to perch upon the rafters high above the ballroom below. It watched all the doings with great interest, and began to make that soothing sound that mourning doves make, cooing softly and almost like a song that only those birds knew the meaning of and words to. The princess could hear to sound of the dove, and also Moira did hear it too, and it was like a soothing music in their souls. “Do you see that, milady? That is a rare thing, to see a dove in the high rafters like that!” and the princess agreed that she had only seen a sight like that but precious few times in all the years of her life in the royal palace. It was far from being a colorful bird, but it had a certain magic to it that always captivated the princess since she was little, so that even now she felt how special it truly was. The wonder of it was upon her, and she made noises in imitation of the bird's cooing, not perfect by far but in her imagination it was exactly right. Some of the gathered nobles laughed and chuckled a bit at this, thinking perhaps the princess was being silly, as was oft her way. But something was serious within her, and she wanted to capture in her voice the beauty of the call of the mourning dove, to show everyone present just how sad she felt. And as if by magic, the dove's cooing sounds changed suddenly into sounds not very unlike a maiden's voice weeping... and it made the princess to weep as well, and Moira joined her in weeping. There was an air of sorrow in the elfin court of this noble house in that hour, and even the queen was moved to tears. Soon, the queen so asked as soon as she was able to compose herself: “Oh by the oldest of all the gods and goddess of my ancestors! Why do we all feel to sad all of a sudden? It is like we are all under some sort of an awful type of spell... yet, I know of no magic that can move one to tears that feel so heart wrenching and real.” But the aura of sorrow would not diminish, and soon it progressed to a feeling of utter dread that was so real feeling, that many of the nobles actually thought to flee the ballroom... but were so pinned by the grip of anxiety and fear that was swiftly welling up inside of them, that they dared not even move from where they sat or stood. The music and singing of the bards all ceased, and only the mournful weeping could be heard echoing through the vast and opulent chamber. How could a solitary bird weave such a spell? And yet, there was some magic at work here, even if it was unknown to the minds of all present.
And the voice of the bird cried out in an elfin speech that everyone could understand, saying: “I weep for the loneliness of two women who, because of tradition, are fated to pine for each other bitterly, unto perhaps the ends of their days! But lo! Within the hour there shall descend into this place another bird, this one very different from myself... and that bird flies hither from out the east, bearing news that is for the ears of all within this noble court. Stay within this chamber until that messenger arrives, and cease your tears but do not forget how they felt. For they were already beginning within the heart of the lovely princess Anudariel and her beloved servant Moira, however forbidden their love might seem to you all due to the difference in their rank and station. But there are gods and goddesses even older than those of which your ancestors knew, and those same know of things beyond the ken of even the wisest of all the fair folk! Remain, then, and soon you shall learn the meaning of my words and what is so intended.” after which the mourning dove flew back outside, and the auditioning of the suitors was stopped. For in the face of this new knowledge, no man or woman had the heart to come between the princess and her beloved servant. Yet, they were all bound by tradition and unable to change the law that bound them as cruelly as any shackles of painful iron every could. The queen was silent, and had not the words to thus speak... she merely looked sadly at her daughter and at dear Moira, and she wanted to break down and cry despite all her years of training and discipline as a warrior queen. She wanted to take her crown off of her own head and hurl it down the steps of the dais on which her throne loomed... how many thrones and throne rooms did one palace need, after all! How many crowns, on how many heads, did this world need? If a throne or a crown could not bestow happiness... what matters it if one has all the power in all of existence! And the queen's heart was heavy, for she wanted to please her daughter. But now she fully understood the truth of why it never had worked out between Anudariel and any of her suitors. Always, her heart was intended for another... for one that could never by law receive that affection openly. And in that knowledge, the queen's own heart was breaking for her daughter's loss of happiness. As well as for Moira, who had over the years become much like a daughter to the queen already, and not like any sort of a servant at all. “Moira...” the queen then said, beckoning for she and Anudariel to come before her. The queen was sitting on the floor, on the top steps of the high dais before the throne. And so did the two women come hither, and they sat on either side of the queen. Moira asked: “Yes, my queen? I live to serve you... as you well know.” The princess was so nervous that she kept fidgeting with her fingers and playing with the drawstrings of her pants whilst rocking back and forth anxiously. All the while, in total silence but with eyes filled with tears. The queen swallowed hard, then continued: “My dear Moira... do you truly love my daughter with all your heart and soul, as the bird claims?” and unto this the servant girl could keep silent no longer. She said, her own eyes big and filled with emotions of a sort that until now she never imagined she could give voice to before the entire royal court: “Yes, my queen, I do indeed love your daughter... beyond the sun and the moon, beyond the stars in the heavens. She is special in ways even you cannot imagine, but I have seen to the depths of her soul and spirit and in them there is something of the gods and goddesses at work. It is something I love, something that is calling to me, and something I cannot and will not ever ignore. Even if you marry her to another this very day, I will continue to love her, and we will simply continue to express our love in secret. But, I do wish we did not have to do so in the shadows... when we are supposed to be a people of light and life. But what is life without love? And our love for each other is true, your majesty! If she perished on the morrow, I would go into the afterlife to find her... for I cannot live in any world where she is not. She is like a child sometimes, and that innocence means she needs someone who will protect her forever. In my heart there exists a warrior's spirit I never realized I had within me... yet, your daughter brings this out in me, this instinct to protect her. Even as her passion, and mine, are often far less innocent in their lusty expressions and in our warm embraces.” And the queen was silent after hearing Moira speak in such impassioned, honest tones. Moira was always honest with people, and always spoke only of truth.
True to the mourning dove's words, within the hour there descended into the ballroom a snow-white owl from the highest of the high rafters, having gotten in from outside and having flown a shockingly vast distance all the way from the kingdoms of the farthest east. The owl transformed into an old man with a long white beard, wearing snow-white robes and a cloak of the same pale color. The man had a belt on his waist with many pouches attached to it, and from one of them he withdrew a parchment that he took a bit to read to himself before speaking. And when he spoke, his voice was loud and booming, but not unnatural just very deep and resonating in a way that carried when he raised it. And his voice was raised for this occasion! These were the words he spoke: “My lords and ladies of this grand court, esteemed as it is even in the lands whence I come... I am here on this night to inform you of something of which you may not any of you be even remotely aware. The gods and goddesses have seen what goes on here, and know of the plight of the two lovers for which all gathered are doubtless concerned. There is a law in this land, is there not, which states that a servant, commoner, or peasant may not marry into the nobility?” and the queen said in a sorrowful tone: “That there is, much to my dismay and much to my daughter's suffering. To say nothing of dear Moira's suffering, which may be even more profound!” And the old man, who had the look of a great wizard to him, exclaimed after that: “The one whom you know as Moira is not who or what you think her to be. She was adopted after birth into the house of two loving parents in your kingdom, parents who just happened to be servants... but those same were not her true parents at all. Rather, she was brought to this kingdom from the east in order so that she might be spared the destruction of her homeland at the hands of the dark elves who have risen up very violently in that part of the other world of late, emerging from their underground domains in order to defy the light once again. Her appearance is also false, for a glamour was placed on her before she was sent away to this land... in order to protect her from many enemies. For a woman who is half of the fair folk and half of dark elfin blood could potentially have many foes to worry about indeed!” And with a wave of the wizard's hand, Moira's appearance changed in an instant... she wore the same attire she had on previously, that of a servant, but her physical form was that of someone else now. Her skin was pale in a way that was whiter than should be considered healthy, and had a light yellowish sheen to it here and there that some might consider sickly. Yet, for a half dark elf this coloration of skin was far from being uncommon when the other half of the person's blood was of the nobility of the fair folk. Her hair was still short, but in color it was jet black... and her eyes were so dark a shade of brown that they may as well have been black too. Her face and body had scars upon it, for it was known that the dark elves had a penchant for ritual scarring of their bodies... and at birth, the children of dark elfin nobility were always subjected to this, at least in the lands of the east. Though they had other traditions elsewhere... some gentler and less painful by far. Thus was it evident that Moira was the daughter of two very noble bloodlines. But two who were mortal enemies of each other! “Some wished to see her slain, deeming her to be a shameful abomination, a forbidden union of two races who historically despise one another. And her own parents were killed in the course of events... the queen of the eastern fair folk kingdom of Naridor, and the king of the dark elfin surface nation of Tholban. Their deaths caused a civil war, and it was believed that the little girl so born of their union was slain... for her having been spirited away is a thing that was never made public until this hour in this place where we now gather. However, the dark elves of the subterranean kingdoms have risen up to avenge the death of that king who was their own kindred... blaming the fair folk for his death. And the fair folk seek vengeance for the death of she who had been a great queen of their race! And both seek justice for the death of the child who should have succeeded the two slain rulers. They are locked in a genocidal struggle fueled by pain and loss, and it is stoking ancient hatreds and prejudices on both sides. But the time has come to end this war... for it is a fact that neither side knows that the child who was born of this union was both fair folk and dark elf in blood. Each side claims she was only fair folk or dark elf, not both as is actually the case. So you see!”
“You see, that Moira is a very special woman indeed! With a great destiny... for if she were to marry into your noble house my queen, then it would be a union between the east and the west that has never occurred before in all the history of this faerie world. And with your armies to back her, she could go to her native lands and there I shall await to proclaim her the heir to both of the warring kingdoms, and in that hour they would see the truth and cease their fighting. The east would be united under her rule, and by virtue of your being her mother if she were to marry your daughter... you would be the first queen in all of your line, and indeed in all of memory to preside over a united land where west ant east have but a single ruler. As a warrior queen, surely that is something that would be agreeable to you?” and upon hearing all that said to her by the old wizard she nodded her head and agreed, saying: “I know not who you be, and in truth I sense something of the divine about you... but you seem to know me well, wizard! And all that you have revealed unto us in this hour, gives us much to consider. But we shall consider the finer points when there is time to... for now, I shall agree to your proposal, for it would bring about peace to our troubled lands and stop a war that has grown nearly out of control by the sound of it. But... all of this can be, only if my daughter is willing to accept Moira as her wife. And now that Moira's true identity has been revealed... we need to learn if Anudariel still wishes to be with Moira at all. After all, whilst I do not believe my daughter harbors any ill will toward the dark elves... only she truly knows all that is within her heart.” And the princess Anudariel stood up from the steps, calming her nervousness as best as she could before stating loudly and clearly: “I loved Moira before, and I love her still. I care not what blood she possesses, or what she looks like glamour or no glamour. I would have defied all of my kingdom's tradition just to be with her, after all! But now, knowing that peace can come of it and an end to so much death, suffering, and war... I am even happier to accept her hand in marriage, if she will still have me as her wife in turn.” to which Moira stood up and said proudly: “Oh, Anudariel, my love... I do, I truly do accept your gentle and sweet hand in marriage! Would you be willing to accompany me when I must go out to the east, to meet with the old wizard so that we can see to all that must be done there? I know you are a child in your heart, and that the sight of certain things might disturb you... but anything terrible that is happening out there, we can face together and put a stop to for all of time.” to which the princess Anudariel said happily: “I would journey with you even to Hell itself, my beloved one... for with you at my side, I could face a thousand times a thousands terrors!” and so they both did smile, and the wizard gave his parchment into the queen's hands for safekeeping. It was the record of Moira's birth and had on it the names of her parents as well as her original birth name... which was as follows: “Princess Morinia, ruler by right of birth over the two kingdoms of Naridor and Tholban. Long may she reign, and may her reign be a just one!” So were the words inscribed at the bottom of the scroll that related the circumstances of her birth. “I will send this with you, when you go.” the queen said unto Moira, instructing her to read it aloud before a gathering of the leaders of both of the warring kingdoms. The old wizard stated that this was indeed his entire plan, and after that he became an owl again and did fly back eastward to prepare for the ending to a bloody period of conflict that now had a real resolution.
The two princesses were wed well before midnight, and their honeymoon was brief but pleasant. And when it was over, they gathered a great host of fair folk warriors... and had their silver helmets painted black in one side to symbolize the union of the fair folk and the dark elfin peoples. The warriors were so instructed to also paint half of their bodies black too, and so this symbolic gesture was amplified by the addition to all their banners of symbols of dark elfin design, ones that would be recognized in the lands of the east. So that both fair folk and dark elfin symbols were upon those banners and could be seen across a great battlefield if necessary. At the head of this mighty army rode two horses... a black one on which Moira rode proud and strong, looking in her ceremonial armor and royal finer like a true warrior queen. And a white one which bore on its' back the princess Anudariel, whose smile was bright.
Never had there been before such a grand gathering of two kingdoms as there were on the day when the two princesses arrived at the agreed-upon meeting place that the old wizard sent word about prior to when Anudariel and Moira were ready to set out with their army. It was a place with a great history to it, an ancient monument site in the deep desert... where events of consequence to both the fair folk and the peoples of the dark elves' race had transpired. Had the steeds not been conditioned by magic for the heat of the desert, then surely the horses would have perished along the way... but the princesses had in their wisdom thought to see to such eventualities, along with packing plenty of food and water for the journey. A great camp was raised at the monument site, and there were clear lines drawn where those of one kingdom did not interact with those of the other. The old wizard stood between, and was reading to them an epic poem that was of mythological impotence to both peoples. Ere long, and after resting for a bit following the long journey eastward to this place... the princesses cleaned their garments, washed and perfumed themselves with floral scents, and soon were ready to deliver a speech the likes of which no one had ever heard before. Whilst Moira spoke before the gathered peoples, all was silent... and her voice was commanding, filled with passion, urging peace instead of war and using her very existence as an example of why this war was now futile to continue. Then, Moira fell silent and Anudariel began to sing... her voice weaving a beautiful song about love, about Moira being a creation of the love that two people had for each other regardless of race or creed. It became a song about not just those two rulers... but of these two peoples, uniting in love to create something beautiful and unique in all the world. And there was magic, power in this song! It swept over the gathered nobles and their war hosts, and all those soldiers and knights who heard it dropped their weapons where they stood, their eyes filled with tears of joy and wonder. Never had they heard the like of such song before! And everyone who heard that song on that day... each person was changed by it, and would never be the same again. The old wizard was smiling, seeing the effect that Anudariel's magic had upon those who listened to her singing, and in that hour he knew that he had chosen well in urging Queen Llana to allow for the marriage of these two fair and wondrous princesses. A document was created to finalize the peace treaty between the two realms, as within it was written an article merging the two kingdoms into one... and allying them by blood right with Anudariel's kingdom. Moira, was so named Queen Morinia of the Kingdom of Naridor-Tholban, and Anudariel was named officially as Moira's royal consort... with the old wizard being in charge of the official coronation ceremony, which was held before nightfall on that very day on which the peace treaty was signed. And because of this change in Moira's royal status, there was a change in the status of Queen Llana's title as well, with her becoming now known as High Queen Llana, a title given to so recognize that she herself was now the mother of a queen and the monarch over three kingdoms, two of which now had their own queen in the form of Moira. In time, other kingdoms flocked to their banners, and soon there was created a great bright empire... and when its' first ruling empress, Llana, finally saw her very last days of life, passing beyond the other world into the realms of the gods who exist beyond even its' vast shores, Anudariel became empress in her place, choosing to move the imperial capital to the lands that she now shared rule over along with her beloved Moira. “It has been thousands of years since any empire bore this name.” the old wizard remarked one day, for although eternally old the god whom he truly was did not need to worry about the ravages of time, or the fear of eventual death. This was in regard to the choice of a name for the empire, to which Empress Anudariel stated in her typically musical tone of voice: “Do you not like it, sir? I mean, Moira and I both feel that it is very evocative of what we have always wished to accomplish for these lands.” and the old wizard chuckled a bit and then replied: “Oh, worry not my empress! I am certain you would not appreciate the irony anyway. It is from a bit before your time, after all.” And never did the empress think it strange that the name that was thus picked for this great empire was as follows: “The Empire of the Morning Star”. For a new dawn was so come upon the other world, and it was one to which its' troubled lands were quite happy to awaken to.
In the fey courts of the ancient elfin kingdoms of old, of such antiquity that even the children of the goddess Dana could not have counted the generations back to the time in which those kingdoms were set upon the fathomless lands of the other world... and how great or small was the distance between and betwixt that world and this one. But in one of those great kingdoms, there was a certain princess whose name was Anudariel, whose noble house was known to the gods of earth and sea and sky and blessed by their mighty yet gentle hands. Her mother had been a great queen in those days, whose name was not lost to the generations that followed. She was not a High Queen as such, but a queen she was and one of the grandest reputations in the courts of the fair folk. Her name was Llana, and whilst not perhaps as fancy to the ear as a name such as Anudariel... she was far more famous than her daughter due to her varying skills and feats both of arms and of courtly subtlety. Her intrigues were infamous, whilst all her victories on the field of battle could not be counted even on a hundred pairs of hands. All of the women of their noble house had hair the color of deep burgundy and eyes the color of pale lavender, with skin as pale as ivory. All save for Anudariel, whose skin was as deep brown as the color of rich soil. That was a gift from her father, who was a prince from a distant kingdom that lay beneath the hot deserts of a part of the other world where famed merchants and noble explorers oft made great journeys to distant climes, this being how the man had met Queen Llana to begin with. Their love was at first naught but a dalliance, but in time it grew far, far deeper and though he had to return to his native land... where the man was said to be a great spiritual leader and teacher... a part of him remained in the form of the noble daughter whose face bore his likeness in such an uncanny way that the queen oft did a double take, her mind filled with surprise whenever it occurred to her just how much of Anudariel's father was actually a part of not just her appearance but in her mannerisms and certain facial expressions and ways of putting certain things with words. Of all the princesses of their house, it was she whom the queen most loved... and so she doted on her in all things and in all ways, favoring her highly. Unlike the queen, Anudariel was ever inclined to poetry and dreaming great dreams... and her talents lay in singing and dancing and in weaving stories to delight the hearts and minds of those who heard or read them. And so it was, that the princess joined the school of the bards and became the most esteemed bard of her age! Her voice, it was as music to hear, even when not in music so engaged... and her mind was filled with many splendid visions of grand and spectacular things. Many had courted her, but because of her position and the fact that even as a grown woman she had a childlike heart and nature... few found her to their liking. They were intimidated by the power and reputation of her house, and unable to quite comprehend what made this woman so special, so unique, and so different from all others. Many of the men of the other houses were used to a certain type of woman, and Anudariel was not like any of them. She was, they said oft, touched by the gods directly and her mother believed that she should not be judged by normal standard.
“It vexes me so, that men should hold me to such mediocre standards, when my mother says that I am quite apart from them!” the princess exclaimed to her serving girl Moira one day... whilst going through her closet to decide on what to wear for the upcoming party that her mother was hosting. “All because I do not pick up on the normal social cues... curtsy here, bow and giggle a certain way there... bat the eye but do not wink, make a jest but do not let it be too imaginative. Ridiculous rules, and I have not ever in all my years been able to comprehend such things! I wink if I like a man, my jests are always the highly imaginative sort that gained me fame as a weaver of tales and songs, and I simply will not giggle unless I truly find a man's humor to be funny. And mostly, I find them crass and dull... were they not noble by their blood I would take them for the worst sort of commoners, the ones that border on acting criminal! On top of all that, I hate batting my eyes... it is rather tiring if done too much, and looks rather silly.” to which Moira smiled, agreeing and adding in her own words: “Well said, milady. Oh, well said indeed!”
After a bit, Anudariel made her decision, picking the clothing she liked best for the occasion and had her serving girl lay the outfit out on a long table covered with a delicate tablecloth. “That will make for a splendid outfit for the upcoming party!” the princess exclaimed before picking up her favorite doll from a nearby shelf and hugging it tightly, allowing herself to express the child she felt she really was. “Moira, why do not any men seem to understand me?” she asked, to which the short girl answered her in as honest a tone as she could muster: “Perhaps because they are looking for a woman, when you are to be quite honest still a child? I mean no insult, and am merely making an observation milady. And to be honest... you know me, I always prefer to speak my mind about things rather than holding my words back even when I maybe should.” But that is what the princess liked about Moira. It was her honesty as a friend, not just as a servant, that oft inspired Anudariel herself to be more open with her words and all that she actually thought about things, rather than holding her tongue like a “proper lady”, which ever she was happy not to be. “I know, Moira... and as you know, I cannot help my nature! You do not think that my mother intends to arrange a marriage for me because of this do you?” to which the girl replied in her ever down to earth manner: “If she does go that route, then knowing your nature she will I am at my most certain be choosing a suitor for you wisely... one who would have to at least be made aware of your eccentricities.” To which the princess felt a sudden sensation of delight and excitement. She then danced about, doll in hand, singing silly nonsense songs to express her joy. Tiring herself doing that, the princess then sat down on the edge of her bed and lay back, staring up at the ceiling with her eyes wide, humming to herself. Moira sat down next to her and stroked her hair, finding it soft to the touch. The serving girl always enjoyed caressing her mistress' hair, and had a strong fondness for her that oft she found it difficult to put into words. “Milady... I am very fond of you, you know.” she said, to which the princess replied in her singsong voice: “I know, Moira! I am fond of you too. You are definitely the best of all my servants, and a really good friend.” Moira then suddenly kissed Anudariel's cheek and began to rain kisses all over her face and down her neck, whispering words of love to her as she did so. The princess knew then, that Moira was more than a friend to her, and she returned her passionate love with all the warmth and intensity that her serving girl was showering her with. Passing some time in the pleasantries of lovers' play, the two women spoke in hushed tones for a time after that, with Moira thus stating: “Milday... Anudariel... perhaps a woman might understand you better than any man? After all, we are far more nurturing in all our ways, and oft more compassionate too! Someone like me, perhaps, only one who is not a servant and so able to be a good match for you. A noblewoman, but one who is, like myself, capable of not just understanding you but loving you despite your being, well... eccentric.”
And so it was well and truly decided in all agreement, that noblewomen as well as noblemen would be accepted as worthy suitors for the slender hand of the princess Anudariel. With Moira being allowed to assist in approving the matches before it would come time for the princess to meet with them. The day of the party was fast approaching, and it was going to be a celebration regarding the anniversary of the founding of the kingdom. “I have always believed that rules are meant to be broken! And traditions changed, when necessary.” stated the queen to her advisors when asked about the decision. In the end, they were swayed by the queen's persuasiveness (and she could be very persuasive when her mind was set upon something!) and it was hoped that in time for the party there might have been time yet to thus arrange for some suitors to be present for the occasion. The queen said unto her daughter regarding the whole matter: “You may wed as your heart wills you, daughter, and not as tradition would dictate, but only so long as you choose one of noble blood. Other qualifications shall be at your own discretion, as ever, only this time I do believe that you will indeed find one of these people to be of your true liking.” And so did the princess find this to be agreeable, with Moira (who was present for this exchange) thus adding: “And make certain that you choose out of love, not just out of passion.” Her face was blushing.
Matters of state in those elfin kingdoms of the other world were oft matters of the heart first and ever foremost. People did not wed out of obligation so much as they did so out of devotion to the one whom their heart called to... though marriages of convenience or foolish matches made out of passion alone but not love had happened from time to time, and rarely resulted in bliss for those involved. Advantage in political games through marriage did occur, sometimes quite often, but never in a way that left those involved in such unions unhappy. For what use was there in a loveless union when high stakes might be on the line for those so engaged? And such unions were always undertaken with the utmost care for the parties involved. Queen Llana was not seeking any advantages for herself... she had the power she had sought in life, and was herself quite content. All she wished for was to see her daughter happy at last in a way that would ensure she would be taken care of well when the queen's time to pass on had come at last (however many hundreds and hundreds of years in the future that might be... for the elfin folk were quite long-lived indeed). It was noted that all prospective suitors for the hand of the princess Anudariel be also skilled in the arts of magic, for magic was something that the princess found delightful. And in those days, the old magics were still at their most powerful and undiminished! And so great feats, and great arts, could be woven from the weave of divine-granted powers. Many believed that in some way, Anudariel herself was tapping into such powers when she sang or danced, or recited poetry. For in all her words there was a power to move others, to fill them with emotions be they delight or sorrow. What she lacked in charisma she made up for with the power of her art, and that art was powerful beyond all that anyone realized at the time. On the day of the party, the princess appeared in the grand ballroom, as ever showing her propensity for being unusual. Moira was delighted, however, to notice the uniqueness.
Her outfit was of the style of those who dwelt in the distant lands whence her father had come... and in this way, the princess honored him well. She wore long flowing pantaloons of softest satin, gathered at the waist and ankles with drawstring... and the color of those were a rich scarlet. With those she wore a blouse of the same material and color, tucked into pants. It was long-sleeved, with sleeves as puffy as were the legs of the noble lady's pants. Around her waist, she wore a golden sash with a colorful leafy looking print upon it, the leaves of the print being a deep forest green. Gold were the slippers she wore often her feet, those same being soft yet with sturdy soles... and she wore upon her wrists many beaded bracelets of several colors and designs. Around her neck she wore a black choker in which was set an emerald gemstone that sparkled in practically any lighting, and her silky hair was put up and back with a golden hair cone, with her hair cascading down to her thighs (normally it reached to well below her knees). She wore small ruby stud earrings which were shaped like tiny flowers, and the makeup on her face was exquisitely elaborate... as was her want. In the middle of her forehead, she had one of those paste-on jewels, in this case a ruby, that was fashionable among young teenagers of the elfin lands in that time. Whilst other noblewomen might have chosen fancy gowns and a less eastern hair style, and perhaps more “classical” styled jewelry... Anudariel was at heart an eastern girl, and so that was how she expressed herself. Her father would have been proud! Many of her peers gossiped about her, said that this was all part of the reason why she could never find a suitor that found her to their liking... but many knew the truth, that being that the princess was beautiful and perfect just as she was. In ways that her peers simply could not understand, for their views were narrow in their scope of vision. She was an artist, and that was where Anudariel's truest magic lay! Courtiers bowed as the princess walked past all of them, and the herald who announced her by name to all present could not betray the adoration that he held for her. All of her subjects adored the princess, even if many did not comprehend her... and so this particular party appeared much like many others that came before it. Moira stood next to the queen near the throne, whilst the queen herself stood in front of it rather than sat upon it. The queen was a warrior first and foremost, and disliked the comforts of royalty. She was used to less formal means of relaxing.
The music began to play soon enough, the sounds of harps and flutes and lutes filling the hall with a myriad of splendid notes and snippets of symphonies, most of them composed on the spot. So talented were the bards who played the music, that they played totally by ear and sang with full memory of all the words... neither music sheets nor vocal parchments were needed for them to look at. The princess began to dance, and to sing along with the music... and soon, her angelic voice outshone all the others. People stopped dancing to look at her in wonder, and they began to wonder why it was that this special, delightful woman had no suitor as of yet. They forgot about tradition, about what was considered to be of the norm, and they were enchanted by the princess's artistry... her every movement and every word being sung, holding everyone present in a kind of a spell that was beyond all things. Soon, she ceased to sing and sat down on a marble bench to catch her breath. Moira went over to sit next to her, and said in that earthy tone that the serving girl had: “Well, that was incredible milady! I've never seen you perform with so much splendor before... not even in your professional performances.” to which the princess said in reply: “Oh Moira, I was not even trying to make it all that special, at least not consciously, I was just expressing myself is all. The same as I always do, most oft!” and Moira was surprised at that. She had always thought that perhaps Anudariel's performances were somehow calculated by the princess to be as magical as they were... but it seemed to her then, that this was a magic that was beyond Anudariel's ability to control. It was as natural a form of expression to her as laughing or crying might be. And that made it somehow even more magical! If Moira had not feel a deepest love for her mistress prior to this realization, she was wholly and utterly smitten with the princess now. “If only I had been born of noble blood and high birth! Then, I would not have to lose milady's affections to another on this sad day.” she thought to herself, careful not to utter those words aloud. She was not dressed nearly as splendid as was the princess, or any of the nobility present for this celebration... her attire was the functional clothing of the servant class. Plain white trousers, a white peasant-style blouse with short puffy sleeves, and a pair of brown leather sandals. At her waist the servant girl wore a purple silk sash, but otherwise her attire was unremarkable. And her ears were not pierced as was the custom of noblewomen... instead, she had no jewelry of her own to even wear. And as for makeup, Moira could only dream of what it might be like to wear it herself... having applied it to the face of the princess so very many times. Unlike the long and flowing hair of the princess, Moira's own hair was short and in a pixie style... she was fortunate in this, since most of the other servants all were required to shave their heads so as not to get their hair in food they prepared, and to ensure that their scalps were healthy. Since disease was known to occur at times among the servant and peasant classes, compared to the far healthier nobility of the other world, this was considered to be a necessary precaution. But Moira was almost a member of the royal family, rather than a servant, and so she was extended rights and privileges that other servants could only hope to dream about. Yet even so, her heart desired far more... and something within her knew it was what she should rightfully have, even if the law of the land said otherwise. “Why must nobility be decided by birth rather than by nobility of spirit?” she whispered low, under her breath. But the princess had keen hearing and heard Moira very clearly. She then put her arm around the servant girl and so said in a very tender whisper: “I wish the same thing, Moira! For both of our sake.” and at that moment Moira wanted very much to weep, to cry her heart out loudly and in public... but she dared not shame the royal court in such a way. So she swallowed her sorrow, and stared deeply into Anudariel's eyes, imagining with all her heart that she could do so forever. Her heart was breaking, her mind was beginning to fill with pain, and her pain was beginning to manifest itself physically so that the servant girl's head actually started to hurt. And this was something that had never happened to her before save only after laborious work or in moments when she ran or exerted herself too much physically. Moira wondered, if perhaps there might be something wrong because of this, but had no wish to trouble the physicians with it. Instead, she tried to ignore the pain and concentrate of living wholly within this moment, wishing that it need never end.
Each of the suitors presented themselves before the gathered nobility of the kingdom, and each man and woman of the lot showed off their magical abilities along with any other talents they possessed. As the day went on, it became less like an audition of prospective matches for the princess, and instead it got to be more like a boring talent show where each contestant tries their hardest to outdo the ones who went before him or her. So impressed with themselves and their talents they were, that it took nearly the whole morning before things got to the point where the princess could ask them serious and meaningful questions about themselves, about love, and about what they had to offer her as a prospective spouse. In each and every case, the majority of them seemed to not quite comprehend the questions being asked of them, all of which the princess cleverly prepared in order to gauge if any of these people could truly and honestly love and understand her as a person. But so into themselves were they, that they missed out on the whole point of this prospective union... it was not intended to be about them bettering their own lots in life by marrying into this prestigious royal house. It was supposed to be about love, about being most willing to care for someone, especially for someone who is different. But instead, they seemed to be all going out of their way to show how different they were, and it came off as almost imitation. Anudariel did not want someone who was exactly like her, or who thought they were like her. She wanted to be with someone she truly connected with, who understood her childlike heart and her magical dreams. It was tiring for her, listening to people whose voices dripped with insincerity, overt flattery, and a very obvious intention to woo her with cheap magics and even cheaper attempts at feigning understanding. And so, as the day passed into early evening... it became evident and obvious that perhaps no one in all the kingdom truly understood the heart and mind of the princess Anudariel. Only Moira truly did, and it was a fact that she was forbidden from marrying into a noble house of any kind. As the first stars of the night appeared in the heavens, a single mourning dove changed to descend from outside and to perch upon the rafters high above the ballroom below. It watched all the doings with great interest, and began to make that soothing sound that mourning doves make, cooing softly and almost like a song that only those birds knew the meaning of and words to. The princess could hear to sound of the dove, and also Moira did hear it too, and it was like a soothing music in their souls. “Do you see that, milady? That is a rare thing, to see a dove in the high rafters like that!” and the princess agreed that she had only seen a sight like that but precious few times in all the years of her life in the royal palace. It was far from being a colorful bird, but it had a certain magic to it that always captivated the princess since she was little, so that even now she felt how special it truly was. The wonder of it was upon her, and she made noises in imitation of the bird's cooing, not perfect by far but in her imagination it was exactly right. Some of the gathered nobles laughed and chuckled a bit at this, thinking perhaps the princess was being silly, as was oft her way. But something was serious within her, and she wanted to capture in her voice the beauty of the call of the mourning dove, to show everyone present just how sad she felt. And as if by magic, the dove's cooing sounds changed suddenly into sounds not very unlike a maiden's voice weeping... and it made the princess to weep as well, and Moira joined her in weeping. There was an air of sorrow in the elfin court of this noble house in that hour, and even the queen was moved to tears. Soon, the queen so asked as soon as she was able to compose herself: “Oh by the oldest of all the gods and goddess of my ancestors! Why do we all feel to sad all of a sudden? It is like we are all under some sort of an awful type of spell... yet, I know of no magic that can move one to tears that feel so heart wrenching and real.” But the aura of sorrow would not diminish, and soon it progressed to a feeling of utter dread that was so real feeling, that many of the nobles actually thought to flee the ballroom... but were so pinned by the grip of anxiety and fear that was swiftly welling up inside of them, that they dared not even move from where they sat or stood. The music and singing of the bards all ceased, and only the mournful weeping could be heard echoing through the vast and opulent chamber. How could a solitary bird weave such a spell? And yet, there was some magic at work here, even if it was unknown to the minds of all present.
And the voice of the bird cried out in an elfin speech that everyone could understand, saying: “I weep for the loneliness of two women who, because of tradition, are fated to pine for each other bitterly, unto perhaps the ends of their days! But lo! Within the hour there shall descend into this place another bird, this one very different from myself... and that bird flies hither from out the east, bearing news that is for the ears of all within this noble court. Stay within this chamber until that messenger arrives, and cease your tears but do not forget how they felt. For they were already beginning within the heart of the lovely princess Anudariel and her beloved servant Moira, however forbidden their love might seem to you all due to the difference in their rank and station. But there are gods and goddesses even older than those of which your ancestors knew, and those same know of things beyond the ken of even the wisest of all the fair folk! Remain, then, and soon you shall learn the meaning of my words and what is so intended.” after which the mourning dove flew back outside, and the auditioning of the suitors was stopped. For in the face of this new knowledge, no man or woman had the heart to come between the princess and her beloved servant. Yet, they were all bound by tradition and unable to change the law that bound them as cruelly as any shackles of painful iron every could. The queen was silent, and had not the words to thus speak... she merely looked sadly at her daughter and at dear Moira, and she wanted to break down and cry despite all her years of training and discipline as a warrior queen. She wanted to take her crown off of her own head and hurl it down the steps of the dais on which her throne loomed... how many thrones and throne rooms did one palace need, after all! How many crowns, on how many heads, did this world need? If a throne or a crown could not bestow happiness... what matters it if one has all the power in all of existence! And the queen's heart was heavy, for she wanted to please her daughter. But now she fully understood the truth of why it never had worked out between Anudariel and any of her suitors. Always, her heart was intended for another... for one that could never by law receive that affection openly. And in that knowledge, the queen's own heart was breaking for her daughter's loss of happiness. As well as for Moira, who had over the years become much like a daughter to the queen already, and not like any sort of a servant at all. “Moira...” the queen then said, beckoning for she and Anudariel to come before her. The queen was sitting on the floor, on the top steps of the high dais before the throne. And so did the two women come hither, and they sat on either side of the queen. Moira asked: “Yes, my queen? I live to serve you... as you well know.” The princess was so nervous that she kept fidgeting with her fingers and playing with the drawstrings of her pants whilst rocking back and forth anxiously. All the while, in total silence but with eyes filled with tears. The queen swallowed hard, then continued: “My dear Moira... do you truly love my daughter with all your heart and soul, as the bird claims?” and unto this the servant girl could keep silent no longer. She said, her own eyes big and filled with emotions of a sort that until now she never imagined she could give voice to before the entire royal court: “Yes, my queen, I do indeed love your daughter... beyond the sun and the moon, beyond the stars in the heavens. She is special in ways even you cannot imagine, but I have seen to the depths of her soul and spirit and in them there is something of the gods and goddesses at work. It is something I love, something that is calling to me, and something I cannot and will not ever ignore. Even if you marry her to another this very day, I will continue to love her, and we will simply continue to express our love in secret. But, I do wish we did not have to do so in the shadows... when we are supposed to be a people of light and life. But what is life without love? And our love for each other is true, your majesty! If she perished on the morrow, I would go into the afterlife to find her... for I cannot live in any world where she is not. She is like a child sometimes, and that innocence means she needs someone who will protect her forever. In my heart there exists a warrior's spirit I never realized I had within me... yet, your daughter brings this out in me, this instinct to protect her. Even as her passion, and mine, are often far less innocent in their lusty expressions and in our warm embraces.” And the queen was silent after hearing Moira speak in such impassioned, honest tones. Moira was always honest with people, and always spoke only of truth.
True to the mourning dove's words, within the hour there descended into the ballroom a snow-white owl from the highest of the high rafters, having gotten in from outside and having flown a shockingly vast distance all the way from the kingdoms of the farthest east. The owl transformed into an old man with a long white beard, wearing snow-white robes and a cloak of the same pale color. The man had a belt on his waist with many pouches attached to it, and from one of them he withdrew a parchment that he took a bit to read to himself before speaking. And when he spoke, his voice was loud and booming, but not unnatural just very deep and resonating in a way that carried when he raised it. And his voice was raised for this occasion! These were the words he spoke: “My lords and ladies of this grand court, esteemed as it is even in the lands whence I come... I am here on this night to inform you of something of which you may not any of you be even remotely aware. The gods and goddesses have seen what goes on here, and know of the plight of the two lovers for which all gathered are doubtless concerned. There is a law in this land, is there not, which states that a servant, commoner, or peasant may not marry into the nobility?” and the queen said in a sorrowful tone: “That there is, much to my dismay and much to my daughter's suffering. To say nothing of dear Moira's suffering, which may be even more profound!” And the old man, who had the look of a great wizard to him, exclaimed after that: “The one whom you know as Moira is not who or what you think her to be. She was adopted after birth into the house of two loving parents in your kingdom, parents who just happened to be servants... but those same were not her true parents at all. Rather, she was brought to this kingdom from the east in order so that she might be spared the destruction of her homeland at the hands of the dark elves who have risen up very violently in that part of the other world of late, emerging from their underground domains in order to defy the light once again. Her appearance is also false, for a glamour was placed on her before she was sent away to this land... in order to protect her from many enemies. For a woman who is half of the fair folk and half of dark elfin blood could potentially have many foes to worry about indeed!” And with a wave of the wizard's hand, Moira's appearance changed in an instant... she wore the same attire she had on previously, that of a servant, but her physical form was that of someone else now. Her skin was pale in a way that was whiter than should be considered healthy, and had a light yellowish sheen to it here and there that some might consider sickly. Yet, for a half dark elf this coloration of skin was far from being uncommon when the other half of the person's blood was of the nobility of the fair folk. Her hair was still short, but in color it was jet black... and her eyes were so dark a shade of brown that they may as well have been black too. Her face and body had scars upon it, for it was known that the dark elves had a penchant for ritual scarring of their bodies... and at birth, the children of dark elfin nobility were always subjected to this, at least in the lands of the east. Though they had other traditions elsewhere... some gentler and less painful by far. Thus was it evident that Moira was the daughter of two very noble bloodlines. But two who were mortal enemies of each other! “Some wished to see her slain, deeming her to be a shameful abomination, a forbidden union of two races who historically despise one another. And her own parents were killed in the course of events... the queen of the eastern fair folk kingdom of Naridor, and the king of the dark elfin surface nation of Tholban. Their deaths caused a civil war, and it was believed that the little girl so born of their union was slain... for her having been spirited away is a thing that was never made public until this hour in this place where we now gather. However, the dark elves of the subterranean kingdoms have risen up to avenge the death of that king who was their own kindred... blaming the fair folk for his death. And the fair folk seek vengeance for the death of she who had been a great queen of their race! And both seek justice for the death of the child who should have succeeded the two slain rulers. They are locked in a genocidal struggle fueled by pain and loss, and it is stoking ancient hatreds and prejudices on both sides. But the time has come to end this war... for it is a fact that neither side knows that the child who was born of this union was both fair folk and dark elf in blood. Each side claims she was only fair folk or dark elf, not both as is actually the case. So you see!”
“You see, that Moira is a very special woman indeed! With a great destiny... for if she were to marry into your noble house my queen, then it would be a union between the east and the west that has never occurred before in all the history of this faerie world. And with your armies to back her, she could go to her native lands and there I shall await to proclaim her the heir to both of the warring kingdoms, and in that hour they would see the truth and cease their fighting. The east would be united under her rule, and by virtue of your being her mother if she were to marry your daughter... you would be the first queen in all of your line, and indeed in all of memory to preside over a united land where west ant east have but a single ruler. As a warrior queen, surely that is something that would be agreeable to you?” and upon hearing all that said to her by the old wizard she nodded her head and agreed, saying: “I know not who you be, and in truth I sense something of the divine about you... but you seem to know me well, wizard! And all that you have revealed unto us in this hour, gives us much to consider. But we shall consider the finer points when there is time to... for now, I shall agree to your proposal, for it would bring about peace to our troubled lands and stop a war that has grown nearly out of control by the sound of it. But... all of this can be, only if my daughter is willing to accept Moira as her wife. And now that Moira's true identity has been revealed... we need to learn if Anudariel still wishes to be with Moira at all. After all, whilst I do not believe my daughter harbors any ill will toward the dark elves... only she truly knows all that is within her heart.” And the princess Anudariel stood up from the steps, calming her nervousness as best as she could before stating loudly and clearly: “I loved Moira before, and I love her still. I care not what blood she possesses, or what she looks like glamour or no glamour. I would have defied all of my kingdom's tradition just to be with her, after all! But now, knowing that peace can come of it and an end to so much death, suffering, and war... I am even happier to accept her hand in marriage, if she will still have me as her wife in turn.” to which Moira stood up and said proudly: “Oh, Anudariel, my love... I do, I truly do accept your gentle and sweet hand in marriage! Would you be willing to accompany me when I must go out to the east, to meet with the old wizard so that we can see to all that must be done there? I know you are a child in your heart, and that the sight of certain things might disturb you... but anything terrible that is happening out there, we can face together and put a stop to for all of time.” to which the princess Anudariel said happily: “I would journey with you even to Hell itself, my beloved one... for with you at my side, I could face a thousand times a thousands terrors!” and so they both did smile, and the wizard gave his parchment into the queen's hands for safekeeping. It was the record of Moira's birth and had on it the names of her parents as well as her original birth name... which was as follows: “Princess Morinia, ruler by right of birth over the two kingdoms of Naridor and Tholban. Long may she reign, and may her reign be a just one!” So were the words inscribed at the bottom of the scroll that related the circumstances of her birth. “I will send this with you, when you go.” the queen said unto Moira, instructing her to read it aloud before a gathering of the leaders of both of the warring kingdoms. The old wizard stated that this was indeed his entire plan, and after that he became an owl again and did fly back eastward to prepare for the ending to a bloody period of conflict that now had a real resolution.
The two princesses were wed well before midnight, and their honeymoon was brief but pleasant. And when it was over, they gathered a great host of fair folk warriors... and had their silver helmets painted black in one side to symbolize the union of the fair folk and the dark elfin peoples. The warriors were so instructed to also paint half of their bodies black too, and so this symbolic gesture was amplified by the addition to all their banners of symbols of dark elfin design, ones that would be recognized in the lands of the east. So that both fair folk and dark elfin symbols were upon those banners and could be seen across a great battlefield if necessary. At the head of this mighty army rode two horses... a black one on which Moira rode proud and strong, looking in her ceremonial armor and royal finer like a true warrior queen. And a white one which bore on its' back the princess Anudariel, whose smile was bright.
Never had there been before such a grand gathering of two kingdoms as there were on the day when the two princesses arrived at the agreed-upon meeting place that the old wizard sent word about prior to when Anudariel and Moira were ready to set out with their army. It was a place with a great history to it, an ancient monument site in the deep desert... where events of consequence to both the fair folk and the peoples of the dark elves' race had transpired. Had the steeds not been conditioned by magic for the heat of the desert, then surely the horses would have perished along the way... but the princesses had in their wisdom thought to see to such eventualities, along with packing plenty of food and water for the journey. A great camp was raised at the monument site, and there were clear lines drawn where those of one kingdom did not interact with those of the other. The old wizard stood between, and was reading to them an epic poem that was of mythological impotence to both peoples. Ere long, and after resting for a bit following the long journey eastward to this place... the princesses cleaned their garments, washed and perfumed themselves with floral scents, and soon were ready to deliver a speech the likes of which no one had ever heard before. Whilst Moira spoke before the gathered peoples, all was silent... and her voice was commanding, filled with passion, urging peace instead of war and using her very existence as an example of why this war was now futile to continue. Then, Moira fell silent and Anudariel began to sing... her voice weaving a beautiful song about love, about Moira being a creation of the love that two people had for each other regardless of race or creed. It became a song about not just those two rulers... but of these two peoples, uniting in love to create something beautiful and unique in all the world. And there was magic, power in this song! It swept over the gathered nobles and their war hosts, and all those soldiers and knights who heard it dropped their weapons where they stood, their eyes filled with tears of joy and wonder. Never had they heard the like of such song before! And everyone who heard that song on that day... each person was changed by it, and would never be the same again. The old wizard was smiling, seeing the effect that Anudariel's magic had upon those who listened to her singing, and in that hour he knew that he had chosen well in urging Queen Llana to allow for the marriage of these two fair and wondrous princesses. A document was created to finalize the peace treaty between the two realms, as within it was written an article merging the two kingdoms into one... and allying them by blood right with Anudariel's kingdom. Moira, was so named Queen Morinia of the Kingdom of Naridor-Tholban, and Anudariel was named officially as Moira's royal consort... with the old wizard being in charge of the official coronation ceremony, which was held before nightfall on that very day on which the peace treaty was signed. And because of this change in Moira's royal status, there was a change in the status of Queen Llana's title as well, with her becoming now known as High Queen Llana, a title given to so recognize that she herself was now the mother of a queen and the monarch over three kingdoms, two of which now had their own queen in the form of Moira. In time, other kingdoms flocked to their banners, and soon there was created a great bright empire... and when its' first ruling empress, Llana, finally saw her very last days of life, passing beyond the other world into the realms of the gods who exist beyond even its' vast shores, Anudariel became empress in her place, choosing to move the imperial capital to the lands that she now shared rule over along with her beloved Moira. “It has been thousands of years since any empire bore this name.” the old wizard remarked one day, for although eternally old the god whom he truly was did not need to worry about the ravages of time, or the fear of eventual death. This was in regard to the choice of a name for the empire, to which Empress Anudariel stated in her typically musical tone of voice: “Do you not like it, sir? I mean, Moira and I both feel that it is very evocative of what we have always wished to accomplish for these lands.” and the old wizard chuckled a bit and then replied: “Oh, worry not my empress! I am certain you would not appreciate the irony anyway. It is from a bit before your time, after all.” And never did the empress think it strange that the name that was thus picked for this great empire was as follows: “The Empire of the Morning Star”. For a new dawn was so come upon the other world, and it was one to which its' troubled lands were quite happy to awaken to.
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