Sybil_StarWitch (Sybille Anne Martin)

Lost Thinker
United States
Read Poems (10)
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Birthday 10th January
Member Since 13th July 2022
Sybil_StarWitch joined 965 days ago and last visited 783 days ago
Comments 62
Forum Posts 9
Group Posts 0

Poet Introduction

Hello there! My name is Sybil. Welcome to my poetic world of dark and wondrous things. Here you will find magic, mysticism, aliens, angels and all manner of subjects. Allow me to take you on a journey through the universe as I see it! Blessed be.

Favorite Poets/Writers

Percy Bysshe Shelley, William Blake, Lord Byron, Sappho, Ursula K. Le Guin, J.R.R. Tolkien

About Me

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Greetings and well met, fellow poets and artists! My name is Sybille Anne Martin, but almost everyone simply calls me Sibyl. I am a practicing Wiccan Minister, Pagan and proud, and I am the kind of poetess who enjoys writing about all manner of subjects that spark an interest inside my mind. Magic, mysticism, aliens and angels all have a place within my writings! As well as in my varied and multi-faceted beliefs. I tend to put pen to paper pretty much whenever the inspiration comes to me, which can be quite often indeed. I am a licensed psychiatrist, so a lot of my insight into human nature tends to find its' way into my poetry. I can be pretty dark with my works though, but the dark side is a part of the universe after all! Blessed be.

My Reading List

Full Reading List
The Serafino Christmas Reunion by Kou_Indigo (Karam L. Parveen-Ashton)
Mad Princess by CrazyPrincess_Chlo (Chloe A. Harper-Ashton)
Magical Day by CrazyPrincess_Chlo (Chloe A. Harper-Ashton)
I Saw a Unicorn! by CrazyPrincess_Chlo (Chloe A. Harper-Ashton)
Flowers Spin by CrazyPrincess_Chlo (Chloe A. Harper-Ashton)
Little Jenny and Pale Lily by Kou_Indigo (Karam L. Parveen-Ashton)

Poets I Follow
