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His sting

His sting

He rolls into the Dungeon, you keep your eyes down on the floor, he binds your hands together, you know what this is for

He pulls on a pulley your arms stretch up to the sky, there's no point in struggling but then why would you even try

You hear him roll to the wall, it's where all his tools are hung, a array of pleasure and pain, all designed for fun

You know he's made a choice you hear a flick and then a crack, he's picked his favourite whip, designed to mark your back

He is beside you now, your feel him stroke your skin, a tender reminder, before you lose your mind to sin

Anticipation is building, you feel juices running down your thighs, as the first strikes laid on you, you scream out a sexual cry

The whips bite caresses you, you're wrapped in its strong embrace, even with your eyes closed you know there's a smile upon his face

Then he lands another, this one strikes your gorgeous bum, he knows all the places to strike, that will make you cum

He runs his hands across your skin, he reads the welts like Braille, he delivers pain and tenderness, your orgasms never fail

Another sting, another bite, your rewards another mark, pain, love and control, builds up the passions spark

Your desire burns brightly, the whip kiss and bites ignite your flames, no matter how or where they land one thing remains the same

Once he has had his fill, as always he will sit you on his lap, wash you then dry your skin, then together you will nap

Wrapped in each others arms, with all the joy that brings, you must always share some tenderness, once you've felt his sting

Written by averageJoe69 (Ron Summers)
Author's Note
Crack of his whip
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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