a theatre production i'm in. there was a zoom meeting, and some of the other actors weren't happy about stuff. later today is the first rehearsals since the protest, things could be tense. personally i just want to get on with it without the shenanigans. the dispute should be recorded, it may make a production in itself! lol! x
Prima Donnas? In theatre? You must be jesting,,,,,,,PS: what sort of production? Some new work, or an old classic? PS: I wish you luck. or as they say around here 'break a leg'' (that's suppose to be for good luck. Does not make sense to me, but ...)
new work, i think they should retitle it as Angst! it's kind of a history of famous lgbt people in history i'm Lili Elbe better known through the film, the Danish Girl who was played by Eddie Redmayne, the problem there was the film industry likes to tweak around with history, but was good as an intro to the wider world, he was a bit to young by about 15 years, and i'm a bit to old by about 15 years! lol! one day, they'll be one that's just the right age. a bit like porridge, and the 3 bears! :)