My dude may be demon, but I can read his mind reading my mind, and double-blindfold kick him in the behind! 😹😻
Hello?! Does nobody understand that Cait and I read each other's minds?!! Check the timestamps on my page. BTW, Cait's text-boxes are purple. Ray message-boxes are white. *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
...REWRITTEN FROM MEMORY (fix your scripts, Kevin @ AP).
I get tired of ruminating on my own cud, so if having a cow and being utterly rude is the crud-kickin' attitude that kowtows you to my calves so your calves can find the teet, and your studs can hit the heat, then dudes, that's what I'm gonna do.
The poem here is a PREVIEW. The link (which is where you wanna go) directs to a screenshot of the original spew which is an SMS convo between two poets. The screenshot clearly shows us that not only did the two poets read each other's mental brews (clear across the country's noisy main avenue), but the timestamps also prove that the two poets can craft smutty masterpieces in mere minutes (this is probably a world record too).
If you can't appreciate that, then it's either due to: your attention span, your pride, your spine, OR you're just too prude to intelligibly operate on something that is seemingly lewd. ...Was this plain enough English for you? The proof is in the pudding. Again, I'm NOT a put-down artist. I'm a shock artist generously offering vermouth to chase down the uncouth. "The Truth" is the artist putting you down... And the wheels on Rkorenfield's short-bus doth propound. Any questions before we go 'round-for-round'?