Image for the poem This Is Mayhem

This Is Mayhem

The sky's alive with bewildered gods, who are lost in dreams
Heaven's fallen, leaving them in cinders from burning reams
It's the Devil's storm, for he lit the fuse, to ignite all Hell's fire
Sending forth the furious flames, to reach further and higher
Incinerating incendiaries consumed and laid waste the clouds
Steepling stygian plumes billowed to cloak with toxic shrouds
Mythical apparitions formed, in smoke, we couldn't slay them
As Hell was rising, we almost lost the plot, for this is mayhem
Yonder though, beyond the cremated earth and ash of lumber
Here lies our hope as we swim in the seas of tranquil slumber
Eden's been razed to graves by the proselytised waking dead
Manifesting destinies, but in our lucid dreams we won't be led
Written by Xaphan
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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