

The blood pressure of the nation has reached new heights.
The division continues the grow between blacks and whites.
The government defecates over the bill of rights,
while laughing at us all as their hands around our throats continues to become more tight.
Protests erupt as cities burn to the ground at night.
The media reports the chaos much to their delight.
Stroke the fire and stir the pot!
They believe their lies will never be caught,
but seeing through the deception is what I’ve been taught
and even though bring us all together will be a long shot,
I will work hard that accomplish it without a second thought.
Get ready for a truth onslaught.

Hate has consumed the hearts of many.
I’m told kindness still exists but I’m not seeing any.
Red versus blue, each side thinking they are right,
but supporters of both sides are blind and not very bright,
since they both serve the same master to accomplish the same goal.
They are two parts of the same whole.
Lies are passed off as truth and truth sold as lies.
Its not a surprise so many reject the creator and refuse to get baptized,
unable to see through Satan’s disguise.
We are moving very rapidly towards our demise.
But it is not yet our time to die.
A counter attack is being mobilized.
The time to come together is now.
Closing the divide is my vow.
Fear has a tight grip over many people’s lives,
causing a divide between family members, even husbands and wives.
One insists on a mask and hiding away in fear,
the other insisting no mask and living their lives the same as every other year.

Take a deep breath and allow yourself to relax.
Its time to come together and get back on track.
Don’t allow media fueled fear to cloud your judgement.
Doing so will cause your self esteem and happiness to plummet.
Go outside and enjoy the sun.
Get together with friends and have some fun.
Go on a vacation to get away from it all.
Don’t lock yourself away behind closed walls.
Allow yourself to be happy and free from fear.
Turn off your tv and phone and allow our mind to be clear.
Remember lies are being presented as truth and truth dragged through the mud as lies,
in an effort to break us apart and turn us on each other, uncivilized.

White versus black.
Republican versus democrat.
North versus south.
Mask versus no mask.
Deadly virus versus no big deal.
Lock down versus open economy.
Fixed election versus honest election.
Social distance versus being together.

All designed to divide and conquer us,
while governors and government officials pass orders that violate our rights and are treasonous.
Ignore the media and the lies they tell.
Reject both major political parties and get out from underneath their spell.
Protect your constitutional rights and reject tyranny.
Its very important we come together again as a kind and loving society.
Love your neighbors, love your family and love your enemies just the same.
Set aside all our differences and stop looking down on each other in shame!
We are created to be different because being the same would be very boring,
so love each other, be respectful of each other and greet everyone with a smile that is kind and warming.

Written by TylerZ (Tyler)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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