“Scare Tactics”  ... A Poem written by Big Virge  15/10/2020

It’s CLEAR That ...
... Government Tactics ...
Are Now Causing DAMAGE ... !!!
To Employment And Lives ...
That Are Now COLLAPSING ... !!!
Due To Tactics UNWISE  ...
That Are Now Causing PANIC ... !!!
Because They’ve Downsized ...
What Was Once Known As LIFE ...
Through Tactics Ill Advised ...
Due To CORONA’s RISE ... !!!
But Could It Be SCARE TACTICS ... ?
That Are Being Employed ...
To Make Heads PARANOID ... !!!
For A BIGGER Agenda ...
Where What They Will Render ...
Is A World of CONTROLS ...
As New Tech Unfolds ...
To Create A New Mould ...
Where Humans Get Told ...
Where It Is They Can Go ...
And ... WHEN To Do So ... !!!
A Tactic That’s BOLD ... !!!
Where Freedom Is Sold ...
To ... Corporate Folds ...
And Those Who Uphold ...
Lockdowns And Tech Goals ...
That Embrace ...
... Track And Trace ...
And Corona War Games ... !!!

Where New Tech Takes The Place ...
of Us Being ... HUMANE ... ?!?
These Tactics ... DISMAY ...
When They LOCK AWAY Brains ...  
In Ways That RESTRAIN ...
And Causes World PAIN ...

Due To Low Rates of PAY ...
And Jobs ... TAKEN AWAY ... !!!
Because of These Tactics ...

That Clearly Are LACKING ... !!!
A Way To DEFEAT ...
This Corona Disease ... !!!
WITHOUT Tactically Needing ...
To Create ... VACCINES ... !!!
That ... INEVITABLY ...
May Be Used FORCIBLY ... !?!
For People To FREELY ...
Travel And Walk Streets ... !?!
Well Their Tactics To Me ...
Are Those That Now WREAK ...
of Something UNGODLY ...
That People DON’T Need ... !!!

But Their Tactics Are Working ...
When People Are YEARNING ...
To ... Once Again Be ...
Earning MONEY ...
To Feed VANITY ...
ABOVE Staying HEALTHY ... !!!

A Tactic That’s Worked ...
To Make A Human Breed ...
Who CAN’T Even See ...
That These New Policies ...

Are Those That Will STEAL ...
Their Right To Be ... FREE ...

Freedoms RESTRICTED ...
By Tactics HARD HITTING ...
That Aren’t Finger Licking ... !!!

But What Is Their Mission ...
New Age CONSTRICTION ... ?!?
Where Heads Are CONDITIONED ...
To ... IMBALANCED Living ... !!!
These Tactics Invoke ...
A World of NO HOPE ...
For Lots of POOR Folks ...
As Well As The OLD ...

And This Is NO JOKE ... !!!
These Tactics Are COLD ...
And May Dig Some Deep Holes... !!!
Where Folks DON’T Want To Go ... !!!
I HOPE That Down The Road ...
People DO NOT FORGO ... !!!
A Level of ... THINKING ...
Where MASSIVE Resistance ...
Is Something That’s Shown ...
To These People In POWER ...
Whose Tactics Leave SOUR ... !!!
Tastes In Young Mouths ...
Whose Futures Face Clouds ...
That Are Darker Than Men ..
Who Choose To BEHEAD ...
Teachers Who Are French ... !?!?!
Because of Things Said ...
In Things They’ve Expressed ...
That Made Them Get VEX ... !!!
Tactics So DREAD ... !!!
That They Now Lead To DEATHS ... !!!
Like Those Caused By FEDS ...
And This Virus That’s Sent ...
A Whole Set of Tactics ...
Now Claimed To DEFEND ...
The Masses From Ashes ...
And People Left DEAD ... !!!
But As I Have Said ...
They’re Causing PROBLEMS ...
Between Congressmen ...
Presidents And PM’s ...
Because of These Tactics ...
That Clearly Have Bred ...
Words of DEFIANCE ...
As Well As DISSENT ... !!!
From Political Heads ...
And Their Constituents ... !!!
And Of Course Now Racism ...
Is ... Tactically Driven ...
From Being In Vision ...
In Films And Folks Thinking ...
As If THIS Makes A Difference ...
To Those In Positions ...
Where Racism's Hidden ... !!!
Well My Poetic Tactics ...
Deal In ... REALISM ...
In Things That I’ve Written ...

Like Minds Now Held CAPTIVE ...
Like Slaves Taking Lashes ...
Because of Their Ramblings ...
That Now Seem OUTLANDISH ... !!!
In A World That's Now ...  
Which May Simply Be ...
Because of ...  
" SCARE Tactics “ .......
Written by BigVirge (Big Virge)
Author's Note
In such a crazy time, one has to wonder what tactics are being used, and for what purpose, when it comes to the powers that be ?
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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