Heaven's Meat Grinder

Systems synchronized and ready,
Channels locked into their place,
The meat grinder lubricated up,
Time to flick a switch and watch,
A velvet sea of blood in rotation,
Spun for humanitarian purpose,
Bubbling dead dreams on its surface,
Drowning my mangled voice out,
So loud you scream all you want,
On the wrong side of the glass,
Nuclear bombs and martyrdom,
Gravely mistaken for matrimony,
Right on the tongue right on the money,
Thousand years of rape and enslavement,
Breath of the dying given birth to the next,
Cracking clouds and God comes down,
Takes one look around shaking His head,
Displeased with us and all that we said,
Before He turns away I must ask Him this,
Are we changing the killing climate correctly,
Shredded by your blade coughing up coffins,
Are we the animal made in Your Image,
A village pillaged for all the drugs digested,
Shook up from ten bars and an oxycodone,
Might not wake up but who wants to live,
Give me barbiturates or give me death,
What anxious ones said on their death beds,
Suicidal tendencies and homicidal fantasies,
Paradigms designed by our my invisible inquisition,
Kind of unfair to ask people to be peaceful here,
Blood and guts finger painting,
Vomit up my words onto paper,
Swish it around with my hands,
Until I'm satisfied that it is art,
Start in the dark ending the same,
How momentum gains never catches,
Living and dying suffer in between,
Right or wrong and their codependence,
Lightyears from making any sense,
Tense situation it has all us in,
Fodder for the next hell arisen.
Written by glfinding (Steven Delauder)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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