I Know What Fobbed Off Feels Like

In my limited experience dealing social services
I can say the one assigned to me is an unsympathetic cunt
either that or of gross incompetence that she would more be suited to selling time shares

Come to think of it why is it mainly women that work here
I get that you are busy
what with standing overseer of all those broken homes
it is beyond a joke having to chase you
for a response... Two fucking weeks pass
yet stiil my daughters toys sit here bagged up, awaiting an unceremonious
collection, her clothes too tagged up folded neatly in a corner...
Never responding on time or at all
Ring ring
Ring ring

Well you know this situation finds me shit out of luck, drowning in bills, debt and rent arrears. Upside down staring at the emotional shredder

that's not her problem

Well this bank statement says joint account

Again sorry got nothing to do with her not her problem

No wonder male suicide is on the rise in this country, when that is what you deal with and how you get treated
makes you think do they even remotely care or are they facilitating the numbers

Not saying all fathers are saints here, just that the numbers favor the women disproportionately
I have spoken to teenagers old enough to be mine, had I had children at their age. The response is mostly always the same... The male changes, somewhat broken never the same.
Former social workers them selves voice their disgust at how this archaic system treats the men

I could mention I'd been bashed and raped dying of cancer
Wouldn't matter would just fall on deaf ears

I am just another statistical number on a fat ledger book, like millions of other men in this country
Cast aside thrown to the gutter, literally in many cases. Its fucking disgusting
Written by Carpe_Noctem
Author's Note
To all the fathers out there going through the same deal. I feel your pain
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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