Friend of Mine

You told me everything.

How your mother feared you'd turn bad,
Like a rotten tomato, infecting the others around it.
So she'd try to control everything you did to keep you good.

You told me about the fights with your younger brother,
And how you felt like strangers under the same roof.
So it became easier not to talk at all.

You told me about your friends,
And that no one understood you as well as I did.
How they found lovers who became their world,
And that you'd never abandon what we had like that.

In the end, you found a world of your own,
Too small, so there was no space for me in it.
You introduced me to new friends, hurt and betrayal
When you walked away like I was the destroyer of something good.

I screamed at you and threw your words in your face,
But you never looked back even once, and so
I was left with only memories of something once precious.
You were my best friend, and I gave you my heart.
You threw it away, and I've been trying to find it ever since.
Written by Panda-Paw (UrbanPoe)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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