A Twist of A Vampire’s Fate VI
Sighisoara, Romania
Dracon entered through the foyer of his home. He stood in place, listening to raised voices, female voices; the sweetest sounds in the land. He straightened the black silk tie resting against the white shirt of his Kenneth Cole double-breasted suit. Dracon cleared his throat and entered his living room.
The Director of the Archeologist Department walked the length of the lavish room.
“Good evening Professor Constantine.”
Mr. Peeples extended his hand.
Dracon extended his hand and shook Mr. Peeples’ hand.
Mr. Peeples immediately snatched his hand back.
“My apology; I was crushing ice in the kitchen.”
“Very well then.”
Mr. Peeples pivoted and looked back at his students.
“These are all the seven students who have won the exclusive rights to enter into the program for this summer. Everyone is most gracious for the invitation.”
Dracon sniffled the air.
Shit, no virgin pussy, or the particular scent his nostrils have been trained to recognize.
“Professor Constantine.”
Dracon cleared his throat and solicited Mr. Peeples’ attention.
“Please forgive my musing.”
“Please join my staff and me for a formal sit down dinner, which has been prepared to welcome each and every one of you to the summer archeologic dig and research program.”
Mr. Peeples looked around as some of the students walked around the living area admiring some of the authentic oil paintings mounted on the concrete walls. He looked down at his watch. He then looked up at Dracon.
“I’m still expecting one more student, actually she is the captain of this team; she called me about three minutes ago and said her flight has just landed and she advised me she will arrive momentarily.”
Dracon looked down at his Rolex. He looked back up.
“A person who cannot be on time, tells me a lot about his or her character.”
“Yes, I must agree with you, therefore, please excuse the absence of one of my best students.”
“And this will be the last time.”
“Yes Professor Constantine,” Mr. Peeples stated.
“In as much, I will walk around the room and introduce myself personally to each and every student. Hopefully, after that feat has been accomplished, this absent-minded student would have made an appearance.”
“I’m hoping so sir.”
Dracon turned and walked away from Mr. Peeples. His footsteps took him in the direction of a student admiring one of the paintings on the wall. His eyes traveled up the back of the student’s legs.
“I see you have a very good eye for talent.”
Mimi turned around to the smooth enveloping baritone voice.
“Yes, it is a very interesting painting.” She turned back around to admire the painting. “Is this really a Vincent Van Gogh?”
Dracon slipped his hands in the front pockets of his pants. He leaned forward to whisper in the woman’s ear from behind, “It most certainly is.”
His voice was soothing, and very beguiling to her ears.
Mimi turned around to face Dracon.
“Hi, my name is Mimi.”
She looked up into a pair of dark-brown eyes so fathomless and dark, she thought they were compared to a bottomless pit. She shivered behind the observation.
“My name is Professor Constantine.”
“So I’ve been told. I read some of your books on vampirism, and the mythology behind it. Now between you me, you really do not believe in that hocus pocus bullshit do you.”
Dracon swipe his tongue beneath the sharp point of his fangs; he realized they descended in anger in the presence of a babbling idiotic student.
“Hey those teeth are neat. Where did you get them from? And how did you make them appear like that?”
Dracon immediately retracted his fangs. He palmed his pencil-thin goatee down.
“It’s an old age delusion to add to the charade for your quest to find a vampire or vampires during your dig.”
“Professor Constantine, I brought a bottle of champagne with me. Maybe later on in my private bedroom quarters, you could sink that hard fang inside of me.”
“An invitation, I would most likely take you up on this evening.”
Mimi twirled a spiral lock of her auburn colored hair around her finger.
“And make sure you are open to heed to all my pleasures tonight, Professor Constantine.”
“Most certainly.” Dracon bowed his head at Mimi. “It was very nice to have met you, Mimi. Please enjoy your stay in the comforts of my home, if perhaps if you dig deep enough and find a vampire, allow me the pleasure of viewing the century old corpse first.”
It might be the woman he is looking for, thus far, no students scheduled on these digging retreats has been successful, no matter how far or how long they have dug.
“I will do that Professor Constantine.”
Dracon turned and walked over to the other gathering of students.
Recea, Romania
Old City Café Lounge & Pub
Naynina looked at the handsome man who shared her table. She liked his caramelized skin tone. His suit fitted his physique in excellent taste. She noticed his eyes were hypnotic on the plane; and the magnetic pull they are having on her, is causing her to look elsewhere, but directly at him.
She discerned the diamond stud he wore in his left ear, highlighted his masculinity.
“Naynina, would you like anything else?”
And damn he has the most kissable lips.
Why was she even for lusting for a man when she has a boyfriend waiting for her in Brazil?
Naynina looked over at Vasile. His plate remained untouched.
“You have not eaten anything on your plate.”
“My appetite is not for food.” He winked at her.
“Then what does meet the palate of a handsome professor.”
“Maybe if you were served up on my dish; my appetite would increase to eat.”
“My derrière will mostly likely break it.”
“Not to worry, my hands will be cupping that rounded asset you have well enough until I have thoroughly fed, I mean until I’m full.”
Naynina blushed.
“Would you like me to drive you to your destination? Professor Constantine’s residence is on my way.”
“You live near him.”
“Ah…a lot of the professors tend to stay within a tight-knitted community. It makes it much easier to commute to work.”
Vasile’s eyes dropped down to the dry blood covering the small scratch to Naynina’s finger. His heart begin to beat in anticipation of tasting her essence of life once again.
The last suckle of her blood had his internal being recharged, and the scent of her virginal pussy was intoxicating his sensitive nostrils overtime. He indeed wanted to know what her connection is, and why the taste of Fairy blood run through her veins.
Naynina looked down at her watch.
“My goodness I did not know it has become late.” She looked up and reached over for her purse on the table.
“I think I could take care of this.”
“Thank you, I will indulge the next time.”
“So there will be a next time for us.”
“You will have to wait and see.”
“Would you like to stop at your hotel first to rid your luggage?”
“No, and actually I am an exclusive guest of Professor Constantine.”
Vasile hissed his disapproval through his teeth.
“I have a very large residence, plenty of staff, and several empty bedrooms.”
“Although, that does sounds appealing, but my professor has arranged this entire expedition, and I am the captain of my digging and recovery team.”
“We will see each other soon.”
“Is that a question, or self-assurance in your voice Vasile?”
“Both and say my name again.”
“I like how my name sounds under your pronunciation.”
“Okay then handsome.”
“Are you ready?”
‘For you, or course.”
“Maybe some other time.”
“We will see.” He caressed her chin.
Both stood.
Naynina lifted her purse, and a stack of spiral notebooks from off the table.
Vasile lifted Naynina’s luggage from near her chair. He lifted her overnight traveling bag from out the empty chair.
Sighisoara, Romania
Dracon entered through the foyer of his home. He stood in place, listening to raised voices, female voices; the sweetest sounds in the land. He straightened the black silk tie resting against the white shirt of his Kenneth Cole double-breasted suit. Dracon cleared his throat and entered his living room.
The Director of the Archeologist Department walked the length of the lavish room.
“Good evening Professor Constantine.”
Mr. Peeples extended his hand.
Dracon extended his hand and shook Mr. Peeples’ hand.
Mr. Peeples immediately snatched his hand back.
“My apology; I was crushing ice in the kitchen.”
“Very well then.”
Mr. Peeples pivoted and looked back at his students.
“These are all the seven students who have won the exclusive rights to enter into the program for this summer. Everyone is most gracious for the invitation.”
Dracon sniffled the air.
Shit, no virgin pussy, or the particular scent his nostrils have been trained to recognize.
“Professor Constantine.”
Dracon cleared his throat and solicited Mr. Peeples’ attention.
“Please forgive my musing.”
“Please join my staff and me for a formal sit down dinner, which has been prepared to welcome each and every one of you to the summer archeologic dig and research program.”
Mr. Peeples looked around as some of the students walked around the living area admiring some of the authentic oil paintings mounted on the concrete walls. He looked down at his watch. He then looked up at Dracon.
“I’m still expecting one more student, actually she is the captain of this team; she called me about three minutes ago and said her flight has just landed and she advised me she will arrive momentarily.”
Dracon looked down at his Rolex. He looked back up.
“A person who cannot be on time, tells me a lot about his or her character.”
“Yes, I must agree with you, therefore, please excuse the absence of one of my best students.”
“And this will be the last time.”
“Yes Professor Constantine,” Mr. Peeples stated.
“In as much, I will walk around the room and introduce myself personally to each and every student. Hopefully, after that feat has been accomplished, this absent-minded student would have made an appearance.”
“I’m hoping so sir.”
Dracon turned and walked away from Mr. Peeples. His footsteps took him in the direction of a student admiring one of the paintings on the wall. His eyes traveled up the back of the student’s legs.
“I see you have a very good eye for talent.”
Mimi turned around to the smooth enveloping baritone voice.
“Yes, it is a very interesting painting.” She turned back around to admire the painting. “Is this really a Vincent Van Gogh?”
Dracon slipped his hands in the front pockets of his pants. He leaned forward to whisper in the woman’s ear from behind, “It most certainly is.”
His voice was soothing, and very beguiling to her ears.
Mimi turned around to face Dracon.
“Hi, my name is Mimi.”
She looked up into a pair of dark-brown eyes so fathomless and dark, she thought they were compared to a bottomless pit. She shivered behind the observation.
“My name is Professor Constantine.”
“So I’ve been told. I read some of your books on vampirism, and the mythology behind it. Now between you me, you really do not believe in that hocus pocus bullshit do you.”
Dracon swipe his tongue beneath the sharp point of his fangs; he realized they descended in anger in the presence of a babbling idiotic student.
“Hey those teeth are neat. Where did you get them from? And how did you make them appear like that?”
Dracon immediately retracted his fangs. He palmed his pencil-thin goatee down.
“It’s an old age delusion to add to the charade for your quest to find a vampire or vampires during your dig.”
“Professor Constantine, I brought a bottle of champagne with me. Maybe later on in my private bedroom quarters, you could sink that hard fang inside of me.”
“An invitation, I would most likely take you up on this evening.”
Mimi twirled a spiral lock of her auburn colored hair around her finger.
“And make sure you are open to heed to all my pleasures tonight, Professor Constantine.”
“Most certainly.” Dracon bowed his head at Mimi. “It was very nice to have met you, Mimi. Please enjoy your stay in the comforts of my home, if perhaps if you dig deep enough and find a vampire, allow me the pleasure of viewing the century old corpse first.”
It might be the woman he is looking for, thus far, no students scheduled on these digging retreats has been successful, no matter how far or how long they have dug.
“I will do that Professor Constantine.”
Dracon turned and walked over to the other gathering of students.
Recea, Romania
Old City Café Lounge & Pub
Naynina looked at the handsome man who shared her table. She liked his caramelized skin tone. His suit fitted his physique in excellent taste. She noticed his eyes were hypnotic on the plane; and the magnetic pull they are having on her, is causing her to look elsewhere, but directly at him.
She discerned the diamond stud he wore in his left ear, highlighted his masculinity.
“Naynina, would you like anything else?”
And damn he has the most kissable lips.
Why was she even for lusting for a man when she has a boyfriend waiting for her in Brazil?
Naynina looked over at Vasile. His plate remained untouched.
“You have not eaten anything on your plate.”
“My appetite is not for food.” He winked at her.
“Then what does meet the palate of a handsome professor.”
“Maybe if you were served up on my dish; my appetite would increase to eat.”
“My derrière will mostly likely break it.”
“Not to worry, my hands will be cupping that rounded asset you have well enough until I have thoroughly fed, I mean until I’m full.”
Naynina blushed.
“Would you like me to drive you to your destination? Professor Constantine’s residence is on my way.”
“You live near him.”
“Ah…a lot of the professors tend to stay within a tight-knitted community. It makes it much easier to commute to work.”
Vasile’s eyes dropped down to the dry blood covering the small scratch to Naynina’s finger. His heart begin to beat in anticipation of tasting her essence of life once again.
The last suckle of her blood had his internal being recharged, and the scent of her virginal pussy was intoxicating his sensitive nostrils overtime. He indeed wanted to know what her connection is, and why the taste of Fairy blood run through her veins.
Naynina looked down at her watch.
“My goodness I did not know it has become late.” She looked up and reached over for her purse on the table.
“I think I could take care of this.”
“Thank you, I will indulge the next time.”
“So there will be a next time for us.”
“You will have to wait and see.”
“Would you like to stop at your hotel first to rid your luggage?”
“No, and actually I am an exclusive guest of Professor Constantine.”
Vasile hissed his disapproval through his teeth.
“I have a very large residence, plenty of staff, and several empty bedrooms.”
“Although, that does sounds appealing, but my professor has arranged this entire expedition, and I am the captain of my digging and recovery team.”
“We will see each other soon.”
“Is that a question, or self-assurance in your voice Vasile?”
“Both and say my name again.”
“I like how my name sounds under your pronunciation.”
“Okay then handsome.”
“Are you ready?”
‘For you, or course.”
“Maybe some other time.”
“We will see.” He caressed her chin.
Both stood.
Naynina lifted her purse, and a stack of spiral notebooks from off the table.
Vasile lifted Naynina’s luggage from near her chair. He lifted her overnight traveling bag from out the empty chair.
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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