A Twist of a Vampire’s Fate II
Embracing The Darkness
Sighisoara, Romania
Dracon’s body twisted to the agonizing internal self-torture of not abiding to the call of the night. His restless mind toiled with suckling the neck of a virgin within his castle walls. He palmed his goatee down; willing the need to pass its course. He glanced over at the glass of half consumed blood resting idle on his fireplace mantel board. Dracon sat up. He flashed his presence over to the fireplace and lifted the glass from off the mantel board. He put it up to his mouth and took a prolong gulp, a red river of blood escaped down the side of his mouth. He slammed the glass back down on the mantel board. He looked up at the portrait. Dracon lifted the locket from off his neck. He opened it again. He looked down at the picture.
“If only you were real, and with me. We could make sweet love
together as fine wine has aged over time.”
Dracon kissed the picture imprisoned inside the locket.
Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
The Present
Naynina felt a feather tip to her lips.
“Dracon,” she mumbled in her sleep. She cradled the locket within the comfort of her palm.
Sighisoara, Romania
Dracon felt a stroke of a tender touch to his face. He closed his eyes.
The aroma of a woman’s scent, who he once treasured, assaulted his keen sense of smell.
Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
The Present
Naynina released the locket and turned over on her side.
Sighisoara, Romania
A faint whisper of the calling of his name ruled the far corners of his mind.
Dracon walked over to the balcony in his bedroom. He reached down for the golden-plated doorknob. He walked out onto his terrace. He looked up at the illuminating full moon. His skin tingled; his mind felt disorganized. He needed to nourish. His loins began to stir and then become heated. He needed to feed. Dracon looked back over his shoulder at the portrait hanging on his wall. He wondered was the woman who beckons to his mind within the radius of his castle.
Dracon lifted his arms out.
External skin meeting the elements of his inner transformation seized his physical state of being. His quickened physical alteration took the form of a bat. He batted his winds and soared off his balcony.
Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
One Year Later
Zaniyah lifted her two stacks of clothes from out her drawer. She made it over to her open suitcase and neatly positioned both heaps inside. She closed her suitcase. She looked around her bedroom.
“Three weeks away from here will do just nicely.”
There was a knock at her door.
Naynina walked out her bedroom into the living room. She strolled over to the door, stood on the balls of her feet, and looked out the peephole. She realigned her stance and smiled to herself. Naynina unlocked both locks to her door and opened it. Her petite frame was pulled into strong arms, lifted from off the tan carpet, and whirled around.
“For the next three weeks, you pretty woman are all mine.”
Levi planted a lingering kiss to Naynina’s lips.
Naynina inched her face back.
“I hope you will be on your best behavior.”
“You know that word is not in my vocabulary.” He stole a quick kiss to her lips. “Are you all packed?”
“I am.”
“I hope this castle and this archeological dig around this castle will make you romantic enough to cross over the line with me.”
“I have been practicing.”
“I hope on a damn banana.”
“You know how I pay for my tuition.”
“Yes, and do not remind me, I am in a very good mood. Therefore, starting today, you can retire that steel fang scene. No more of my woman sucking any man’s inner thigh for an erotic rush.”
Naynina rested her forehead against Levi’s forehead.
“Hey, I do not advise you how to get your tuition, therefore, I expect the same courtesy.”
“My family pays for mine.”
“I do not have that luxury since I was adopted, and my adoptive parents will not release my trust fund to me until I am twenty five.”
“Baby, that’s three years away. And do you really think they will approve of your lifestyle behind their backs.”
“And who is going to relate my extra financial curriculum to them.”
“Me, if after today you take apart in…in…some blood supping ritual on strangers.”
“Mind you, but those men pay dearly for that fetish, and my mouth guard keeps any fluids from escaping into my mouth. Once they ejaculate after me burying those fangs into their inner thigh. They are up and out the door.”
“Well no more dammit, and I am putting my foot down.”
“It looks like mine are the ones still in the air.”
“Okay, Miss Smart Ass.”
“We can do that also.”
“No, I want the opening no man has ever ventured his dick into.”
“You do know you are turning me on.”
“Once we get to this castle in Romania, I am going to do more than turning you on. I plan to turn you out.”
“Umm, I love you.”
“I love you too baby.”
Levi’s Blackberry vibrated on his hip.
“Hang on baby.”
Levi replaced Naynina’s feet back onto the carpet. He moved his suit jacket aside and lifted his Blackberry from out his hip clip. He slid his Blackberry open and looked down at the number. He looked up.
Levi caught the curiosity in Naynina’s eyes.
“Baby, I have to take this call.”
“I will be in the bathroom.”
Naynina reached over to kiss Levi.
Levi turned around and walked out Naynina’s apartment onto her front patio. He pulled the door close.
“Well excuse me.”
Naynina turned and walked back into the direction of the bedroom.
Sighisoara, Romania
Twentieth-First Century
Dracon looked around the Grand Foyer his castle.
“Mordecai, has the lodging accommodations been upgraded for our guests.”
“Yes sir. The students’ company will be must welcomed, sir.”
“Very well then. Oh, Mordecai.”
“Yes sir.”
“Please make sure no one ventures to the west wing of this castle. It is not available for touring to any observer.”
“Sir, how are you posing to allow strangers to roam the castle, when you have a condition?”
“Mordecai, you are my manservant, please feel free to speak openly.”
“There will be students.”
“And you naturally came to the conclusion. My thirst will overrule my sense of responsibility to sustain my hunger to feed.”
“With all due respect, yes sir.”
“There is only one woman who, I will always love, and since it has been centuries since I have encountered this woman’s presence, my hunger does get met, however, not within the walls of my home. As a professor, I get fed quite nicely.”
Mordecai bowed his head.
“Is that all sir for this evening.”
“That would be all Mordecai.”
Mordecai turned and walked out the Grand Foyer.
Dracon could not wait unit tomorrow. He was every excited about the partnership to have students from American visiting his castle for three weeks in regards to an archeologist dig to find Count Dracula, or the burial of centuries old vampires.
Dracon laughed behind the charade. He placed his hands behind his back and walked over to the window. He looked out as the sun began to set. He turned toward the grand double-staircase. His body moved fluidly up the staircase. He walked down the winding corridor to his bedroom. He entered and walked over to the portrait which has hung on his wall for centuries.
Dracon palmed the locket worn under his white cravat shirt. He twisted the Lapis Lazuli a daylight amulet, worn around his ring finger, enchanted by the witch he sought out. The ring has protected him from the sunlight. He still thirst to walk as a mortal man, and only his one and true love could give him that hope in this century.
“I will search the ends of the earth to find you.” Dracon closed his eyes and then reopened them. “I hear your voice no more; I feel no touch from afar.”
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Naynina closed her eyes as the airplane descended toward the skies. She unconsciously reached out for the stranger’s hand by her side. She opened her eyes and looked down as the man softly clasped her hand inside his.
“I’m sorry the person who was supposed to be sitting next to me, could not make the trip due to a work conflict of interest.”
Vasile unclasped Naynina’s hand and lifted it to his lips. He kissed her bent knuckles.
“That’s his lost and my gain for the next eleven hours.”
Naynina swallowed down. She looked up into a pair of intense fathomless pitted eyes.
Vasile released Naynina’s hand gradually. He sniffed the air.
Definitely virgin blood he thought.
Vasile cleared his throat.
“Are you going to Romania for business or for pleasure?”
“I am an archeologist graduate student, and I have to do a thesis on Romania mythology. I am in the hunt to dig up a Strigoi.”
“A male Romania vampire.”
“Why yes, are you familiar with Romania folklore and the mythology behind its properties?”
“You can say that.”
“Is that a yes or no?”
“It is a yes.”
Vasile sniffed the woman’s aroma sitting next to him.
“Your presence will be dueled among the villagers looking for daylight.”
“Excuse me.”
“Be careful who you encounter. The history of Romania is embedded in worshipped deities unbeknown in this lifetime.”
“You sound like one of my professors.”
“Rightfully so, because I am one.”
“My name is Naynina.”
“I’m known as Vasile. And it’s very nice to accommodate a very beautiful woman’s presence. Would you like a something to drink, Naynina?”
Her name sounded like silk rolling off his tongue.
“No, I’m fine, but thank you.”
Naynina sat back in her chair. She lifted her journal, opened it, a read her last entry.
A baritone voice with the touch of a feather keeps my mind enthralled while I submerge in mind in slumber. I awaken, my thoughts still in a trace of spoken words of yesteryear whispered in my ear. Longing for arms, to once again hold me, arms from another lifetime. Why are my dreams consumed by a body, I once worshipped to the ends of time? Possessive lips that once pressed so affectionately against mine, a vague remembrance in the past, with no future in sight, strong arms, which held me as an emotional pillar, never waning, and intimate moments, cherished with laughter, love, suspending the carnal pleasure of earthly bliss. True love never dies, it only resurrects, evolves, only to be reclaimed in another lifetime.
Vasile looked down at Naynina reading her journal entry. He heard her heartbeat as her mind caressed over the words.
“That intense I must say.”
Naynina lifted her head and then pivoted to face Vasile.
“You could say that.”
“He’s a lucky guy.”
For now Vasile thought.
“I never asked what takes you to Romania.”
“I hunt.”
“Oh, you’re a hunter.”
“Yes, with the right prey in front of me.”
“I hope you hit your target.”
“Oh, I will, and I will make absolutely sure, no one else hits my target.”
“Does a hunter usually taxidermy his trophy.”
“Not this time. The blood of the sacrificed, will be able to heal, resurrect for the greater good, or prolong life, give sight, the list in this lifetime is endless.”
“All this from the blood of an animal.”
“A rare animal of a special kind of species.”
“Wow, I feel sorry for that animal.”
Vasile stroked Naynina’s hand.
“Save that compassion for another time.”
“I do not mean to appear rude, but I will like to listen to my music, do you mind?”
“This is a very long trip; once we land then you belong to me.”
Naynina looked into Vasile’s coal-black eyes; for a minute she thought they turned a hue of red in a mere matter of seconds. She placed her journal down on the table in front of her presence and then lifted her purse. She opened it and slid out her IPOD. She extended the spaghetti cord separating the earbuds; she placed each earbud in an ear; she increased the volume and then closed her purse. Naynina placed her purse on the opposite side of her thigh. She sank her head back against the complimentary pillow and closed her eyes.
Vasile looked down at his young and beautiful future blood source. He silently praised fate for dropping a sexy looking virgin with a pure bloodline fit for a vampire’s feeding along with his entire clan.
Sighisoara, Romania
Dracon’s body twisted to the agonizing internal self-torture of not abiding to the call of the night. His restless mind toiled with suckling the neck of a virgin within his castle walls. He palmed his goatee down; willing the need to pass its course. He glanced over at the glass of half consumed blood resting idle on his fireplace mantel board. Dracon sat up. He flashed his presence over to the fireplace and lifted the glass from off the mantel board. He put it up to his mouth and took a prolong gulp, a red river of blood escaped down the side of his mouth. He slammed the glass back down on the mantel board. He looked up at the portrait. Dracon lifted the locket from off his neck. He opened it again. He looked down at the picture.
“If only you were real, and with me. We could make sweet love
together as fine wine has aged over time.”
Dracon kissed the picture imprisoned inside the locket.
Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
The Present
Naynina felt a feather tip to her lips.
“Dracon,” she mumbled in her sleep. She cradled the locket within the comfort of her palm.
Sighisoara, Romania
Dracon felt a stroke of a tender touch to his face. He closed his eyes.
The aroma of a woman’s scent, who he once treasured, assaulted his keen sense of smell.
Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
The Present
Naynina released the locket and turned over on her side.
Sighisoara, Romania
A faint whisper of the calling of his name ruled the far corners of his mind.
Dracon walked over to the balcony in his bedroom. He reached down for the golden-plated doorknob. He walked out onto his terrace. He looked up at the illuminating full moon. His skin tingled; his mind felt disorganized. He needed to nourish. His loins began to stir and then become heated. He needed to feed. Dracon looked back over his shoulder at the portrait hanging on his wall. He wondered was the woman who beckons to his mind within the radius of his castle.
Dracon lifted his arms out.
External skin meeting the elements of his inner transformation seized his physical state of being. His quickened physical alteration took the form of a bat. He batted his winds and soared off his balcony.
Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
One Year Later
Zaniyah lifted her two stacks of clothes from out her drawer. She made it over to her open suitcase and neatly positioned both heaps inside. She closed her suitcase. She looked around her bedroom.
“Three weeks away from here will do just nicely.”
There was a knock at her door.
Naynina walked out her bedroom into the living room. She strolled over to the door, stood on the balls of her feet, and looked out the peephole. She realigned her stance and smiled to herself. Naynina unlocked both locks to her door and opened it. Her petite frame was pulled into strong arms, lifted from off the tan carpet, and whirled around.
“For the next three weeks, you pretty woman are all mine.”
Levi planted a lingering kiss to Naynina’s lips.
Naynina inched her face back.
“I hope you will be on your best behavior.”
“You know that word is not in my vocabulary.” He stole a quick kiss to her lips. “Are you all packed?”
“I am.”
“I hope this castle and this archeological dig around this castle will make you romantic enough to cross over the line with me.”
“I have been practicing.”
“I hope on a damn banana.”
“You know how I pay for my tuition.”
“Yes, and do not remind me, I am in a very good mood. Therefore, starting today, you can retire that steel fang scene. No more of my woman sucking any man’s inner thigh for an erotic rush.”
Naynina rested her forehead against Levi’s forehead.
“Hey, I do not advise you how to get your tuition, therefore, I expect the same courtesy.”
“My family pays for mine.”
“I do not have that luxury since I was adopted, and my adoptive parents will not release my trust fund to me until I am twenty five.”
“Baby, that’s three years away. And do you really think they will approve of your lifestyle behind their backs.”
“And who is going to relate my extra financial curriculum to them.”
“Me, if after today you take apart in…in…some blood supping ritual on strangers.”
“Mind you, but those men pay dearly for that fetish, and my mouth guard keeps any fluids from escaping into my mouth. Once they ejaculate after me burying those fangs into their inner thigh. They are up and out the door.”
“Well no more dammit, and I am putting my foot down.”
“It looks like mine are the ones still in the air.”
“Okay, Miss Smart Ass.”
“We can do that also.”
“No, I want the opening no man has ever ventured his dick into.”
“You do know you are turning me on.”
“Once we get to this castle in Romania, I am going to do more than turning you on. I plan to turn you out.”
“Umm, I love you.”
“I love you too baby.”
Levi’s Blackberry vibrated on his hip.
“Hang on baby.”
Levi replaced Naynina’s feet back onto the carpet. He moved his suit jacket aside and lifted his Blackberry from out his hip clip. He slid his Blackberry open and looked down at the number. He looked up.
Levi caught the curiosity in Naynina’s eyes.
“Baby, I have to take this call.”
“I will be in the bathroom.”
Naynina reached over to kiss Levi.
Levi turned around and walked out Naynina’s apartment onto her front patio. He pulled the door close.
“Well excuse me.”
Naynina turned and walked back into the direction of the bedroom.
Sighisoara, Romania
Twentieth-First Century
Dracon looked around the Grand Foyer his castle.
“Mordecai, has the lodging accommodations been upgraded for our guests.”
“Yes sir. The students’ company will be must welcomed, sir.”
“Very well then. Oh, Mordecai.”
“Yes sir.”
“Please make sure no one ventures to the west wing of this castle. It is not available for touring to any observer.”
“Sir, how are you posing to allow strangers to roam the castle, when you have a condition?”
“Mordecai, you are my manservant, please feel free to speak openly.”
“There will be students.”
“And you naturally came to the conclusion. My thirst will overrule my sense of responsibility to sustain my hunger to feed.”
“With all due respect, yes sir.”
“There is only one woman who, I will always love, and since it has been centuries since I have encountered this woman’s presence, my hunger does get met, however, not within the walls of my home. As a professor, I get fed quite nicely.”
Mordecai bowed his head.
“Is that all sir for this evening.”
“That would be all Mordecai.”
Mordecai turned and walked out the Grand Foyer.
Dracon could not wait unit tomorrow. He was every excited about the partnership to have students from American visiting his castle for three weeks in regards to an archeologist dig to find Count Dracula, or the burial of centuries old vampires.
Dracon laughed behind the charade. He placed his hands behind his back and walked over to the window. He looked out as the sun began to set. He turned toward the grand double-staircase. His body moved fluidly up the staircase. He walked down the winding corridor to his bedroom. He entered and walked over to the portrait which has hung on his wall for centuries.
Dracon palmed the locket worn under his white cravat shirt. He twisted the Lapis Lazuli a daylight amulet, worn around his ring finger, enchanted by the witch he sought out. The ring has protected him from the sunlight. He still thirst to walk as a mortal man, and only his one and true love could give him that hope in this century.
“I will search the ends of the earth to find you.” Dracon closed his eyes and then reopened them. “I hear your voice no more; I feel no touch from afar.”
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Naynina closed her eyes as the airplane descended toward the skies. She unconsciously reached out for the stranger’s hand by her side. She opened her eyes and looked down as the man softly clasped her hand inside his.
“I’m sorry the person who was supposed to be sitting next to me, could not make the trip due to a work conflict of interest.”
Vasile unclasped Naynina’s hand and lifted it to his lips. He kissed her bent knuckles.
“That’s his lost and my gain for the next eleven hours.”
Naynina swallowed down. She looked up into a pair of intense fathomless pitted eyes.
Vasile released Naynina’s hand gradually. He sniffed the air.
Definitely virgin blood he thought.
Vasile cleared his throat.
“Are you going to Romania for business or for pleasure?”
“I am an archeologist graduate student, and I have to do a thesis on Romania mythology. I am in the hunt to dig up a Strigoi.”
“A male Romania vampire.”
“Why yes, are you familiar with Romania folklore and the mythology behind its properties?”
“You can say that.”
“Is that a yes or no?”
“It is a yes.”
Vasile sniffed the woman’s aroma sitting next to him.
“Your presence will be dueled among the villagers looking for daylight.”
“Excuse me.”
“Be careful who you encounter. The history of Romania is embedded in worshipped deities unbeknown in this lifetime.”
“You sound like one of my professors.”
“Rightfully so, because I am one.”
“My name is Naynina.”
“I’m known as Vasile. And it’s very nice to accommodate a very beautiful woman’s presence. Would you like a something to drink, Naynina?”
Her name sounded like silk rolling off his tongue.
“No, I’m fine, but thank you.”
Naynina sat back in her chair. She lifted her journal, opened it, a read her last entry.
A baritone voice with the touch of a feather keeps my mind enthralled while I submerge in mind in slumber. I awaken, my thoughts still in a trace of spoken words of yesteryear whispered in my ear. Longing for arms, to once again hold me, arms from another lifetime. Why are my dreams consumed by a body, I once worshipped to the ends of time? Possessive lips that once pressed so affectionately against mine, a vague remembrance in the past, with no future in sight, strong arms, which held me as an emotional pillar, never waning, and intimate moments, cherished with laughter, love, suspending the carnal pleasure of earthly bliss. True love never dies, it only resurrects, evolves, only to be reclaimed in another lifetime.
Vasile looked down at Naynina reading her journal entry. He heard her heartbeat as her mind caressed over the words.
“That intense I must say.”
Naynina lifted her head and then pivoted to face Vasile.
“You could say that.”
“He’s a lucky guy.”
For now Vasile thought.
“I never asked what takes you to Romania.”
“I hunt.”
“Oh, you’re a hunter.”
“Yes, with the right prey in front of me.”
“I hope you hit your target.”
“Oh, I will, and I will make absolutely sure, no one else hits my target.”
“Does a hunter usually taxidermy his trophy.”
“Not this time. The blood of the sacrificed, will be able to heal, resurrect for the greater good, or prolong life, give sight, the list in this lifetime is endless.”
“All this from the blood of an animal.”
“A rare animal of a special kind of species.”
“Wow, I feel sorry for that animal.”
Vasile stroked Naynina’s hand.
“Save that compassion for another time.”
“I do not mean to appear rude, but I will like to listen to my music, do you mind?”
“This is a very long trip; once we land then you belong to me.”
Naynina looked into Vasile’s coal-black eyes; for a minute she thought they turned a hue of red in a mere matter of seconds. She placed her journal down on the table in front of her presence and then lifted her purse. She opened it and slid out her IPOD. She extended the spaghetti cord separating the earbuds; she placed each earbud in an ear; she increased the volume and then closed her purse. Naynina placed her purse on the opposite side of her thigh. She sank her head back against the complimentary pillow and closed her eyes.
Vasile looked down at his young and beautiful future blood source. He silently praised fate for dropping a sexy looking virgin with a pure bloodline fit for a vampire’s feeding along with his entire clan.
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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