I was once a virgin,
it's hard to imagine
but if wishes were horses,
I would've had it otherwise
for those were the days.

There used to be a time.
when No meant No...
and Yes meant Yes.
those were the beautiful days,
when ladies had morals
and gentlemen character.
In those days,
passion made sense.

Passion is beautiful,
connection is the essence.
Any woman should value passion.
for passion...
passion is everything.

I cherish deep kisses,
moments when you just let go.
Spend some time indoors,
I love to please my woman
but connection is key.

Connection is an endless path,
it takes two to tango.
The beauty of love is to savour.
and the joy of love,
is to love someone

Sex is just an icing.
Written by eleven_mashariki
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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