In Genesis chapter one God presents Himself as a DARWINIST.  
For Darwin said that Nature created life (the great variety of species) thru "Natural Selection".
Well God in Genesis One says something similar.  
According to verse 20, "God said, 'Let the waters BRING FORTH the moving creatures that have life..'"  
Then verse 24 continues,"Let the earth bring forth the living creatures.."  
Now if we take "the waters" and "the earth" together, they add up to NATURE.  
So God the Creator is turning the work of creating life and all the species over Nature !!  
Notice God DOESN'T say, "Let ME create life.."  
NO! He endows Nature with the power to do it for Him !!
This rules out "special creation" where God scoops up a handful of clay and shapes it into a dog,then breathes into its mouth, making it come alive.  
There's nothing like that in Genesis One - Thank God !!  
Let's go back over verse 20, plus verse 21.  
"God said, 'Let the waters bring forth ABUNDANTLY the moving creatures that have life..
And God created EVERY LIVING CREATURE that moves which the waters brought forth abundantly after their kind."  
Notice that it says "after their kind" but not JUST "after their kind."
 For it says that "EVERY living creature" - all the species - were created at the same time that each species produces "after their kind."  
So two different things are happening together:  
The first few species are reproducing "after their kind" but NEW species are coming forth at the same time !!  
For it says "every" species is being made. In short, the first few species are going beyond producing "after their kind".
For they are being tasked with producing "abundantly..EVERY creature" - which would mean all the species. "ABUNDANTLY" suggests a great variety of species.  
Where are these species coming from?
 This speciation is being performed by "the waters" and by the first few species.
 For they are all the sources that we are given in verses 20-21.
LSS: the implication is that speciation is occurring THRU the producing "after their kind."
 As a by-product or on the side. In other words,  99.9999% of the time the offspring produced is a copy of the mother/father combination.  
But .0001% of the time the baby contains mutations, enuff of them to make it a whole different species !!  
Well that is the same thing that Darwin and the Darwinists have always claimed.  
 So God thru Genesis One really is acting the part of a Darwinist -- a Darwinist in the sky predating the arrival of Darwin and the Darwinists on the Earth below.
When you think about it, it really does make sense for evolution to come thru reproduction, producing "after one's kind."  
For outside of reproduction, the mutant genes remain dormant, unexpressed.
 It is only as the ovum becomes the zygote that the genes get "expressed."
About verses 20-21, the fish and fowl are created within the same "day."  
What is the logic of that??
 Well, if we turn to Hebrews 11.3 we find that Paul the apostle interprets the socalled "days" of Creation Week as EONS ("aionos" in the Greek).  
Most translations have,"By faith we understand that the worlds/universe was framed by the Word of God" -- which is a terrible job. Inexcusable !!  
 Taking "aionos" literally, we get ,"By faith we understand that the EONS were framed by the Word of God."  
On that basis we can view the fish/fowl duo for Day 5 stands NOT just for fish and fowl.
Rather we need to add in what goes INBETWEEN.
For according to Evolution, the amphibians and reptiles belong between the fish and fowl.
Christ came to "fulfill the Law" of Moses. But that isnt limited to fulfilling the prophecies about the Messiah.
 Rather "fulfill" can mean complete - like an acorn is fulfilled when ??
 When it grows into an oak tree!! It isn't meant to remain just an acorn !!! Likewise, the "days" of Genesis One were NEVER meant to remain mere days. Christ thru Paul the apostle really does FULFILL Genesis One.
For by enlarging/magnifying the Days, this allows for the including of the two steps (amphibians/reptiles) left out of the "seed-like" version of Genesis.  
Yes,  seeing Genesis One in terms of eons really is like viewing an oak tree instead of the acorn !!  
How much more majestic the tree is compared to the conpact acorn !!  
The tree is the seed reaching its full potential !!  
Ditto with Genesis One -- after it has been freed from the "bondage" or confinement of the Law.
In short, something that is "fulfilled" is something that is EXPANDED.
Co-peach ??
PS: check out my poems about taking METAPHORICALLY the creation events in the "days" of Creation Week.
Example: "How to Interpret Genesis One According to the Big Bang Theory" from Nov 17 2017
Written by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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