There's a Billion Dollar Industry

There's a billion dollar industry, for men it is a boon
Makes you hard as ever, never come again too soon
And while it's taking care of that, will make you larger too
Since they're here to take your money that's the least that they could do

No longer penis envy for those not well endowed
When entering the shower won't be with a head that's bowed
Will be with confidence and smiling face for all to see
With a finely tuned, and working dick, that hangs down to your knee

Always works to satisfy, but you must pay of course
Around a hundred bucks a month for a dick to choke a horse
We promise  that it always works or it won't cost a dime
Depending on your attitude could take a little time

When you come to your senses and find it doesn't work
And have the same size penis and you're feeling like a jerk
We know that you won't come to us to get your money back
Although you've gone hungry to provide us with the jack

If you had checked ahead of time on male anatomy
You would know a larger dick for you would likely never be
There's only so much space to fill when the blood begins to flow
Maybe surgery could help it. That's the only way I know.

Be happy with your penis it's the only one you've got
Be glad if it still gets erect that's really quite a lot
If it's on the smaller side or large and long and thick
Make the best of what you have, for it is your only dick
Written by eightmore
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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