Billy The Stick

The kids all knew him as Billy the Stick
Limping down the street his stick would click
His rubber stopper was worn right through
But he didn’t have the money to buy one new
Now Billy the Stick had some anger issues
And he blew lots of snot into paper tissues
He’d shout abuse at kids like a man insane
They’d shout right back stuff to cause him pain
They would chase him furtively down the street
But Billy couldn’t run on his prosthetic feet
He would try to hobble quickly to get away
But he’d fall in the road in a comical ballet
The kids laughed even harder
Their jibes now even sharper
Billy the cripple
Has only one nipple
Smelly old man
Pisses in a can
Hasn’t washed for a week
Shitty, dirty little old freak
Has only got one eye
And two legs knee high
He’s got a claw for a hand
Held on with a rubber band
He’s always falling down
Such a stupid fuckin clown
With this and such he was bombarded
They all thought he was retarded
And then the cruellest blow
So that everyone would know
They shouted loudly to defile
He touched us; he’s a paedophile
And this false accusation
Would be his damnation

So started the gossip machine
The parents had to intervene
They got him on his own
They trapped him in his home
They did what war time couldn’t do
They made him cry, they made him spew
A switch blade style castration
A vigilantly style cremation
As a gang they beat him to death
They snuffed him out, they stole his breath
Billy The Stick, green beret, war hero
Treated by the mob as an absolute zero
He was killed for being accused
Just another innocent vet abused
R.I.P Billy The Stick
Comrade in arms
Written by David_Macleod (14397816)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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