America's Nuclear Arsenal No Longer Exists.

It exists, yet it doesn't really exist.
Imagine you have a car that breaks down.
You can't drive it to work.
You still have the car, yet you DON'T have it.
Its "gone" because it no longer runs.
That's the way it is with our nuke arsenal !!!
Our ICBMs look real enuff.
But they are only an illusion,
For Bill Clinton changed the policy as to when to launch them.
In the old days the policy was to press the button as soon as we were warned
by our satellites that Russian missiles are rising out of their silos.
But now that  the Cold War has ended,
our intelligentia tell us the chance of Russian Attack is much smaller than that of "accidental" nuclear war.
Which is where our computers malfunction,
telling us Russia is attacking --  
When it is doing no such thing !!
Our retaliatory strike after what we think is an attack,  
would result in a real Russian attack.
Naturally we don't want accidental nuclear war !!
So Pres. Clinton "solved" the problem by reversing the policy on launching
Now we are supposed to WAIT til Russian Attack can be verified.
Since we only have "six minutes" to launch our ICBMs,
Before Russian submarine missiles can catch them in their silos(in the event of Surprise Attack),
Clinton's new policy = sacrificing all our ICBMs,
That's one "leg" gone from  our three-part "Nuclear Triad."
It's there now, but in time of war that part of our arsenal will disappear.
This policy change amounts to "back door disarmament."
For the result  is the disarmament!!
The same sort of "policy change" has invalidated another "leg" of our retaliatory arsenal.
For our strategic bombers have almost all been taken off "alert" status.
They're there in their hangars looking impressive.
But they're lifeless as manikins !!
We have 50 to 100 B52s, 100 B1s(?).
And all of 18 B2 Stealth Bombers, of which only 6 are on "alert."
Our bombers  --  when we need them, they will not help us.
For they have been reduced to "sitting ducks."
So instead of our Triad we have more like
a monad, right?
Wrong!! For even our last leg has been reduced to just a fraction of its former self.
Its like we're driving a car with no gas, only fumes.
Our arsenal is down so low that we are literally INVITING Russian Attack.
Here's a three-part explanation about our subs:
(1)We had 39 "Boomer" subs under Reagan.
Then we went down to 12, more than a 2/3 reduction.
Clinton planned the reduction from 18 subs to 14. For 2003.
But Bush agreed to execute the plan. But of the 14 subs, only 12 are being put to use.
(2)Then Obama signed the New Start Treaty, reducing us from 24 missiles per sub to just 20 missiles,
a one-sixth reduction.
Discounting the decoy warhead, there are 7 warheads per missile.
So each of our 8 subs at sea = 20 missiles x 7 warheads, for a total of 140 warheads.
And 8 subs x 140 warheads = 1,120 warheads. Max.
(3)Russia has enuff ABMs, interceptor missiles, to shoot down 1,300 incoming warheads.
So we now have fewer warheads than Russia can shoot down !!!
Before Obama's new treaty, we had 8 subs at sea with 24 missiles,
For a total of 8x24x7 or 1,344 warheads.
So we still were slightly above of the threshold of 1,300 warheads.
But now we are way below that decisive number.
And so we must expect Russian Attack in the immediate future,  
Namely this Spring.
For the Kremlin planners must want to put a positive spin on their hideous atrocity.
By setting it in Spring, they hope to emphasize the Newness of the new world  
order, rather than focus on the 150 million deaths involved and the wiping out of whole cities.
Written by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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