The Sign of Christ's Return

The real sign that Christ's Return is  about to happen          
Is the coming to power of the Antichrist.          
For  we read that the purpose of the Second Coming  is to "destroy the Wicked One" namely the Antichrist. (2Thessalonians 2.7-8).    
So the Antichrist has to come ahead of the Second Coming. 
And whenever the Antichrist takes over the world, Christ's Appearing has to be -- by definition -- right around the corner.      

  But how does the Antichrist come to power over the whole world?? By MAKING WAR. For we read that,     
"The Beast will make war against [the nations of] the saints [the Christians] and overcome them,gaining power over every nation"(Rev 13.7).          
In other words,the whole WORLD!!      
So world war  -  nuclear war  -  is the sign of the coming to power of the Antichrist.          
On that basis we can say that nuclear  war, Russian Attack, is the sign of the Appearing of Christ.          
For if a=b and b=c, then a=c. OK?        
But in case that sounds like mush, let me explain it.        
If (a) is nuclear war, and nuclear war is a sign of (b)the coming of the Antichrist, and if the Antichrist, in turn, is a sign of (c)the Appearing of Christ, then it follows that (a)   the nuclear war is a sign of (c) the Return of Christ.        
If A = B and B = C, then A = C.        
And this is EXACTLY what Christ Himself says.        
For the disciples ask "What will be the signs of Your Return?""(Matthew 24.3).        
So when Christ spoke of "signs in the heavens"(Matthew 24.29),        
He is talking about "signs of" what??      
His Return  -- HIS RETURN !!!      
Now what are given as "signs  in the skies"?? (Heavens and skies are synonymous.)        
"The sun and moon will darken, and the stars will fall"(Mat 24.29).        
Now why do I claim Christ is talking nuclear war at this point??        
Well, the three "synoptic gospels" (Matthew,Mark,Luke) all have this passage,        
and  the "Olivet Discourse" of which it is a part.      
But the Gospel  of John lacks the Olivet Discourse.        
But John DOES have it in the Book of Revelation.        
In particular John has "the signs in the skies."        
And they are more clear than elsewhere!!!        
Instead of "the sun and the moon darken," it specifies that "the sun will turn black" and "the moon will turn red"(Rev 6.12-15).        
Moreover, a whole new sign is included,        
a sign that can ONLY be fulfilled by nuclear war(Russian Attack) !!      
He says, "The skies will depart like a scroll rolling up" (Rev 6.12-15).      
But its not the skies themseles, rather its the mushroom clouds filling the skies,      
(becoming synonymous with the skies) that literally "depart."        
You see, those mushroom clouds widen and as they become more porous,  they fade away.      
But the "smoking gun" evidence pointing to mushroom clouds as the answer is this:        
They roll as they widen !! They roll just        
"like a scroll rolling up."      
So mushroom clouds fit Christ's words to a tee.    
Its incontrovertible in my book!!!      
Now for the other signs that are aspects of nuclear war.      
"The sun will turn black"(Rev 6.12-15).      
Its not the sun alone.      
EVERYTHING turns pitch black for a second.      
This is due to "wave interference."      
When the crest of one light wave meets the trough of another wave the effect is a straight line  -- no light.      
Anyway, a made-for-tv movie I saw decades ago included that effect as among the things that happen when a nuclear bomb goes off.      
If it were not for that movie I would be clue-less as to the answer to the words,      
"The sun will turn black.."      
Now for the easiest one.      
Everybody knows that when smoke, soot fill the skies (a certain height in the skies?)      
that the moonlight is filtered out, except for the reddish.      
When volcanoes have erupted, when whole forests have caught on fire,      
This effect of the moon turning red has taken place.      
Certainly it would occur in the event of RussianAttack.      
Think of all the soot that will rise from  the smoking crators where our cities had been    
Now for the hard sign, the one which takes some real explaining.    
In Matthew 24's version, the sign of "the stars will fall" is followed immediately by the Rapture:     
"The Son of Man will send His angels to gather His elect..."(Mat 24.30-31).    
No wonder there will be "silence in heaven for the space of half an hour"(Rev 8.1).   (Which is the length of nuclear war.)  
The angels will not be there, they'll be coming to Earth in order to gather souls as Christians/Jews get killed at the Rapture  
as "the stars..fall".(Mat 24.29).    
But what do those cryptic words mean??    
They are describing nuclear fireballs.    ,  
So far we have the Rapture occurring as "the stars ..fall".    
Lets turn to another Rapture passage to see if anything similar happens in that second account of the Rapture.    
We find that the Rapture occurs in the context of these grim words,      
"When they say 'peace and safety' then SUDDEN DESTRUCTION will come upon them"(1 Thess 4.16-5.3).    
Evidently the time in which "the stars will fall" will = "sudden destruction ".    
Turning to a third Rapture passage, we find something more.    
It says "That day cannot come except ..the revealing of..[ THE DESTROYER ] take place."(2Thess 2.3).    
Presumably at the time of the "sudden destruction."    
For what else could "reveal" the Destroyer as such,  if not the acts of destruction which he commits.
That a man gets "revealed" as THE Destroyer ("Son of Destruction") --
this puts the Destroyer in the position of being RESPONSIBLE for that devastation ok??      
Long story short, the sudden destruction is manmade.    
OK, so now we have 3 things that are synonymous.If the Rapture in the first passage = the Rapture in the second passage = the Rapture in the third passage,    
this gives us the basis for saying the following.  
(1)The "sudden destruction" =  (2)the manmade destruction(implied) = (3)"the stars will fall."  
Now if the manmade destruction is synonymous with "the stars will fall,"      
 this means that those "stars" have to likewise be manmade objects.  Manmade FIERY OBJECTS.  
Namely nuclear fireballs.For nuclear warheads (which produce fireballs)  
operate on nuclear fusion like real stars do.    
More later    
Written by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)
Published | Edited 4th Apr 2017
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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