“You'd never marry him”
“Over my dead body”
Mama screamed angrily
Alisha felt a knot
building in her throat
“Mama but I lov…”
She trembled, holding back tears
Mama slapped her face hard
“You belong to Yellamma”
“Drill that into your dense skull”
Mama stormed out
She sobbed frantically
My story
The sun shone weakly
The breeze blew gently
The golden and scarlet coloured leaves danced gallantly
It was a beautiful day
Her sari flowed with the tender wind
Fall had slowly creeped in,
like a softly sung hymn
I squeezed her right hand tightly
She made a mock cry
as she looked sadly at me
I grinned at her and hugged her
“So you think this is funny eh? Leave me”
She bellowed at me jokingly
I stuck my tongue out playfully
“I am gonna do mine back, just wait”
She continued
“You'd have to catch me first”
I taunted her as I ran towards the woods ahead
She swore under her breath
and ran towards me
The woods looked beautiful
Rusted leaves surrounded the ground
I found a big tree
and hid behind it
“Where are you?”
“I am going to catch you and beat you up”
Her voice echoed
I laughed quietly
as she searched fruitlessly for me
The tree I was hiding
was skirted by the autumn leaves
making it hard for her to find me
She slowed down to catch her breath
She had walked past the tree I was
I could see a bit of worry register
on her face
She was hoping she hadn't lost me
to the woods
I screamed as I jumped out of the tree,
landing directly behind her
She turned around swiftly,
quivering in fear
“You scared the sh…”
I lifted her up and kissed her
before she could complete her sentence
She smiled shyly
I looked at her eyes
and brushed off a stuck leaf from her hair
“I love you baby”
I hugged her tightly
“I love you too bambino”
We both chuckled
I held her hand
and led her out of the woods
The air was brisk
The sun hung low in the sky,
Its rays radiating through the leaves
Illuminating its yellow and orange veins
It was a beautiful day
We were in love
I kissed her forehead
“Do you love me?”
She asked softly
“Yeah baby, I do”
I replied smiling
“How do you know baby?”
She pressed
“There's this peace I feel
when I am with you”
“Like drinking cold water
in a desert”
“Like nothing else matters”
“I can't explain it”
She blushed sheepishly
Her story
The house was quiet
Well, other than the chirping crickets outside
Or the gentle rustle of the leaves
The orange hue from the scented candle
dimly lit my mud bedroom
Tears wriggled down my cheeks
I did not bother wiping them off
“Why me? Why me?”
I soliloquized
I looked at my mattress
My yellow sari laid on it
It was beautiful,
very beautiful
It had floral embroideries embedded
in it
Jasmine flowers to be precise
The flower signified sensuality and grace
Tomorrow was the day
The thought made my stomach churn
“Oh papa”
“Papa if you were here this
would not be happening”
More tears sprung to my eyes now
Papa sold bamboos
Well, he used to
before he died
He slipped while climbing a tree
and died instantaneously when
he landed on the ground
Nothing had been the same ever since
Mama barely spoke now
Papa’s death hit her hard
“Alisha, Tomorrow is the day”
“Are you ready?”
Mama’s voice quickly jerked me back to reality
I quickly wiped the tears off my face
She looked at me for a moment
Her gaze said it all
She had seen me crying
She shifted her gaze to the mattress
as if trying to push back an emotion
Tomorrow was the ceremony
Yellamma’s ceremony
She slowly looked at me
flashing a weak smile
“You would look so beautiful”
Her eyes bore a certain sadness
that ached my heart
She brushed my hair with her hands
“I borrowed these jewelries from the
priestess at the temple”
“Aren't they nice?”
She reached to a nylon bag
to retrieve the jewelries
Gold bangles, necklaces
and anklets.
They brightened the room lightly
By this time tomorrow
I would have turned seventeen
Also by this time tomorrow
I would have been dedicated to
Yellamma- the goddess of the fallen,
to serve as a devadasi (servant of god)
I would be a prostitute for god
My virginity would be auctioned
to a group of perverse bastards
I would have to sleep with various men
to provide for my family,
for mama and I.
“Go to sleep”
“Tomorrow would be a long
and busy day”
She kissed my forehead
“Good night mama”
I replied,
smiled weakly
I laid on my mattress
My alarm rang
It was time
I blew out the candle
“Don't baby”
“You could get killed”
“There has to be another way”
“Please don't”
She cried ferociously
“I have to baby”
“There's no other way”
I replied
holding back tears
“I love you. I love you”
I kissed her forehead repeatedly
She slumped into my arms, wailing even louder
She shook uncontrollably
My story
The night’s air was unusually still
It must have sensed my emotions
Nausea swarmed through my guts
I slapped myself in the face
“You can do this”
“You can do this”
“This is the only way”
I screamed as I reiterated the words
Slapping myself even harder
I couldn't afford to lose confidence now
I removed my black leather gloves from my jacket
My sweaty hands made them hard to wear
I wiped my hands on my pants
and attempted wearing them again
This time it fit perfectly
I put my black ski mask on
and took a deep breath
“Get on the ground every body
Now, Now”
“You You You too”
“Get on the ground”
I screamed as I pointed my gun at everyone
The Asian convenience store owner raised
her both hands up
She stammered something in Chinese
Her face was as pale as a porcelain doll
“I don't know what you are saying”
“I don't care really, give me all the money”
“Money. Money”
I pointed the gun at her
My hands shook like a jelly
She shook like a withered leaf
I made the counting money gesture
“Fast. Quick. Money. Fast”
I looked around,
It was a large store
The store had no visible camera
Even if it did, I was masked
I sighted a red dot beaming from a corner
A camera
“Fuck Fuck Fuck”
I mumbled
Urine snaked down my pants
She emptied the money
into a large paper bag
“That's enough”
“How much…much
is that?”
I asked quavering
Boom Boom Boom
A sudden sharp pain swept my head
I turned around in shock
A burly angry male figure
He held a bloodied block of wood
An involuntary shiver ran down my spine
I felt blood simmer down my head
My heart rate doubled
My breath thickened
I felt another pain in my head
My arms, my back, my legs
I felt the gun fall out of my hand
as I collapsed slowly to the floor
“Tell her I did it for her”
“Tell her I love her”
I felt my lips move
Air came out of my mouth
Words could not
“Tell her we would meet in heaven
and I'd marry her there”
A tear dropped from my left eye
“Tell her…”
I saw a dark form chase me into
a thick, engulfing darkness
Images of the love of my life,
flickered through my brain
“Sahil Sahil”
“Come with me”
Alisha’s voice filled my head
Her voice warmed my heart
Was this real?
Her face slowly surfaced from the darkness
Her angelic face brightened my dark world
She walked steadily towards me
“Come with me”
She repeated,
There was something about her smile
Something that made me long for her
Something that wanted me to comfort her
She reached out to hold my hands
“Alisha, my baby”
“I am coming”
“I am coming”
I stretched my hands to hold hers
Just as our hands almost touched,
the dark form from the darkness emerged
and pulled me away
“Alisha Alisha Alisha”
“Don't let him take me”
“Don't let…Please”
I threw my legs and hands violently in protest
The air thickened
The thumping in my heart stopped
My breathing stilled
My eyes closed
“What would you do if you had one million?”
She asked me smirking
“That's a big question”
I answered laughing
“First of all, we'd move out of this village”
“We would go to Mumbai”
I paused for a second,
thinking about the question again
“We would go back to school
and get our high school diplomas”
“Then I would marry you”
“We would have three beautiful children”
She giggled vivaciously
Her story
I looked at the clocked for
the one hundredth time
My heart was firing missiles
at least that's what it felt like
He was meant to be here by now
Ten minutes and forty seconds ago
to be exact
My instinct told me something was wrong
I brushed the thought away
No negative thinking
I paced around my room
“Please God”
“Please God”
“I hope he's fine”
I muttered quickly under my breath
The store was just a stone throw from
my house
Karnataka was a small village
Everything was a stone throw
from everything
I wore my sari hurriedly
and threw on a pair of slippers
My body shook violently
Something was wrong
A certain uneasy feeling filled me
up to my throat
I opened the front door
as quietly as I could
The night’s air was warm
I could hear a babel of voices from afar
Angry voices
Chants actually, for description sake
“No No”
“I hope it's not…i…it can't be”
I ran like a cheetah on steroids,
like a man chased by possessed dogs
My slippers came out of my feet
My heart raced even faster now
My thoughts began to run together
Tears began to stream effortlessly
“Sahil, God”
“Tell me you're fine”
“Sahil means guide. Guide me through this”
“I don't know what to do”
I ran more vigorously
The chants became louder
became nearer
became clearer
“Burn him burn him”
Ing ge pan di kut teh
My head scarf flew out my hair
“No. No”
“Please don't”
“Please don't”
I screamed as I ran
I didn't give a care in a world
I didn't care who looked at me
Everyone knew everyone in Karnataka
I finally approached the convenience store
“Please don't. Please”
“Kill me instead”
I cried
“Who are you?”
“Take this female out of here”
“Where's your mother?”
“Shouldn't you be home?”
They dismissed me
“Kill me instead”
I tore my way into the crowd
Pushing my way through with every
ounce of strength in me
Lots of blood
A body
“Stop it. Stop”.
“Please stop. Sahil baby”
The men hit his body with rods
“Stop please. Beat me instead”
“Beat me instead. Burn me”
I shouted even louder
I laid on top of him
Stretching my hands and legs
Our bodies formed a cross like figure
“He's not a robber”
“He did this for me”
“Kill me instead. Kill me Please”
I closed my eyes,
waiting for the sticks to start raining
What was life without Sahil?
Who was Alisha without Sahil?
He gave me a reason to smile
A reason to be alive
No beating would make me leave
Eternity, at least that's what it felt like
I opened my eyes
Where is everyone?
Where did everyone go to?
I looked around
Everyone had gone
The sticks laid on the ground
The beatings stopped
I looked at Sahil
He looked so at peace
My heart whimpered in silence
“Sahil. Sahil. My guide”
“My lover. My baby”
“Don't leave me like this”
“You can't leave me like this”
“Wake up baby. Please wake up”
I kissed his forehead over and over
“You remember our plans?”
“We'd move to Mumbai”
“Work, get money, get married”
“Even have three beautiful children”
“You remember?”
I chuckled between tears
“Just wake up. Please. That's all I want”
His body remained still on the floor
A tear dropped from his eye
I laid on his body and wailed
and wailed
and wailed
Bright light
I shuddered in fear
What is going on?
I opened my eyes
My body trembled hysterically
My eyes darted around the room suspiciously
“Alisha, It's okay. It's okay”
“It's just a dream”
“It's okay”
“Everything is fine”
“Mama is here”
Hot sweat riddled my forehead
I was in my room
on my bed.
It was all a dream.
The village beamed with
red and white,
the colour of Yellamma
“I dedicate you now to Yellamma,
the goddess of all things beautiful,
the goddess of the fallen”
The priest echoed
“Today, you have become a Devadasi”
“You belong to Yellamma,
the temple
and the men of the land”
“Let the people celebrate”
He wept ceaselessly
“You'd never marry him”
“Over my dead body”
Mama screamed angrily
Alisha felt a knot
building in her throat
“Mama but I lov…”
She trembled, holding back tears
Mama slapped her face hard
“You belong to Yellamma”
“Drill that into your dense skull”
Mama stormed out
She sobbed frantically
My story
The sun shone weakly
The breeze blew gently
The golden and scarlet coloured leaves danced gallantly
It was a beautiful day
Her sari flowed with the tender wind
Fall had slowly creeped in,
like a softly sung hymn
I squeezed her right hand tightly
She made a mock cry
as she looked sadly at me
I grinned at her and hugged her
“So you think this is funny eh? Leave me”
She bellowed at me jokingly
I stuck my tongue out playfully
“I am gonna do mine back, just wait”
She continued
“You'd have to catch me first”
I taunted her as I ran towards the woods ahead
She swore under her breath
and ran towards me
The woods looked beautiful
Rusted leaves surrounded the ground
I found a big tree
and hid behind it
“Where are you?”
“I am going to catch you and beat you up”
Her voice echoed
I laughed quietly
as she searched fruitlessly for me
The tree I was hiding
was skirted by the autumn leaves
making it hard for her to find me
She slowed down to catch her breath
She had walked past the tree I was
I could see a bit of worry register
on her face
She was hoping she hadn't lost me
to the woods
I screamed as I jumped out of the tree,
landing directly behind her
She turned around swiftly,
quivering in fear
“You scared the sh…”
I lifted her up and kissed her
before she could complete her sentence
She smiled shyly
I looked at her eyes
and brushed off a stuck leaf from her hair
“I love you baby”
I hugged her tightly
“I love you too bambino”
We both chuckled
I held her hand
and led her out of the woods
The air was brisk
The sun hung low in the sky,
Its rays radiating through the leaves
Illuminating its yellow and orange veins
It was a beautiful day
We were in love
I kissed her forehead
“Do you love me?”
She asked softly
“Yeah baby, I do”
I replied smiling
“How do you know baby?”
She pressed
“There's this peace I feel
when I am with you”
“Like drinking cold water
in a desert”
“Like nothing else matters”
“I can't explain it”
She blushed sheepishly
Her story
The house was quiet
Well, other than the chirping crickets outside
Or the gentle rustle of the leaves
The orange hue from the scented candle
dimly lit my mud bedroom
Tears wriggled down my cheeks
I did not bother wiping them off
“Why me? Why me?”
I soliloquized
I looked at my mattress
My yellow sari laid on it
It was beautiful,
very beautiful
It had floral embroideries embedded
in it
Jasmine flowers to be precise
The flower signified sensuality and grace
Tomorrow was the day
The thought made my stomach churn
“Oh papa”
“Papa if you were here this
would not be happening”
More tears sprung to my eyes now
Papa sold bamboos
Well, he used to
before he died
He slipped while climbing a tree
and died instantaneously when
he landed on the ground
Nothing had been the same ever since
Mama barely spoke now
Papa’s death hit her hard
“Alisha, Tomorrow is the day”
“Are you ready?”
Mama’s voice quickly jerked me back to reality
I quickly wiped the tears off my face
She looked at me for a moment
Her gaze said it all
She had seen me crying
She shifted her gaze to the mattress
as if trying to push back an emotion
Tomorrow was the ceremony
Yellamma’s ceremony
She slowly looked at me
flashing a weak smile
“You would look so beautiful”
Her eyes bore a certain sadness
that ached my heart
She brushed my hair with her hands
“I borrowed these jewelries from the
priestess at the temple”
“Aren't they nice?”
She reached to a nylon bag
to retrieve the jewelries
Gold bangles, necklaces
and anklets.
They brightened the room lightly
By this time tomorrow
I would have turned seventeen
Also by this time tomorrow
I would have been dedicated to
Yellamma- the goddess of the fallen,
to serve as a devadasi (servant of god)
I would be a prostitute for god
My virginity would be auctioned
to a group of perverse bastards
I would have to sleep with various men
to provide for my family,
for mama and I.
“Go to sleep”
“Tomorrow would be a long
and busy day”
She kissed my forehead
“Good night mama”
I replied,
smiled weakly
I laid on my mattress
My alarm rang
It was time
I blew out the candle
“Don't baby”
“You could get killed”
“There has to be another way”
“Please don't”
She cried ferociously
“I have to baby”
“There's no other way”
I replied
holding back tears
“I love you. I love you”
I kissed her forehead repeatedly
She slumped into my arms, wailing even louder
She shook uncontrollably
My story
The night’s air was unusually still
It must have sensed my emotions
Nausea swarmed through my guts
I slapped myself in the face
“You can do this”
“You can do this”
“This is the only way”
I screamed as I reiterated the words
Slapping myself even harder
I couldn't afford to lose confidence now
I removed my black leather gloves from my jacket
My sweaty hands made them hard to wear
I wiped my hands on my pants
and attempted wearing them again
This time it fit perfectly
I put my black ski mask on
and took a deep breath
“Get on the ground every body
Now, Now”
“You You You too”
“Get on the ground”
I screamed as I pointed my gun at everyone
The Asian convenience store owner raised
her both hands up
She stammered something in Chinese
Her face was as pale as a porcelain doll
“I don't know what you are saying”
“I don't care really, give me all the money”
“Money. Money”
I pointed the gun at her
My hands shook like a jelly
She shook like a withered leaf
I made the counting money gesture
“Fast. Quick. Money. Fast”
I looked around,
It was a large store
The store had no visible camera
Even if it did, I was masked
I sighted a red dot beaming from a corner
A camera
“Fuck Fuck Fuck”
I mumbled
Urine snaked down my pants
She emptied the money
into a large paper bag
“That's enough”
“How much…much
is that?”
I asked quavering
Boom Boom Boom
A sudden sharp pain swept my head
I turned around in shock
A burly angry male figure
He held a bloodied block of wood
An involuntary shiver ran down my spine
I felt blood simmer down my head
My heart rate doubled
My breath thickened
I felt another pain in my head
My arms, my back, my legs
I felt the gun fall out of my hand
as I collapsed slowly to the floor
“Tell her I did it for her”
“Tell her I love her”
I felt my lips move
Air came out of my mouth
Words could not
“Tell her we would meet in heaven
and I'd marry her there”
A tear dropped from my left eye
“Tell her…”
I saw a dark form chase me into
a thick, engulfing darkness
Images of the love of my life,
flickered through my brain
“Sahil Sahil”
“Come with me”
Alisha’s voice filled my head
Her voice warmed my heart
Was this real?
Her face slowly surfaced from the darkness
Her angelic face brightened my dark world
She walked steadily towards me
“Come with me”
She repeated,
There was something about her smile
Something that made me long for her
Something that wanted me to comfort her
She reached out to hold my hands
“Alisha, my baby”
“I am coming”
“I am coming”
I stretched my hands to hold hers
Just as our hands almost touched,
the dark form from the darkness emerged
and pulled me away
“Alisha Alisha Alisha”
“Don't let him take me”
“Don't let…Please”
I threw my legs and hands violently in protest
The air thickened
The thumping in my heart stopped
My breathing stilled
My eyes closed
“What would you do if you had one million?”
She asked me smirking
“That's a big question”
I answered laughing
“First of all, we'd move out of this village”
“We would go to Mumbai”
I paused for a second,
thinking about the question again
“We would go back to school
and get our high school diplomas”
“Then I would marry you”
“We would have three beautiful children”
She giggled vivaciously
Her story
I looked at the clocked for
the one hundredth time
My heart was firing missiles
at least that's what it felt like
He was meant to be here by now
Ten minutes and forty seconds ago
to be exact
My instinct told me something was wrong
I brushed the thought away
No negative thinking
I paced around my room
“Please God”
“Please God”
“I hope he's fine”
I muttered quickly under my breath
The store was just a stone throw from
my house
Karnataka was a small village
Everything was a stone throw
from everything
I wore my sari hurriedly
and threw on a pair of slippers
My body shook violently
Something was wrong
A certain uneasy feeling filled me
up to my throat
I opened the front door
as quietly as I could
The night’s air was warm
I could hear a babel of voices from afar
Angry voices
Chants actually, for description sake
“No No”
“I hope it's not…i…it can't be”
I ran like a cheetah on steroids,
like a man chased by possessed dogs
My slippers came out of my feet
My heart raced even faster now
My thoughts began to run together
Tears began to stream effortlessly
“Sahil, God”
“Tell me you're fine”
“Sahil means guide. Guide me through this”
“I don't know what to do”
I ran more vigorously
The chants became louder
became nearer
became clearer
“Burn him burn him”
Ing ge pan di kut teh
My head scarf flew out my hair
“No. No”
“Please don't”
“Please don't”
I screamed as I ran
I didn't give a care in a world
I didn't care who looked at me
Everyone knew everyone in Karnataka
I finally approached the convenience store
“Please don't. Please”
“Kill me instead”
I cried
“Who are you?”
“Take this female out of here”
“Where's your mother?”
“Shouldn't you be home?”
They dismissed me
“Kill me instead”
I tore my way into the crowd
Pushing my way through with every
ounce of strength in me
Lots of blood
A body
“Stop it. Stop”.
“Please stop. Sahil baby”
The men hit his body with rods
“Stop please. Beat me instead”
“Beat me instead. Burn me”
I shouted even louder
I laid on top of him
Stretching my hands and legs
Our bodies formed a cross like figure
“He's not a robber”
“He did this for me”
“Kill me instead. Kill me Please”
I closed my eyes,
waiting for the sticks to start raining
What was life without Sahil?
Who was Alisha without Sahil?
He gave me a reason to smile
A reason to be alive
No beating would make me leave
Eternity, at least that's what it felt like
I opened my eyes
Where is everyone?
Where did everyone go to?
I looked around
Everyone had gone
The sticks laid on the ground
The beatings stopped
I looked at Sahil
He looked so at peace
My heart whimpered in silence
“Sahil. Sahil. My guide”
“My lover. My baby”
“Don't leave me like this”
“You can't leave me like this”
“Wake up baby. Please wake up”
I kissed his forehead over and over
“You remember our plans?”
“We'd move to Mumbai”
“Work, get money, get married”
“Even have three beautiful children”
“You remember?”
I chuckled between tears
“Just wake up. Please. That's all I want”
His body remained still on the floor
A tear dropped from his eye
I laid on his body and wailed
and wailed
and wailed
Bright light
I shuddered in fear
What is going on?
I opened my eyes
My body trembled hysterically
My eyes darted around the room suspiciously
“Alisha, It's okay. It's okay”
“It's just a dream”
“It's okay”
“Everything is fine”
“Mama is here”
Hot sweat riddled my forehead
I was in my room
on my bed.
It was all a dream.
The village beamed with
red and white,
the colour of Yellamma
“I dedicate you now to Yellamma,
the goddess of all things beautiful,
the goddess of the fallen”
The priest echoed
“Today, you have become a Devadasi”
“You belong to Yellamma,
the temple
and the men of the land”
“Let the people celebrate”
He wept ceaselessly
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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