My Friend Alyssa

There is this girl and her name is Alyssa, Alyssa Johnson
She walks the streets drawing the eyes of men with her looks
Look up the book stunning, she is on the cover of the book
She draws you in with her bright smile and smooth eyes
But don't believe her if she says she is innocent, she speaks lies
Her and I have crossed paths once before and it was not pretty
I said a few words, the wrong words I guess because then she turned bitchy
She stood up with a stance of power, vigor and anger, a frightful sight
As I backed away and she walked closer, she said "Ready to feel my might?"
Her voice had changed and I must admit was very frightening
Then the ground started to split and there was red lightning
Her teeth began to get sharper and horns started to grow
Then her eyes became different colors and began to glow
A three headed cerberus rised out the ground breathing fire
As she raised from the ground flying higher and higher
Attacking the hell hound I removed each of its heads
She did not like that her puppy was now dead
I knew I could not let a woman defeat me so this was a fight I could not turn away
Rising from the ground to meet her eye to eye, then she blasted me with an energy ray
Hurt really bad and wounded I flew in, knowing I had to end this quick
Before I could land my blow, she disappeared and in my ear I heard "Who's the bitch?"
Wrapping me in a bear hug, she began to spiral down towards the ground
Right before impact she released me, hurling at high speeds into town
Hurt beyond repair down on one kneeI knew it was time to admit defeat
"I apologize for my actions, and my harsh words"In an instant she turned back into the beautiful girl
"OK, but next time you watch you say"
Even now, I still watch my words every day
So don't let the one they call Alyssa fool you one bit
When she is angry, she has this super evil dark sided bitch
Written by lashawnscott92 (Visual Lyricist)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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