Seven Ways in Which the Bible Predicts Nuclear War - Russian Attack: Part 1of a 7 Part Series

Revelation 13.7 says "the Beast will make war on the saints.  
He will overcome them, gaining power over every..nation."
In the Christian New Testament the term "saints" simply means "holy.people."
It always refers to Christian believers as a class, not just to special ones.
(The Catholic Church took the word "saint" and changed it's meaning.)
By extension "the saints" points to those nations that have been  
predominantly Christian, especially the earliest Christian nations.
In particular, it is referring to Western Europe.
For "the Beast" refers to the Roman empire
which covered all of mainland Western Europe.
(I'll explain later.)
So "making war on the saints" means that Western Europe  
will be invaded and conquered !! Presumably by RUSSIA !!
Who else is close enuff, powerful enuff, predatory enuff to do it ??
But America is married to Europe via its NATO alliance obligations.
So any Russian invasion of Western Europe has to - HAS TO -  
include a preemptive devastating nuclear strike against the USA !!
PS: now for some explaining of this term, "the Beast."
It has "7 heads, 10 horns" (Rev 13.1).
It is a latter day version of the Dragon with "7 heads, 10 horns"(Rev 12.3).
Both the first century Dragon(Rev 12) and the coming (in our day) Beast(Rev 13),
Go back to Daniel 7.7 - 7.8's "fourth Beast with 10 horns."
Dan 7.7 corresponds to Rev 12's Dragon("Beast," phase 1)
While Dan 7.8 goes with Rev 13's Beast, phase 2.
Daniel 7.7-7.8 appears to be talking about just one Beast (empire).
But Rev 17.8-11 explains that two periods of the Beast are present in Dan 7.7-7.8 !!
And in between is the "is not' interim in which the Beast doesn't exist.
I should have explained that there are 4 empires in succession in Dan 7.
They are Babylon,Persia,Greece, then whoever succeeded the Greek empire.
Namely, the Roman empire, certainly.
Once you accept that much, you can see just why verse 8 is set in the post-empire period.
The Roman empire was ruled by one king(Ceasar) at a time, of course.
But verse 8 has ten kings ("ten horns") ruling concurrently.
This is an obvious red flag telling us that things have changed.
We're no longer in the time of the Roman empire !!
Then one-man-rule is restored as once-Roman geography  
is conquered and national sovereignty disappears.
In place of 10 nations with their own rulers,
only one entity exists, with one man ("the Beast") in charge. See ??
Written by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)
Published | Edited 12th Apr 2016
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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