Death Wine

I’ve traveled dark places during the daytime.
I have seen shadows in eternal night.

Why is the moon fighting the sun by starlight?
Day has decomposed  into tainted night.

Blood runs red as the sun sets in the west.
Normalize death wine by painting the sky its hues.

But just before it all fades to black forever,
Slash the sky with our tears of melancholy blue.

Look away from the sky to dry your eyes.
Focus on travesties for miles and miles.

Bask in the age of secondhand suicide.
While unblind, we hide from the truth.

Although we cry a million stars in the sky,
The red is still on the loose and running wild.

We lost sight of the hurt and tried to dissect it.
But, in the least the sunset is pretty and perfect.
Written by acatsmeow (Demi the Crow)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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