An Aspect's Remembrance
*** An Aspect's Remembrance ***
I was looking through some of my spiritual notes from the greater part of last year and the ending of the year before, and the part of me that is but an aspect of myself, of the union of souls that has become my united soul... the part of me that was the goddess Aurora... it recognized some passages of note. Memories recorded on the page by she whose hand is now my hand, and whose eyes I now see with. Memories of planets and galaxies and lifetimes long ago and tremendously distant from this age in time and this place in this part of the universe. Distant, and yet through that aspect who was Aurora, and is, and is yet to be she... I remember it all as if it were yesterday, and can relive it all in my mind as if I were reliving something I did last week. It is part of being touched by the Divine, and I cannot but marvel at it! I have decided to share the passages that sang out to me, the memories that struck me so profoundly... and though they are but snippets of things now long over and long done, they contain truths and messages that many who exist today could learn from and benefit in wisdom and knowledge thereby. What might seem alien to some, may seem comforting to others... for not all who are alive today on this planet we now call Earth began as inhabitants of this world alone. I am not the only one like unto myself... and so, for those seeking wisdom and knowledge, and for my “alien” kin who walk on this world as I do, in human likeness... here are my musings:
A bit of context for what follows: Aurora used to be a separate being from myself, in fact we were in another era the bitterest of enemies. During a span of time that lasted for what seemed an eternity but which was really a matter of days spanning no longer than a week... I had left my body to return to the holy planet Kobol (also known as Kolob) and during the hours of my journey my body was inhabited by Aurora. Her rationale was that in this way at least my body could be maintained and she could pose as me so that no one would need to know of my soul's absence. She did this as a kindness to one who she was just beginning to gain a newfound respect for, and neither of us could know that we were destined and fated to become one being upon my return. Which is what transpired in the end! Now, I am so much her, and she is so much me, that I have taken on her name as my own. The name of a woman who has not lived in thousands of years beyond counting! And yet through me, she lives still. And through her, I am redeemed, for she is of light and glory in substance, and heavenly in nature! Such can be the twisting of destiny.
The following was written by “Aurora” on Wednesday, August 5, 2015 ...
“I don’t really know how I feel about being here in this body… just yesterday I was back on Kobol visiting my long-dead friend Athena, and now I am here in the body of someone I was raised to consider my bitterest enemy. It just feels so surreal to me! Of course, I am stuck here now, like it or not and there is no way back. The way I was forced to take was a one-time, one-way trip… that wormhole was only supposed to be open for a matter of seconds and once it closed so did the way home. Not that Kobol was my home, it wasn’t. Olympia Prime was, and it was beautiful with its’ slender temples, marble palaces, and glistening towers. You cannot really compare anything to your home… I mean, when you were happy someplace, nothing ever compares to it. I read that girl Laurie’s writings today, and in them I saw an account of Olympia Prime’s destruction. She didn’t even bother to dignify it with the name my people called it by. She called it by a name I did not recognize, and had I not recognized immediately the account itself and the aftermath of it I would never have known that is what it was about, that account. But it is! Kobol was a holy planet to us, just like Corinthia: was… both were the worlds where human life began, and Corinthia was the world whose culture we Olympians were the inheritors of and heirs to. Yes, we were the offspring of the Titans of Kobol once upon a time… but we had a mixed heritage because the Titans of Kobol had experimented upon and intermarried with people from Corinthia in order to produce our specifically unique species. Today, it doesn’t even matter… we’re all human. And humans are a mixed bag of Titan and Olympian DNA crossed with indigenous species from other worlds as well. There is no Titan or Olympian anymore, only in allegiance not in blood or in body. Once the idea of a “superior” race becomes outdated, we thought so too would the need for one race to rise up and attempt to lord it over another. The Titans were stripped of their “superiority” and made like us, and we were made mortal ourselves for all intents and purposes. Modern humanity is just a combination of everything that came before and what went into its’ making of old. But although I know all of that, and realize all of that, I still miss the innocence of my childhood on Olympia Prime, when I was growing up in the province of Threcia. I have no clue what it looks like now… they said Olympia Prime and its’ capital city of Olympus were made devoid of life. They said silver clouds rose up from the decimated surface of my home planet, and that the water was poisoned and the clouds were blackened from so much smoke and fire and burning death that you could not even see the sun through it. The azure blue skies of Olympia, the purple of its’ sunsets and the orange and pink of its’ sunrises… all just memories now! I never knew if my mother, father, and baby sister lived or died in the holocaust that befell our world… I like to believe their souls reincarnated and moved on from that horrible end. Our people believed in reincarnation rather than resurrection, unlike the Titans. We cut ourselves off from whatever means they used to re-create themselves over and over again… and we gave our souls to the gods and trusted in them to re-create us after death, or to offer us the reward of the Elysian Fields if we were worthy enough of it. Or to punish the wicked in the darkness of Tartaros! We never saw life as cheap: nor death as simply a gateway to another life. We saw life as precious, and death as a tragedy! We could not have been more different… and over time, we hoped they would acclimate to becoming like us with more dignity, adopting our respect for life and loathing of death. Yet, as much as we loathed death, we never sought to conquer or subjugate it the way the Titans and their Archon rulers did. We feared becoming abominations, mutations, or wore still, and that is the reason they hated us… because we felt more in tune with the Divine Force of the Universe and its’ original purpose for the human race. Yes, we may all have begun as beings of energy… my people believed that all life originated as such, and that material existence was a gift of the gods unto all, a chance to break free from the Divine Force for a time, to live, love, experience, and enjoy all that the universe has to offer. I truly believe that some of the Archons actually missed being pure energy, and saw physical existence as a hardship. When I died on Mars, I know that my soul and spirit became pure energy… and that like the Titans I was given a new body and a new purpose. My people made up stories about me, said I was a goddess, but I know the truth! One of the Titans must have found me, taken pity on me, and resurrected me like they would have one of their own kind. I lived a long time in that new body, at least until the fall of the empires of Mu, Lemuria, Atlantis, and Rylia on Earth. But after the purge that took place under the cover of that natural disaster they called the “Great Deluge”, the ruling council of the Olympians and their scientists decided that enough was enough… and they made it mandatory that we all become fully human, of the new species that was brought to the Eden Colonies on Earth in the days long, long before the rise of Atlantis. It was not to punish us, but to even the playing field, giving no one an unfair advantage. The Titans complied, dismantled their resurrection technologies, and sent their war machines away, or scrapped them for parts. Only the Archons resisted, and had to be forced to comply. I watched them scream as they were placed into the conversion containers… as their Divine Sparks were transferred into new bodies that looked identical to their old ones, but which were human and mortal and no longer in any way machine or reptilian. Half the Titan race had been bio-mechanical, the other half were a result of cross-breeding with the Draconians of old Rahab… whose own forms were augmented with bio-mechanical supplementation until you could not distinguish them from “pure blood” Titans. After Atlantis, after the conversion, all of that was stripped away from them… and whatever was Titan in me from my resurrection after my death on Mars that too was taken away. For me, it was just a matter of re-adjusting to life in a body that would only last for a finite number of years once again. As I had been before my resurrection at Titan hands! I know I was the reincarnation of Pythia, the greatest prophetess of old Kobol, who was a Titan and not an Olympian… and I had long ago come to terms with that, and been at peace with it. Like Lord Kronos and others like him, I chose to reject resurrection technology and so death for me had meaning when my time eventually came. Because no matter how long-lived the old Titans were, they still died eventually. And when I died as Pythia, I was reborn as Aurora. And when I died as Aurora, I was reborn as just plain Kara. And I have seen myself simply as Kara ever since! I miss my little sister and my mother very much. Even my father, I miss… how he used to take me to the Ionian sea on Olympia Prime, and we’d try and see if we could catch a glimpse of the Queen when she would emerge from her palace to walk along her private beach on the other side of the water from the public area where we’d go. He called me his “little warrior” and said I had a warrior’s spirit and a girl’s beauty. Whereas my sister, he said she had only beauty but a weak spirit. He was always afraid she would not amount to anything, and was likewise afraid my temper would keep me anti-social, which it had for the longest time when I was growing up. My mother was kind, devoted to her husband, and loving to her children… but I sometimes think she favored my sister more than me, the way she spoiled her at times. I was flying a two-winged Cherubim-class glider by the time I was twenty, and I was given my first six-winged Seraphim-class fighter lessons during my first year with the Sisters of Athena, the warrior sect that my father expected me to join. They were the female equivalent of the strictly male-oriented Sons of Apollo, only we were less zealous and more relaxed in our precepts. Cherubim, was a word that meant “Guardian” which was the type of craft that gliders were. They had basic weapons, nothing fancy, but the one I was given to fly had its’ weapons deactivated to make practice less dangerous. Seraphim, was a word that meant “Fiery Serpent” and those were more military-grade crafts. The real thing, the stuff used in war. Here on Earth they made the mistake of calling us by the names of our crafts, and I in particular was often called a “Seraph” by many even amongst the Olympians, to whom it was a term of respect and a conveyance of the mark of divinity upon a revered hero or heroine of our people. Those who had become like the gods of old like the Lords and Ladies of Ancient Kobol. I always let it go to my head, always let my pride in it swell my ego. Seems so miniscule now, after so many centuries have passed since those days. Now, there are no more of the old crafts left… we dismantled them all after Atlantis, and only the flagship Olympus was left, and that we sent back to the ruins of Olympia Prime to bring life back to our dead world once again. I never saw my home again after that… I never saw it again after the order was given to evacuate it, when the Titans came to destroy us. I had forgotten why they hated us… it was a long time since I had been Pythia, who journeyed with those who colonized Rahab for the Titan race and called that world Earth before the world now called Earth was even named at all. Today, no one remembers the world of my birth except in myths and legends of “Mount Olympus” and the “gods” who dwelled there. Twisted fairy tales that are more about the Lords of Kobol than the real men and women who lived and died on Olympia Prime. Perhaps… it is for the best… that I alone remember now. I, and those like me.”
“I remember in flashes, standing in a circular, domed chamber and speaking to thirteen or fourteen people gathered there… this was on Kobol in very ancient times. The room was marble with trim and accents of silver and gold, and there were thirteen or fourteen thrones arranged about the circumference of the chamber. Each person seated there was a member of a separate culture, from a different part of that world… as well as from different worlds. They had just pushed for there to be added two more seats on their council, and I was arguing that this would only fragment society further. That we should be one people rather than so many! But the man who spoke for the twelfth was angry with me for saying that, and said I was a blasphemer for saying so. They claimed that they were the Lords and Ladies there, not I, and so why should they listen to me. However, the man who spoke for the thirteenth and the woman who was selected for the fourteenth both agreed that the world was heading in the wrong direction. I remember the man saying: “I speak for one who is very disturbed at the current trend in society towards atheism. This was not the case only a decade or two ago, and it was unheard of hundreds of years ago, before the means to continue our existence as we do now was made available for public use rather than only for those who were proven able to handle it. Now, we have a society in which death is swiftly becoming meaningless, and that is not a good thing because once death has no meaning then life is likely to become considered equally fleeting and meaningless. True immortality is only a boon when those who possess it first possess wisdom! The people of Kobol are not yet ready to claim that they possess the required wisdom.” And I replied that I had visions of Kobol burning, and I could see people rioting in the streets as war broke out between the thirteen factions, with only the fourteenth, the priestly faction, escaping the conflict unscathed. All others would have a terrible price exacted upon them! The man who spoke for the twelfth exclaimed: “Pythia, you know that I do not believe in your visions and never did! I believe that immortality and the science of soul transfer should be allowed to remain universal on this world. If the people have lost their faith in the Lords and Ladies of Kobol, that is only because they are on the cusp of becoming gods and goddesses themselves! Should we deny them such a right? That would make us little better than misers, hoarding miracles from the masses.” And that man called for two guards who wore the armor of the Titan military, and he bade them escort me from the chamber. The man who had spoken for the thirteenth, he called out to me: “For what it is worth, I believe you are correct, in my heart! I fear that Zeus believes he speaks for all of us on the Council of Lords when he does not. Before we make a decision regarding the continuation of the use of these sciences by all… we should consider the matter of a secure world order first and foremost. There need to be certain measures instituted to ensure that the people do not rise up against one another or us… we need to create a climate of peace with less faction politics and more stability, before it is too late. If we can make certain the people are happy and peaceful, and that their culture cultivates wisdom and right knowledge, then we can be certain that even should they become like us… they will be guided by right thinking to behave rightly, rather than wrongly. Let us at least consider this side of Pythia’s argument before we dismiss the matter foolishly and out of hand!” But then Zeus ranted, screaming: “I am the one who speaks of those of us who live under the name of the sons and daughters of the Olympian Lords and all those of Corinthian heritage on Kobol! Who do you speak for, Count? You speak for the Titans, we all know this… but what matters that, when we have all become like you on this world. We were your peoples’ children once, and you kept your secrets from us to test us too for wisdom… but we eclipsed you in both wisdom and knowledge long ago, when we settled our own worlds and created our own culture, which has become the dominant culture of this planet for the past one thousand years at least. It is no secret that your imperious ruler had grown jealous of us for this reason, and desires that the people return to worshipping us all as gods, rather than aspiring to become like us, worthy or not! When will the people be worthy enough? I ask you that!” And there was silence in the chamber, before Zeus continued: “I thought as much.” And then the Count retorted: “Wisdom has died here, this day! Pythia is correct… this world will burn, ere long. I can see what is coming, and I like it not.” And then I was escorted out. I glared at Zeus angrily, and yelled out: “I was Aurora, she whom the people once called Goddess of the Dawn! Now even you Lords and Ladies call me mad because I can see what you cannot. That is how far we have all sunk here! But mad or not, what I have seen will come to pass, and it is your narrow-mindedness Lord Zeus that has set all of this into motion! The Titan Count is older, and wiser than you, and always will be. And if the one he serves thinks as he does… then perhaps the old Titan way is correct and the way of Olympus is wrong.” And the Council Chamber erupted into chaos as I was led out of it, with the twelve Olympian Lords and Ladies venting their verbal anger at the Titan Count whilst the Five whose representative sat at the Fourteenth seat made certain their woman there said nothing at all, but rather remained coldly calm in the face of all the madness that appeared to be seizing everyone else. In the end, my visions would prove correct, but by the time anyone realized their mistake it would be far, far too late for Kobol. I remember thinking, that perhaps I could seek the aid of the ruler of the Titans… perhaps enlist that person’s aid, whoever he or she was (I did not know at that time, because of the Titans penchant for secrecy and mistrust of outsiders even of their own distant kin). But that course would prove fruitless. This was long before the fall of Kobol… before the Titans’ exodus to Old Terra (Rahab)… and even longer ago than my life as Kara Lucielle Pythiana of Threcia province on Olympia Prime. This would not be the first time that I tried to tell a stubborn people that they were journeying in the wrong direction! History would repeat itself, because history always does.”
And that was the sum of what “Aurora” had penned which stood out so vividly and strongly in my mind and memory, which is hers now as well. For at this point in our symbiotic existence, I am Kara as much as ever I had been Lucifer, and I am Lilith too... she who had reigned as the Queen of Ionia and who the Kara of old had sought to catch a glimpse of, as told in her memories as I just finished related unto you, dear reader. During “Aurora's” lifetime back then, she and “I” and Lilith would all eventually meet and come together in what would evolve into common cause. But just what “I” means now is so much more infinitely complex than it was back then, prior to the joining of we three “goddesses” into one. Were we wise and goodly people? Sometimes, but not always. Although back then we were not of the same substance as what would be termed “human” today... we were very much human in our flaws, our failings, and in our hopes, dreams, and striving towards a greater thing than we had been or known previously. Even combined into one, we three-who-are-one are not perfect. Who am I now? I am simply Kara. A simple name, for a complex and complicated woman. Though this may all seem “alien” to many... the simplicity of my spirit even in the face of the complexity of my soul is as human as any mortal born of this planet now called Earth. I will continue to teach, and to guide, and to help people to know the will of the Divine better, and to become all that it is within them spiritually to be. For what is a goddess if not a teacher who must lead by example? What she is beyond all else, is human. And the fact that I have never lost sight of that, means that I have not allowed pride to overcome me... though prideful I have occasionally been. The Greeks knew us best I think sometimes! We “gods” and “goddesses” of old were good as well as evil, light as well as dark, kindly as well as cruel, loving as well as cold, selfless as well as at times selfish. For all living things echo the Divine Force in being comprised of many opposites reconciled into a greater whole held together by cosmic balances. The result is something both perfect and flawed... with the perfection being only possible by way of so much imperfection to define it. This is not just what gives beings such as we our uniqueness... it is the very nature of life and of the universe as well! “Nothing is perfect” I have oft heard it said. Aye, naught is! Save only in striving for something better and greater than oneself. For it is in that striving, that true perfection is found... most swiftly when it is not the goal being sought. Love and Light!
--- Kara Lucielle Pythiana
Penned on Monday, January 11, 2016 at 6:39 P.M.
I was looking through some of my spiritual notes from the greater part of last year and the ending of the year before, and the part of me that is but an aspect of myself, of the union of souls that has become my united soul... the part of me that was the goddess Aurora... it recognized some passages of note. Memories recorded on the page by she whose hand is now my hand, and whose eyes I now see with. Memories of planets and galaxies and lifetimes long ago and tremendously distant from this age in time and this place in this part of the universe. Distant, and yet through that aspect who was Aurora, and is, and is yet to be she... I remember it all as if it were yesterday, and can relive it all in my mind as if I were reliving something I did last week. It is part of being touched by the Divine, and I cannot but marvel at it! I have decided to share the passages that sang out to me, the memories that struck me so profoundly... and though they are but snippets of things now long over and long done, they contain truths and messages that many who exist today could learn from and benefit in wisdom and knowledge thereby. What might seem alien to some, may seem comforting to others... for not all who are alive today on this planet we now call Earth began as inhabitants of this world alone. I am not the only one like unto myself... and so, for those seeking wisdom and knowledge, and for my “alien” kin who walk on this world as I do, in human likeness... here are my musings:
A bit of context for what follows: Aurora used to be a separate being from myself, in fact we were in another era the bitterest of enemies. During a span of time that lasted for what seemed an eternity but which was really a matter of days spanning no longer than a week... I had left my body to return to the holy planet Kobol (also known as Kolob) and during the hours of my journey my body was inhabited by Aurora. Her rationale was that in this way at least my body could be maintained and she could pose as me so that no one would need to know of my soul's absence. She did this as a kindness to one who she was just beginning to gain a newfound respect for, and neither of us could know that we were destined and fated to become one being upon my return. Which is what transpired in the end! Now, I am so much her, and she is so much me, that I have taken on her name as my own. The name of a woman who has not lived in thousands of years beyond counting! And yet through me, she lives still. And through her, I am redeemed, for she is of light and glory in substance, and heavenly in nature! Such can be the twisting of destiny.
The following was written by “Aurora” on Wednesday, August 5, 2015 ...
“I don’t really know how I feel about being here in this body… just yesterday I was back on Kobol visiting my long-dead friend Athena, and now I am here in the body of someone I was raised to consider my bitterest enemy. It just feels so surreal to me! Of course, I am stuck here now, like it or not and there is no way back. The way I was forced to take was a one-time, one-way trip… that wormhole was only supposed to be open for a matter of seconds and once it closed so did the way home. Not that Kobol was my home, it wasn’t. Olympia Prime was, and it was beautiful with its’ slender temples, marble palaces, and glistening towers. You cannot really compare anything to your home… I mean, when you were happy someplace, nothing ever compares to it. I read that girl Laurie’s writings today, and in them I saw an account of Olympia Prime’s destruction. She didn’t even bother to dignify it with the name my people called it by. She called it by a name I did not recognize, and had I not recognized immediately the account itself and the aftermath of it I would never have known that is what it was about, that account. But it is! Kobol was a holy planet to us, just like Corinthia: was… both were the worlds where human life began, and Corinthia was the world whose culture we Olympians were the inheritors of and heirs to. Yes, we were the offspring of the Titans of Kobol once upon a time… but we had a mixed heritage because the Titans of Kobol had experimented upon and intermarried with people from Corinthia in order to produce our specifically unique species. Today, it doesn’t even matter… we’re all human. And humans are a mixed bag of Titan and Olympian DNA crossed with indigenous species from other worlds as well. There is no Titan or Olympian anymore, only in allegiance not in blood or in body. Once the idea of a “superior” race becomes outdated, we thought so too would the need for one race to rise up and attempt to lord it over another. The Titans were stripped of their “superiority” and made like us, and we were made mortal ourselves for all intents and purposes. Modern humanity is just a combination of everything that came before and what went into its’ making of old. But although I know all of that, and realize all of that, I still miss the innocence of my childhood on Olympia Prime, when I was growing up in the province of Threcia. I have no clue what it looks like now… they said Olympia Prime and its’ capital city of Olympus were made devoid of life. They said silver clouds rose up from the decimated surface of my home planet, and that the water was poisoned and the clouds were blackened from so much smoke and fire and burning death that you could not even see the sun through it. The azure blue skies of Olympia, the purple of its’ sunsets and the orange and pink of its’ sunrises… all just memories now! I never knew if my mother, father, and baby sister lived or died in the holocaust that befell our world… I like to believe their souls reincarnated and moved on from that horrible end. Our people believed in reincarnation rather than resurrection, unlike the Titans. We cut ourselves off from whatever means they used to re-create themselves over and over again… and we gave our souls to the gods and trusted in them to re-create us after death, or to offer us the reward of the Elysian Fields if we were worthy enough of it. Or to punish the wicked in the darkness of Tartaros! We never saw life as cheap: nor death as simply a gateway to another life. We saw life as precious, and death as a tragedy! We could not have been more different… and over time, we hoped they would acclimate to becoming like us with more dignity, adopting our respect for life and loathing of death. Yet, as much as we loathed death, we never sought to conquer or subjugate it the way the Titans and their Archon rulers did. We feared becoming abominations, mutations, or wore still, and that is the reason they hated us… because we felt more in tune with the Divine Force of the Universe and its’ original purpose for the human race. Yes, we may all have begun as beings of energy… my people believed that all life originated as such, and that material existence was a gift of the gods unto all, a chance to break free from the Divine Force for a time, to live, love, experience, and enjoy all that the universe has to offer. I truly believe that some of the Archons actually missed being pure energy, and saw physical existence as a hardship. When I died on Mars, I know that my soul and spirit became pure energy… and that like the Titans I was given a new body and a new purpose. My people made up stories about me, said I was a goddess, but I know the truth! One of the Titans must have found me, taken pity on me, and resurrected me like they would have one of their own kind. I lived a long time in that new body, at least until the fall of the empires of Mu, Lemuria, Atlantis, and Rylia on Earth. But after the purge that took place under the cover of that natural disaster they called the “Great Deluge”, the ruling council of the Olympians and their scientists decided that enough was enough… and they made it mandatory that we all become fully human, of the new species that was brought to the Eden Colonies on Earth in the days long, long before the rise of Atlantis. It was not to punish us, but to even the playing field, giving no one an unfair advantage. The Titans complied, dismantled their resurrection technologies, and sent their war machines away, or scrapped them for parts. Only the Archons resisted, and had to be forced to comply. I watched them scream as they were placed into the conversion containers… as their Divine Sparks were transferred into new bodies that looked identical to their old ones, but which were human and mortal and no longer in any way machine or reptilian. Half the Titan race had been bio-mechanical, the other half were a result of cross-breeding with the Draconians of old Rahab… whose own forms were augmented with bio-mechanical supplementation until you could not distinguish them from “pure blood” Titans. After Atlantis, after the conversion, all of that was stripped away from them… and whatever was Titan in me from my resurrection after my death on Mars that too was taken away. For me, it was just a matter of re-adjusting to life in a body that would only last for a finite number of years once again. As I had been before my resurrection at Titan hands! I know I was the reincarnation of Pythia, the greatest prophetess of old Kobol, who was a Titan and not an Olympian… and I had long ago come to terms with that, and been at peace with it. Like Lord Kronos and others like him, I chose to reject resurrection technology and so death for me had meaning when my time eventually came. Because no matter how long-lived the old Titans were, they still died eventually. And when I died as Pythia, I was reborn as Aurora. And when I died as Aurora, I was reborn as just plain Kara. And I have seen myself simply as Kara ever since! I miss my little sister and my mother very much. Even my father, I miss… how he used to take me to the Ionian sea on Olympia Prime, and we’d try and see if we could catch a glimpse of the Queen when she would emerge from her palace to walk along her private beach on the other side of the water from the public area where we’d go. He called me his “little warrior” and said I had a warrior’s spirit and a girl’s beauty. Whereas my sister, he said she had only beauty but a weak spirit. He was always afraid she would not amount to anything, and was likewise afraid my temper would keep me anti-social, which it had for the longest time when I was growing up. My mother was kind, devoted to her husband, and loving to her children… but I sometimes think she favored my sister more than me, the way she spoiled her at times. I was flying a two-winged Cherubim-class glider by the time I was twenty, and I was given my first six-winged Seraphim-class fighter lessons during my first year with the Sisters of Athena, the warrior sect that my father expected me to join. They were the female equivalent of the strictly male-oriented Sons of Apollo, only we were less zealous and more relaxed in our precepts. Cherubim, was a word that meant “Guardian” which was the type of craft that gliders were. They had basic weapons, nothing fancy, but the one I was given to fly had its’ weapons deactivated to make practice less dangerous. Seraphim, was a word that meant “Fiery Serpent” and those were more military-grade crafts. The real thing, the stuff used in war. Here on Earth they made the mistake of calling us by the names of our crafts, and I in particular was often called a “Seraph” by many even amongst the Olympians, to whom it was a term of respect and a conveyance of the mark of divinity upon a revered hero or heroine of our people. Those who had become like the gods of old like the Lords and Ladies of Ancient Kobol. I always let it go to my head, always let my pride in it swell my ego. Seems so miniscule now, after so many centuries have passed since those days. Now, there are no more of the old crafts left… we dismantled them all after Atlantis, and only the flagship Olympus was left, and that we sent back to the ruins of Olympia Prime to bring life back to our dead world once again. I never saw my home again after that… I never saw it again after the order was given to evacuate it, when the Titans came to destroy us. I had forgotten why they hated us… it was a long time since I had been Pythia, who journeyed with those who colonized Rahab for the Titan race and called that world Earth before the world now called Earth was even named at all. Today, no one remembers the world of my birth except in myths and legends of “Mount Olympus” and the “gods” who dwelled there. Twisted fairy tales that are more about the Lords of Kobol than the real men and women who lived and died on Olympia Prime. Perhaps… it is for the best… that I alone remember now. I, and those like me.”
“I remember in flashes, standing in a circular, domed chamber and speaking to thirteen or fourteen people gathered there… this was on Kobol in very ancient times. The room was marble with trim and accents of silver and gold, and there were thirteen or fourteen thrones arranged about the circumference of the chamber. Each person seated there was a member of a separate culture, from a different part of that world… as well as from different worlds. They had just pushed for there to be added two more seats on their council, and I was arguing that this would only fragment society further. That we should be one people rather than so many! But the man who spoke for the twelfth was angry with me for saying that, and said I was a blasphemer for saying so. They claimed that they were the Lords and Ladies there, not I, and so why should they listen to me. However, the man who spoke for the thirteenth and the woman who was selected for the fourteenth both agreed that the world was heading in the wrong direction. I remember the man saying: “I speak for one who is very disturbed at the current trend in society towards atheism. This was not the case only a decade or two ago, and it was unheard of hundreds of years ago, before the means to continue our existence as we do now was made available for public use rather than only for those who were proven able to handle it. Now, we have a society in which death is swiftly becoming meaningless, and that is not a good thing because once death has no meaning then life is likely to become considered equally fleeting and meaningless. True immortality is only a boon when those who possess it first possess wisdom! The people of Kobol are not yet ready to claim that they possess the required wisdom.” And I replied that I had visions of Kobol burning, and I could see people rioting in the streets as war broke out between the thirteen factions, with only the fourteenth, the priestly faction, escaping the conflict unscathed. All others would have a terrible price exacted upon them! The man who spoke for the twelfth exclaimed: “Pythia, you know that I do not believe in your visions and never did! I believe that immortality and the science of soul transfer should be allowed to remain universal on this world. If the people have lost their faith in the Lords and Ladies of Kobol, that is only because they are on the cusp of becoming gods and goddesses themselves! Should we deny them such a right? That would make us little better than misers, hoarding miracles from the masses.” And that man called for two guards who wore the armor of the Titan military, and he bade them escort me from the chamber. The man who had spoken for the thirteenth, he called out to me: “For what it is worth, I believe you are correct, in my heart! I fear that Zeus believes he speaks for all of us on the Council of Lords when he does not. Before we make a decision regarding the continuation of the use of these sciences by all… we should consider the matter of a secure world order first and foremost. There need to be certain measures instituted to ensure that the people do not rise up against one another or us… we need to create a climate of peace with less faction politics and more stability, before it is too late. If we can make certain the people are happy and peaceful, and that their culture cultivates wisdom and right knowledge, then we can be certain that even should they become like us… they will be guided by right thinking to behave rightly, rather than wrongly. Let us at least consider this side of Pythia’s argument before we dismiss the matter foolishly and out of hand!” But then Zeus ranted, screaming: “I am the one who speaks of those of us who live under the name of the sons and daughters of the Olympian Lords and all those of Corinthian heritage on Kobol! Who do you speak for, Count? You speak for the Titans, we all know this… but what matters that, when we have all become like you on this world. We were your peoples’ children once, and you kept your secrets from us to test us too for wisdom… but we eclipsed you in both wisdom and knowledge long ago, when we settled our own worlds and created our own culture, which has become the dominant culture of this planet for the past one thousand years at least. It is no secret that your imperious ruler had grown jealous of us for this reason, and desires that the people return to worshipping us all as gods, rather than aspiring to become like us, worthy or not! When will the people be worthy enough? I ask you that!” And there was silence in the chamber, before Zeus continued: “I thought as much.” And then the Count retorted: “Wisdom has died here, this day! Pythia is correct… this world will burn, ere long. I can see what is coming, and I like it not.” And then I was escorted out. I glared at Zeus angrily, and yelled out: “I was Aurora, she whom the people once called Goddess of the Dawn! Now even you Lords and Ladies call me mad because I can see what you cannot. That is how far we have all sunk here! But mad or not, what I have seen will come to pass, and it is your narrow-mindedness Lord Zeus that has set all of this into motion! The Titan Count is older, and wiser than you, and always will be. And if the one he serves thinks as he does… then perhaps the old Titan way is correct and the way of Olympus is wrong.” And the Council Chamber erupted into chaos as I was led out of it, with the twelve Olympian Lords and Ladies venting their verbal anger at the Titan Count whilst the Five whose representative sat at the Fourteenth seat made certain their woman there said nothing at all, but rather remained coldly calm in the face of all the madness that appeared to be seizing everyone else. In the end, my visions would prove correct, but by the time anyone realized their mistake it would be far, far too late for Kobol. I remember thinking, that perhaps I could seek the aid of the ruler of the Titans… perhaps enlist that person’s aid, whoever he or she was (I did not know at that time, because of the Titans penchant for secrecy and mistrust of outsiders even of their own distant kin). But that course would prove fruitless. This was long before the fall of Kobol… before the Titans’ exodus to Old Terra (Rahab)… and even longer ago than my life as Kara Lucielle Pythiana of Threcia province on Olympia Prime. This would not be the first time that I tried to tell a stubborn people that they were journeying in the wrong direction! History would repeat itself, because history always does.”
And that was the sum of what “Aurora” had penned which stood out so vividly and strongly in my mind and memory, which is hers now as well. For at this point in our symbiotic existence, I am Kara as much as ever I had been Lucifer, and I am Lilith too... she who had reigned as the Queen of Ionia and who the Kara of old had sought to catch a glimpse of, as told in her memories as I just finished related unto you, dear reader. During “Aurora's” lifetime back then, she and “I” and Lilith would all eventually meet and come together in what would evolve into common cause. But just what “I” means now is so much more infinitely complex than it was back then, prior to the joining of we three “goddesses” into one. Were we wise and goodly people? Sometimes, but not always. Although back then we were not of the same substance as what would be termed “human” today... we were very much human in our flaws, our failings, and in our hopes, dreams, and striving towards a greater thing than we had been or known previously. Even combined into one, we three-who-are-one are not perfect. Who am I now? I am simply Kara. A simple name, for a complex and complicated woman. Though this may all seem “alien” to many... the simplicity of my spirit even in the face of the complexity of my soul is as human as any mortal born of this planet now called Earth. I will continue to teach, and to guide, and to help people to know the will of the Divine better, and to become all that it is within them spiritually to be. For what is a goddess if not a teacher who must lead by example? What she is beyond all else, is human. And the fact that I have never lost sight of that, means that I have not allowed pride to overcome me... though prideful I have occasionally been. The Greeks knew us best I think sometimes! We “gods” and “goddesses” of old were good as well as evil, light as well as dark, kindly as well as cruel, loving as well as cold, selfless as well as at times selfish. For all living things echo the Divine Force in being comprised of many opposites reconciled into a greater whole held together by cosmic balances. The result is something both perfect and flawed... with the perfection being only possible by way of so much imperfection to define it. This is not just what gives beings such as we our uniqueness... it is the very nature of life and of the universe as well! “Nothing is perfect” I have oft heard it said. Aye, naught is! Save only in striving for something better and greater than oneself. For it is in that striving, that true perfection is found... most swiftly when it is not the goal being sought. Love and Light!
--- Kara Lucielle Pythiana
Penned on Monday, January 11, 2016 at 6:39 P.M.
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