The "Sudden Destruction" at The Rapture is War, NUCLEAR War

The Rapture of the world-wide Church,  
- Actually only a very small part of it goes up -  
is described by these words in the New Testament,  
"The Lord [Christ] will descend with a shout..  
We who are alive will be caught up..  
to meet the Lord in the air...  
Comfort each other with these words"(1 Thessalonians 4.16-18).  
Just 3 verses later, we read that the Rapture  
occurs on "THE DAY OF THE LORD"(1 Thess 5.2).  
a term that goes back to the Old Testament.  
When Isaiah prophesied that God would punish Babylon  
via military attack and conquest by "the Medes,"  
the prophet called it "THE DAY OF THE LORD"(Isaiah 13.1,6,17).  
When God prophesied thru Ezekiel that Egypt would  
suffer invasion from Babylon, Ezekiel called it,  
You guessed it, "THE DAY OF THE LORD"(Ezekiel 30.3,10).  
LSS: when God uses WAR as His judgment on a nation  
It is often called,THE DAY OF THE LORD.  
(And when that term is used, it almost always refers to war.) 

Since that term is found in a Rapture passage,  
we have NO EXCUSE for not realizing that WAR,  
war-time destruction is the context for the Rapture!!  
If you don't see it, it is because you are an ostridge/ostrich.  
So far I've presented evidence that the "sudden destruction" = war.  
Now, for the evidence that it is NUCLEAR war, in particular.  
Another Rapture passage says that "the stars will fall"  
and RIGHT THEN the Rapture takes place(Matthew 24.29-31).  
For we read, "the stars will fall..then  
the Son of Man will send His angels to gather His elect".  
All I have to do at this point is to interpret these "stars"  
As man-made objects, fiery LIKE stars, rather than real stars.  
This would allow me to assert they are nuclear warheads,  
the fireballs produced by them at detonation.  
But what Biblical basis do i have for claiming that  
what CHRIST calls "stars" are, instead, man-made objects?  
Fortunately i have a third Rapture passage to turn to !!  
We read, "That day [of the Rapture] can not come except..  
the Man of Sin, the Destroyer, be revealed"(2 Thessalonians 2.3).  
Logically, revealed by the massive military attack that he launches.  
For we already know that "the Beast will make war on the [Christians]  
and overcome them,[gaining] power over every..nation"(Revelation 13.7).  
("The Beast" is another title for this same man, "the Man of Sin/the Destroyer.")  
In short, this passage(2 Thes 2.3) implies that man-made destruction  
will mark the Rapture, will be the context of the Rapture !!  
If the "sudden destruction" at the Rapture =  
"the stars falling" at the Rapture =  
the "revealing of the Destroyer" at the Rapture
by the man-made destruction he uses  
to take over the world ("every..nation"), then  
this requires that "the stars falling" MUST be man-made objects.  
Even NUCLEAR warheads/nuclear fireballs, OK??  
I rest my case.
PS: In the first verse I quote from 1 Thes 4.18,
"Comfort each other with these words".
Yes, if nuclear war occurs at the Rapture,
Paul's words about saved souls meeting Christ  
will be "comforting" to the Christians surviving,
Both in America and around the world.
Written by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)
Published | Edited 12th Jan 2016
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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