REFUTING the Seventh Day Adventists' Theory of the "Fourth Beast"(Daniel 7.7-8)

Daniel the Jewish prophet of God sees a vision  
About "four beasts," appearing before him in succession(Daniel 7.3-7).  
They stand for "four kingdoms" in succession(Daniel 7.17).  
They are Babylon,Persia,the Greek empire,  
With the Roman empire being "the Fourth Beast."  
The only purpose of the first 3 is to bring us to the fourth.  
But all the Fourth Beast in Daniel 7.7 does is to bring us to  
The Return of the Fourth Beast(Daniel 7.8).  
(After a period during which it doesn't exist).  
The future Russian invasion/conquest of Europe,  
Will be the fulfilling of the Return of the Fourth Beast,  
It will happen in our day, - the immediate future -  
And that will be just the tip of the iceberg.  
When you see an iceberg, you automatically multiply by (at least) 3  
To get the real size of it,for only a third is above the water.  
Likewise with the Russian conquest of Western Europe,  
we automatically factor in the IMPLIED Russian Attack on America  
(Even though Daniel mentions not a word about it.)  
For the USA is the Defender of NATO Europe.  
Bluntly, Russia would never overrun  Europe without first  
Launching a surprise nuclear attack on America.  
(But how can Russia hit us without getting destroyed  
by our retaliatory strike??!! More on that later.)  
I'm talking about the loss of half the population of America,  
Around 150 million lives will be lost at the same time.  
So the angels will busier than ever gathering departing souls.  
No wonder Christ pointed to the 7th chapter of Daniel,  
Making it so central to His 3 years-long ministry !!  
For example,  
(1) the title He gave Himself, "the Son of Man,"  
Comes straight out of Daniel 7.13. where Daniel says,  
"And I saw one like a son of man coming on the clouds of heaven."  
(2)At Christ's trial, they asked Him,"Are you the Messiah?"(Matthew 26.63).  
His reply was a direct quote from Daniel 7.13,  
"You will see the Son of Man..coming on the clouds.."(Mt 26.64)  
At that point the Jewish leaders decided "He is worthy of death"(Mt 26.65-66),  
For applying the title in that verse to Himself.  
But Dan 7.13 is secondary to the action in Dan 7.8.  
For Christ's coming with the mushroom clouds  
is subsequent to the nuclear war implicit in Dan 7.8  
So, while it was Dan 7.13 that got Him convicted and crucified,  
The verses Dan 7.8/Dan 7.13  are inseparably linked.  
So His death should be enuff to get us to study Dan 7.8 !!  
(Why do I insert "mushroom" into Dan 7.13? More later.)  
Now why do i claim (in the 10th line) that Dan 7.8 is about  
the RETURN of the Fourth Beast, rather than the Fourth Beast itself?  
Answer: The Roman empire in Daniel 7.7 was marked by one-man-rule  
With each Caesar ruling in succession, of course.  
But in the time of Dan 7.8 there are "ten horns" which are "10 kings"(Dan 7.24).  
They rule concurrent to each other, not consecutively.(Explained at the end.)  
So they CAN'T be Caesars ruling the Roman empire.  
So they MUST be post-Roman rulers of sovereign nations  
Forming on the lands that had been the Roman empire.  
So Dan 7.8 is much, much later than Dan 7.7.  
Dan 7.7 is set in the time of the empire which lasted til 476 AD.  
While Dan 7.8's Russian conquest of Europe hasn't happened yet.  
So Dan 7.7 and 7.8 are separated by more than 1500 years!  
Here is the sequence of events,  
(1)Western Europe is under one-man-rule by Caesar(Dan 7.7;Revelation 12.3).  
(2)The Roman empire falls,around 30 sovereign nations eventually form.  
Ten of those nations stay with Rome, linked by the Church at Rome.  
These ten Roman Catholic nations = "the ten horns" in Dan 7.8.  
(3)Russia conquers those ten Western Europeans (plus others),  
Thus, there is a return to one-man-rule, the rule of the conqueror,  
Namely the ruler of Russia.  
This return to one-man-rule is the fulfillment of the prophecy  
of the socalled "return of the Beast" in Revelation 17.8-9:  
"The Beast..was, and now is not, yet will ascend out of the abyss  
[return to existence]...It was,and is not, and is to come.."  
Ironically, the return of the Beast which WAS the Roman empire  
won't be Roman, this time, so much as RUSSIAN !!  
PS:(1)How can Russia hit us without American retaliation devastating Russia?  
As long as we held onto our nuclear missile submarines, Russia wouldn't attack.  
So the Kremlin ended the Cold War, gave up Eastern Europe, etc to get us to disarm.  
This shows just how obsessed they are with launching nuclear war !!  
They had to get us to disarm before they could press the nuclear button.  
Now that we have gone from 39 subs down to just 12,  
Russia almost has us where it wants us.  
When we go down one more time from 4-4-4 subs  
(4 in port, 4 at sea, 4 relieving the 4 at sea)
to just 3-3-3, that will put us below the threshold.  
Russian ABMs can shoot down "1300 incoming warheads."  
according to William T. Lee, an ex-CIA Soviet analyst.  
("Russia As The World's Number One Nuclear Power,"  
Washington Times, Jan 30, 1996).  
If we reduce our subs to just 9, instead of the present 12,  
That will bring us BELOW the number of warheads that Russia can intercept !!  
At that point Russia can bomb us with impunity,  
for our effective retaliation will be ZERO !!  
(2)Why do i insert "mushroom" in the phrase, "coming with the [mushroom] clouds"(Dan 7.13,Matthew 24.29-31) in the 5th verse above? The "Son of Man coming on the clouds.."(Mt 24.30-31) is Christ at the Rapture, of course. For we read, "He will send His angels to gather His Elect..."(24.31). The Rapture is when the "sudden destruction" occurs(1 Thessalonians 4.17-5.3). That destruction is described as, "the stars will fall"(Mt 24.29). This refers to star-like man-made objects. For we read that the Rapture "cannot come except..the Son of Destruction [the DESTROYER] be revealed" (2 Thess 2.3), - by what? By the destruction HE launches. So it is what? MAN-MADE destruction.So "the stars falling" must be man-made objects.Nuclear bombs erupting into fireballs would fit. After all, we read "the Beast will MAKE WAR..[gaining] power over every..nation"(Rev 13.7).Which sounds like WORLD war,suggestive of nuclear war.
LSS: Christ "coming on the clouds" is Christ AT the Rapture, the context of which is nuclear war.
 So the clouds would literally have to be MUSHROOM CLOUDS !!! (I'm sorry to say).
Why, in the 6th verse, do i say the "10 horns/10 kings" rule concurrently, not consecutively?
If they ruled one at a time, 3 wouldn't be "uprooted"(Dan 7.8), for there'd be only one ruling.
Written by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)
Published | Edited 30th Dec 2015
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