Going Back to the Milk of the Word About the Rapture/Nuclear War Connection

I tend to go on and on about "Gorbachev is the Antichrist,"    
About "the Tribulation Period will be just 5 months"(Revelation i9.5,10),    
So much so, that I forget that most people -    
They don't even understand the most basic stuff    
About the Rapture - Nuclear War connection.    
So let me go back and play the nursing mother    
With her suckling baby at her breast    
(even though you should be able to figure    
this stuff, this terrible stuff, out for yourselves).    
Very simply there are 5 Rapture passages each of which    
 is ACCOMPANIED (plain as day) by "destruction".    
The Rapture in 1 Thessalonians 4.17 is accompanied    
by "sudden destruction" 4 verses later in 5.3.    
The Rapture in Matthew 24.30-31 is accompanied    
by "the stars will fall"(24.29).    
The Rapture in 2 Thessalonians 2.3 is accompanied    
by man-made destruction (implied) which "reveals [the Destroyer]" (same verse).    
(How is the Destroyer gonna be "revealed" without being DESTRUCTIVE ???)    
In these 3 passages we can assume this much:    
 the Rapture = the Rapture = the Rapture.    
On that basis, the "sudden destruction" should = "the stars falling"    
should = the man-made destruction (implied) that "reveals the Destroyer."    
If the three Rapture passages are about ONE Rapture,    
Then the 3 mentions of destruction should be about just ONE destruction event !!!    
Lets narrow in, focusing on just two descriptions of the destruction.    
If "the stars will fall" = "[the manmade destruction which] reveals the Destroyer,"    
This means "the stars falling" are actually referring to manmade objects !!!    
What manmade objects give off light like stars, while falling out of the blue?    
What manmade objects operate by nuclear fusion like real stars do?    
Nuclear missile warheads, nuclear warheads, nuclear warheads.    
On and on, on and on . But it does no good to talk with you.    
For you Americans, you refuse to hear sound doctrine.    
PS: At the outset i mentioned 5 passages, not just 3.    
What about the other 2 passages?    
(1)Luke 17.29-30 reads, "On the same day that Lot left Sodom,    
It rained down fire..from the skies, and destroyed them all.    
Even THUS shall it be when the Son of Man is revealed."    
Christ is implying that fiery destruction from the skies is coming    
on the day "when the Son of Man is revealed."    
What day is that? Going by Matthew 24.29-31,    
It is the day that "the Son of Man's angels gather His Elect", the Church,
Only part of it actually, the day of the Rapture, of course.    
It's like this: "the stars will fall at the Rapture"(Matthew 24.29-31),    
While fire from the sky is implied at the Rapture(Luke 17.29-30).    
So, what Christ calls "stars falling" in one passage,    
He describes as future "fire raining down" in another.    
The fire raining and the stars falling are one and the same.    
Even if Christ came down and told you this stuff Himself,    
You still wouldn't believe it.    
Oh, sure you'd believe for a minute,    
while He was standing before you.    
But as soon as He went back to heaven,    
You would ask, Was that really God?    
Then you'd say, I've been deceived !!    
And so you'd go back to your old disbelief    
Disbelief of what i'm talking about. namely that    
the Rapture occurs as nuclear war is occurring.    
You simply refuse to believe.  
(2)Four down, one to go.  
Paul says, "I show you a mystery, we shall not all sleep,  
But we shall all be changed, In a the last trump.  
For the trumpet will sound and the dead will be raised incorruptible.  
And we shall be changed..."(1 Corinthians 15.51-53).  
Before this Paul had gone on about seed planted in the ground.  
it takes different form as it rises up out of the ground.  
It's planted as a cernel of corn.  
But it becomes a sprout, then a stem, a stalk, etc.  
Anyway, it has to be planted IN THE GROUND  
in order for this change to take place.  
Then he says a time is coming where  
the planting in the ground WON'T be necessary.  
People will go from physical form directly to spiritual(angel-like) body,  
"cutting out the middle man" so to speak,  
Skipping the part about being buried/planted in the ground.  
When Paul says, "we will not all sleep" this either means,  
we will not all die OR we will not leave corpses  
that lie prostrate like sleepers in the dirt.  
That latter part is how i take it:  
we will not all leave corpses behind.  
Now THAT would be fulfilled by nuclear attack.  
For the fireballs would kill people but they would be "vaporized,"  
leaving no corpses behind to "sleep" figuratively speaking.  
They would undergo INSTANTANEOUS change,  
"in a moment, the twinkling of an eye,"  
from corruptible to INCORRUPTIBLE bodies, yes !!  
So, that part about "not sleeping" can be taken as  
referring to sudden fiery destruction vaporizing bodies so that  
they don't "sleep" in the dust like corpses are in the habit of doing.  
As for how this can be the Rapture, it says,  
"the trumpet shall sound,the dead will be raised incorruptible".  
The part about "the trumpet" runs parallel to "the trump[et] of God"  
At the Rapture, of course(1 Thessalonians 4.16).
LSS: 1 Corinthians 15.51-53 contains the Rapture/Destruction combination.
Going by the Nuclear Rapture scenario, "the trumpet of God,"  
and "the voice of the archangel" will be fulfilled  
by the blasts of multiple NUCLEAR BOMBS.  
(3)Finally, I'll throw in one more Rapture/Destruction passage.  
Instead of 5, how about a full half dozen?  
Yes, the bomb blast idea brought to mind  
"The heavens will pass away WITH A ROAR,  
The elements will melt with fervent heat,  
The Earth also...shall be burned up"(2 Peter 3.10-13).  
 Why should we think of this as a Rapture passage?  
Note the opening phrase,"For the Day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night".  
It is EXACTLY THE SAME as in a well-known Rapture passage,1 Thess 4.16-5.3.(verse 2).  
The "sudden destruction" in 1 Thess 5.3 is actually what 2 Peter 3.10 is about.  
The one(1 Thess 5.3) happens at the end of the Church Age,  
While the other happens at the time of the "New Heavens,New Earth"(2 Pet 3.13)  
which comes at the end of the Millennium in Rev 20 (Rev 21.1).  
To shorten that sentence a bit, one is at the end of the Church Age,  
the other occurs at the end of the Millennium.  
So they can't possibly be the same event, right? WRONG !!  
The Church Age and the Millennium  are ONE AND THE SAME !!  
 (Read Augustine's "City of God," book 20, chap.8.)
PS: ask me about it.Please do.
Written by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)
Published | Edited 30th Dec 2015
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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