NUCLEAR NAKEDNESS in the face of an existential threat

Just like the ancient Greek soldiers held shields to stop enemy arrows
Just like, hundreds of years later on, knights wore body armor,
America's nuke missiles serve as a shield or as body armor,
Protecting us from the devastation of Russian nuclear attack.
For our threat to retaliate with our nuclear arsenal
stops Russia from launching its own nuclear missiles.

Imagine a drunken soldier in the army of Alexander the Great
Going into battle without his shield,
Picture  a knight in the Middle Age forgetting his armor,
"Too heavy" he says."Too much trouble."

That's not nearly as bad as what we - America - has done.
Our gov't has reduced the size and strength of our arsenal -
On the basis that the weapons of the enemy (Russia) are no good.
Our overrated CIA (Conceited Ignorant Assholes) thinks Russian ABMs
(Anti-Ballistic Missiles, designed to intercept our incoming missile warheads),
are duds just because,when they were tested, they failed to shoot down dummy warheads.
(Our spy satellites monitored test after test, at least a dozen of them.)

But that doesn't mean anything, for the tests may have been RIGGED to throw us off !!
And our CIA turns out to be STUPID enuff to take those tests at face value -- how naive !!
If we reduce our nuclear arsenal down to just 1,300 warheads (we're in the process),
while Russia's nationwide ABM (interceptor) system can shoot down 1,300 warheads,
We,in effect, have no nukes at all, - we're naked nuclear-weapon-wise, due to naivete !!

But it's not just the gov't that is at fault.
(1)Pastors of churches spend all of their time harping
on prophecies that have already been fulfilled while
shying away from "dark" Bible prophecies about the future,
Pastors don't warn their flocks that the Rapture of saved souls (1 Thessalonians 4.16-17)
will occur at the time of the "sudden destruction" just 4 verses later (1 Thess 5.3),
(If they did ask the question, "Just what is this 'sudden destruction'?"
Eventually someone would grasp that it is Russian Attack upon America.
But our "Pollyanna preachers" refuse to even consider such a thing.)

(2)Hollywood is shamefully at fault as well.
For every movie where the Russian KGB is the bad guy,
There's a dozen, if not 100, in which the German Nazis
and Gestapo and, of course, the Holocaust is the focus.
From watching Hollywood movies, you'd never know
that Russia was our mortal enemy for 60 years (and still is),
Nor that it is a police state run by the KGB and has had
an oversized nuclear arsenal for over 30 years.
Hollywood refuses to address the Russia's NWMDs,
Nuclear Weapons of Mass Destruction,
Nor the fact that the KGB is 5 times the size of our FBI and CIA put together.
The KGB even has its own army - an army division of fanatical loyalists,
(just in case an army brigade tries to start a revolt or coup d'etat).
But don't fret, no need to worry about a thing.
Hollywood lefties have spared Russia and its KGB from exposure,
But Russia won't return the favor - Hollywood will get "vaporized"
When all of our big cities (hopefully not our middle-sized ones) get hit.

Maybe then, after the country rebuilds, the NEW Hollywood will
make an endless list of movies about Stalin, Gorbachev, the KGB.
"Gulag Archipelago" by Solzhenitsyn would be a good starting point !!

PS:I say above, "after the country rebuilds".
But won't the Russians be in control of the whole world?
So how can we rebuild and make movies which demonize the Communists?
No, no, no. God doesn't let them KEEP the world !!
The sequence of events goes like this:
(1)Russia bombs America (destroying our puny retaliation,
so we don't get to bomb back effectively).
(2)Russia conquers Western/Eastern Europe,
for NATO really is a paper tiger(Daniel 7.8).
(3)Russia leads an international invasion of Israel to
"liberate Palestine"(Ezekiel 38-39;Zechariah 14).
(4)The MESSIAH Appears as LIGHT over Jerusalem
("Mt of Olives" is in Jerusalem, Zech 14.3-4, 7).
(5)Most Russian troops mutiny against the loyalists(Ez 38.21; Zech 14.13),
they switch over to Christ's side, as with Saul(Acts 9.3).
(6)Christ sends them home to "proclaim the Glory of God"
that they have just seen(Isaiah 66.19).
Revolution ensues, Gorbachev the old Antichrist gets overthrown - at long last.
(7)An endless golden age of World Peace begins
("New Heaven/New Earth" Rev 21.1;Isa 66.22;2 Peter 3.13.
For the end of the present Church Age = the end of the Millennium in Rev 20.
Just like St. Augustine said, "City of God," Book 20, chap.8).
Written by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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