America Has Disarmed !! (We are Nuclearly NAKED) !!

When I tell people we have disarmed,  
They reply, But Russia has too.  
Well, we don't know that for sure.  
Pres. Bush gave an interview after leaving office.  
The reporter asked if Russian compliance with  
the arms control treaty was able to be verified.  
Bush replied, "I don't emphasize verification as much as [our] transparency."  
It's like this, Russia gave up Eastern Europe at the end of the 1980s.  
Because of that, "the West" (America and other members of NATO)  
Basically gives Russia a pass, a free ride. the benefit of the doubt.  
When Bush said, "I don't emphasize verification so much as [our] transparency,"  
He was basically saying,"I'm just so grateful that they have given up Eastern Europe  
(and let the USSR split up and given up Communism and become capitalistic),  
That I am willing to close my eyes to any violations of the arms control treaties."  
In short, to be blunt, if Russia isn't complying with the terms of the treaties,  
our side crosses its fingers and hopes for the best --  
trusting in the evidence of Russia's good intentions.  
Basically the reasoning goes like this:  
if Russia still has Stalinist plans to conquer Western Europe,  
the Kremlin would not have given up EASTERN Europe,  
which serves as a stepping stone to Western Europe.  
But that reasoning is faulty, the epitome of naivete !!  
The Kremlin may have given up Eastern Europe ONLY because  
Russia plans (on and will be able) to take it back again at the right time  --  
When Russia takes off the mask and invades Western Europe !!  
A cat, once it catches the mouse, may let the injured prey go,  
But not for real.It plans on catching it again - very soon.  
It has no real intent to let the mouse go free.  
Ditto with Russia and Eastern Europe.  
More to the point, we have disarmed much too much,  
Our disarming has been based on a totally mistaken calculation by the CIA.  
Russia's ABMs(Anti-Ballistic Missiles) can shoot down 1300 missiles warheads,  
According to ex-CIA analyst, William T. Lee's article in the Washington Times,  
"Russia As The World's Number One Nuclear Power" Jan 30,1996).  
But the CIA dismisses Russia's ABMs as merely antiaircraft missiles.  
It gives them no credit at all as anti-missile missiles !!  
This results in a miscalculation in how many warheads we need to threaten Russia with.  
We tell Russia, If you hit us, we'll hit back with x number of warheads."  
That threat has kept - deterred - Russian Attack for about 50 years.  
So we have to have more missiles than Russia can shoot down -  
To make our threat to retaliate strike fear into the Kremlin's reptilian heart.  
But over the last two decades we have been steadily
reducing the number of warheads we have,
til now we have no more than Russia can shoot down -
IF their ABMs actually work.

Let me state that a different way: If Russia's ABMs actually do work,
If Russia can shoot down 1,300 warheads, and we have only 1,300,
we are in big trouble -- total nuclear nudity, so to speak.  

If Russian ABMs can intercept 1300 incoming warheads,  
We need to have 1300 warheads just to use up Russia's ABM interception capability, OK?  
We need to count those FIRST 1300 warheads as zero warheads.  
Whatever number we need should be IN ADDITION TO those first 1300, OK?  
Instead - because of the CIA's monumental BLUNDER !! -  
we have reduced our warheads to just 1,336 warheads,  
with no concern for how many that Russia can intercept !!  
This is total MADNESS.  
But why does the CIA dismiss Russia's ABMs as harmless ?  
YOU, the reading public will be able to see how ridiculous it is,  
as soon as i tell you the CIA's shallow "reasoning." Here it goes:  
Our spy satellites were in the sky monitoring Russia's testing of the ABMs.  
They would sent a missile warhead flying across Russia as the target.  
The ABM would then be sent up to shoot down the dummy warhead.  
The ABM failed time after time, an unbroken record of failures.  
So the CIA concludes that the ABMs are worthless, nothing to worry about.
But an expert on ABMs, Prof. Angelo Codevilla, of Boston University,
Wrote in Commentary magazine,to the effect,  
"Of course, the Russian ABMs missed their targets.
The tests were RIGGED to make it look like they are worthless.
For Russia knew our satellites were monitoring every ABM test."
Who is right? Dr. Codevilla or the CIA ??
The survival of this nation depends upon the CIA being right on this.
Unfortunately, there's no way that fiendishly clever Russia would have
refrained from rigging the testing - if at all possible. Its that simple.
The KGB, the backbone of the system, lives for the chance to tell lies.
It can not be that they have not deceived us on this issue.
So the only realistic conclusion to draw is that we have gravely miscalculated.
We have irreversibly gone overboard on disarmament.
Even if we launched a crash program to rebuild our Boomer submarines,
Restoring the number (39) we had under Reagan, it would take YEARS,
Time that Russia, the Kremlin, won't let us have.
Our only hope, at this point, is in God !!
All we have left is Christ's promised Return, the Second Coming !!
We read that the purpose of the Second Coming is what ?
"To destroy the Wicked One" - the "Antichrist," aka "the Beast,"
Yes, Christ has been waiting for the Antichrist to act,
As soon as the Beast(Gorbachev)takes over the world,
Christ will step in and take the world back from him.
THAT is the glorious hope of the GOSPEL of Christ  
that you have never been told about til now.
"I will avenge, says the LORD" (     ).

Just remember this much, whenever Russia bombs America,
that is the STARTING point of the "5 months" of Tribulation(Revelation 9.5,10)
Which will end with the "Second Appearing"(Hebrews 9.28) of Christ.
Just count "5 months" from the Evil Day (once it arrives),
and you will have the approximate date of the Second Coming !!
May that hope sustain you in the time of suffering that lies ahead !!
Written by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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