How Can Christian Fundamentalists Be So Backward?!

"Honesty is the best policy,"  
But candor also makes for the best poetry.  
I'm not trying be hard or harsh sounding  
But I want to be candid enuff to wake people up.  
Fundamentalists think they are being loyal  
to God's Word by holding onto Genesis One,  
With its 7 24-hour days of "Creation Week,"  
Faithful followers by believing in Genesis Five,  
With its genealogies of men living 900 years.  
But you are being DISLOYAL, UNFAITHFUL  
For Genesis is the first "book of the Law"(Galatians 3.10).  
So when you accept the Genesis accounts of mankind's origin,  
You are going by, holding onto, the Law of Moses,  
putting yourselves back "under the Law [of Moses]"  
Even after Paul the Apostle explicitly tells us,  
"You are not under the Law" (Romans 6.18;Galatians 5.14).  
"Don't return to the bondage of the Law"  
What Paul said to the Galatians applies to YOU,  
"Oh, foolish Galatians, who has bewitched you?!"(Galatians 3.1).  
Yes, oh foolish Fundamentalists, who has bewitched you?!  
Into holding onto 6,000 years as the age of the universe?!  
Doesn't Paul imply that the Law of Moses, and therefor Genesis,  
is suited for "children" (Mankind when civilization was in its childhood)?  
For he says, "Heirs, when they are minors are no better than slaves,  
Placed under guardians, trustees until the date set by the father"(Gal 4.1).  
Then he says,"Likewise with us, when we were children  
We were under bondage[of the Law]...Until the fullness of time came  
[and the Father] sent His Son to redeem those under the Law...  
So you are no longer [like] slaves..but heirs of God"(Gal 4.3-7).  
Paul is making a direct comparison between (a)children  
and (b)people who are under the Law of Moses!  
He's saying that people under the law are like children.  
So the Law is geared to the child-level mind,  
It's creation accounts are dumbed down to suite the  
readers back in Moses' day (up til the 19th century).  
Doesn't Paul write that, "the Law was our pedagogue  
(paidagogue in Greek) to bring us to Christ"(Gal 3.24).  
The paidagogue was the servant/slave who walked  
the CHILDREN to school, bringing them to the teacher.  
In this analogy, the Law is like a mere baby-sitter,  
While Christ is the School Teacher, far superior to the walker.  
Again, the Law and there for, Genesis, is geared to children,  
Or, rather, civilization in its "childhood."  
Paul's words about "putting off childish things"  
Applies here, to the Law, to Genesis.  
"When i was a child,.. I thought like a child.  
But when i became a man, i put away childish things"(1 Corinthians 13.11).  
Thru God-given, God-ordained, sciences like Astronomy,  
 Civilization has reached maturity at least as far as  
The knowledge of the world and the origin of the universe.  
Now that outstanding Christian scientists    
(like Edwin Hubble and Fr.George LeMaitre)  
have given us the Big Bang Theory,  
Isn't it time for us to put away "childish things"  
like the "Creation Week" of 7 literal days ??!!  
(The 7 "days" are each divided into 2 periods, making 14.  
We are to trade those 14 periods for 14 billion years,  
the age of the universe according to the Big Bang theory!!)  
Fundamentalists try to brush aside Paul's words, "not under the Law"  
By saying they apply to every part except the "history" part of the Law.  
WRONG !! The genealogies in Gen 5 are the socalled history part.  
Paul plainly says, "Don't give heed to..endless genealogies which  
cause disputes,rather than Godly edification.."(1 Timothy 1.4).  
"Endless genealogies" may refer to accounts of men living "endless" lives,  
As in the case of men living 300,700, even 800 and 900 years,  
Like Methuselah, "969 years"(Gen. 5.27).  
That sounds pretty "endless" to me.  
So Paul is withholding his seal of approval  
on the genealogies in the Law !!  
Doesn't that tell us something?!  
Namely that when he says, "Not under the Law [of Moses]"  
Paul (or God) is including even the HISTORY sections of Genesis.  
It's clearly NOT on a par with the rest of the Bible.  
For we read,"The Law was given by Moses  
but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ"(John 1.17).  
To paraphrase, GENESIS was given by Moses,  
but TRUTH came by Christ.
And the Gospel.  
For Paul says, By faith we understand that the worlds  
were framed by the Word of Christ"(Hebrews 11.3).  
But the Greek says, "aionos" in place or "worlds".  
So it reads, "By faith we understand that the aionos/eons  
were framed by the Word of God."  
Within which (eons) the creation of "visible things came from the invisible."  
Yes, the Gospel hints at the Big Bang theory at least  
as far as the great age of the universe is concerned.
Written by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)
Published | Edited 14th Apr 2016
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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