When Christ Tells Us To "WATCH,..BE READY"  He Is Calling  Us To Be PREPPERS !!

"WATCH...for you do not know what hour
 your Lord is coming"(Matthew 24.42-43).
The word, "watch" here is clearly connected to  
the subject of Christ's Appearing at the Rapture.
Verse 44 continues the message, "Therefore..BE READY
for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect."
"The day of the Son of Man" is clearly synonymous to the Rapture,
For the day of the Son of Man in Matthew 24.30 is ALSO when  
"He will send His angels to gather together His Elect..
from one horizon to the other" (Mt 24.31),
Which clearly has to be the Rapture.
So, the context for " ready" is the Rapture.
"Watch" means to be alert, monitoring, reasoning,
Not letting it, the Rapture, sneak up on you,catching you by surprise.
The rest of the world will be caught by surprise,
Like an unsuspecting animal caught in a trap.
For "that day..will come like a snare [a trap] upon all those  
who dwell upon the face of the whole Earth"(Luke 21.34-35).
But what does "watching" really entail?
It is not a matter of just guessing the time, "the day and the hour."
Watching means you are focusing on the actions and the players.
While we can't know the exact time,of course,
We can at least know ahead of time the ACTIONS  
that will transpire: Who will do what. and why and how.
In order to "watch" we need to know WHAT to watch for.
So watching involves studying End Time Bible Prophecy(ETBP)
To find out which nations will do what things !!
We read that one nation, the "eleventh horn," (Daniel 7.8)
Will invade ("come up among") ten nations ("ten horns),
The ten Catholic nations of once-Roman (empire) territory.
This is explained as "the Beast...making war" on [Christian nations]
 and gaining the world("every nation" Revelation 13.7)!!
As we make estimates about how ready it(Russia) is to do it,
We can then estimate the amount of time that's left,
Before that great and terrible Day of Judgment
On which God uses Russia's destructive military power
To punish OUR national sins via wartime devastation and famine.
Studying nuclear war, we (rural folks) realize we need to store up food, meds, etc
Yes, being prepared  --  becoming a PREPPER  --  is what it means  
to "WATCH..BE READY"(Matthew 24.42-44).
PS: to "watch" includes studying about the Rapture,
Discovering that the departure of souls is in the context
Of the terrible "sudden destruction" just 4 verses later.
"We..shall be caught up" is in 1 Thessalonians 4.17,  
While "sudden destruction" is warned of in 5.3, just 4 verses later.
Yet people don't realize the gory, grizzly implication that
The Day of the Rapture will include mass destruction.  
Dying bodies would account for the departure of souls.
Try to wrap your mind around that concept !!
Paul writes, "Comfort one another with these words"(1 Thess 4.18),
For we will NEED comforting, for the negative part will be so bad.
Yes, as millions of people perish(2 Thess 2.10-12),  
we can take consolation that the saved souls among them
Have been "caught up [to be] together with [the long-dead in Christ]
And have met the Lord in the air, and  
will be with the Lord forever"(1 Thess 4.17).
PS: You may be objecting to this Rapture-and-nuclear-war combo
On the basis that only the saved are supposed to depart at the Rapture.
It's true that most passages focus only on the saved souls departing.
BUT if you look hard enuff, you'll find at least one passage where TWO groups  
Of people depart together at the Rapture - which supports my theory !!
 Christ spoke the parable of "the net."(Matthew 13.47-50).
The net is cast into the sea. Then it is drawn upward, out of the water.
So the fish are CAUGHT UP - symbolic of what? The Rapture !!
We read the good fish will be separated from the bad fish,  
Symbolizing that the saved souls are separated from the unsaved souls.
"The wicked will be severed from among the just [souls]"(Mt 13.49).
Another objection you may have:  
nuclear war wouldn't account for souls rising out of graves,
in fulfillment of the words, "the dead in Christ will rise first"(1 Thess 4.16).
"First" here doesn't mean first-at-the-Rapture. Rather, first before the Rapture.
Whenever Christians die, their souls take on  - right then - spiritual bodies.
Bodies like Christ's Resurrection body !!
So when "the dead in Christ" appear (at the Rapture) they will be coming  
As the angels that do the gathering of souls(Matthew 24.30-31).
For those Resurrection bodies are basically angelic bodies.
Didn't Christ promise we will "become like the angels"(Luke 20.35-36)?!
So don't expect dust to form into bodies which then come up out of graves !!
Instead they'll be DESCENDING with Christ(1 Thess 4.13-14). !!
Finally, the Rapture will be LIMITED to only those areas  
hit by the "sudden destruction"(1 Thess 5.3),  
(coming in the form of exploding Russian missile war heads).  
(S Korea will be hit by N Korean missiles, not Russian.  
South Korean Christians will also go up, of course.)
Christians in So America, Africa won't go up.  
For they won't be getting bombed, killed.
Written by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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