The Mistakes of the Supreme Court

Free Speech and freedom of the press are guaranteed by the first Amendment.  
They go together! They are given side by side for a reason.  
Free speech wasn't supposed to hurt freedom of the press.  
But the way that the Supreme Court has interpreted "free speech"  
(to include photos and even motion picture) has really hurt freedom of the press.  
At least, we see that circulation of newspapers is going down.  
Eyes that should be reading the news are instead  
viewing the nudes in internet porn or other forms of porn.
Why, because the meathead Supreme Court repeatedly  
struck down reasonable obscenity laws,  
rampaging like a bull in a china shop.  
Not only are the Justices dressed in black,
they have done our nation a grave monumental disservice,  
a BLACK injustice each time they struck down laws against obscenity.  
Imagine the Justices with their fancy black robes whirling like whirling dervishes,  
then turning into human tornadoes laying down a path of destruction  
and mayhem from one end of this land to the other.That vision has come tragically true !!  
Things like photography,movies,  
the internet all were created by men of science.  
One way to show our appreciation of such heroes  
is to use what they gave us in such a way that science  
is furthered,glorified. But porn is not pro-science. It is the epitome of anti-science.  
That is just one more reason why the Court deserves our total contempt.  
If you are going to DC, be sure to carry a cup of urine or feces  
to besmirch the steps leading up to the Supreme Court building.  
Getting back to reality, "a picture is worth a thousand words."  
Moving pictures, ten thousand maybe.  
If movies are so powerful, should they be treated as ordinary speech?  
Lets suppose, you have two vehicles, one (a bike) that goes 15 miles an hour,  
while the other (a car) can go 150 mph.  
You wouldn't put the same brakes on both vehicles.  
The more powerful vehicle deserves a more powerful brake  
system than the bike brake, of course.  
Ditto, for the "brakes" or restrictions that need  
to be put on different forms of the media.  
Books without pictures need less restraints than do motion pictures  
that have the power to suck you into the plot.  
The nice thing about bad books, the illiterate can't be  
abused by their words. For they can't read them.  
Not so with bad or obscene movies.  
So, movies shouldn't be granted the same amount  
of freedom that books and newspapers have.
This is not rocket science. Anybody with a brain,  
or even a brain stem, can figure it out. Why can't the Supreme Court ??  
We come from the animals.  
Our bodies, I should say. Including our brains.  
What the Bible calls, "the war  between the spirit and the flesh"(Galatians 5.17,24;1 Peter 2.11)  
is really the struggle of the human part of the brain  
versus the animal brain to some extent.  
Such as the limbic region which deals with sexuality.  
Lets say, the animal part of your brain says, "I want to eat."  
but your intellect overrules that desire.
That kind of contest goes on all the time.  
Our laws should reflect that struggle,  
favoring positive outcomes as opposed to negative ones.  
Our laws should continue the ages-long struggle of civilization  
to promote, strengthen mankind's ascendancy  
over the brute beasts. Including the beast within each of us.  
In the first chapter in the Bible, God says,  
"Have dominion over the animals"(Genesis 1.26-28).  
That was the beginning of the Torah("the Law of Moses")  
but it should also serve as the foundation of our laws today.
Laws are for the purpose of controlling the animality  
within society. Not to crush it but to harness it.  
But the Supreme Court in its superior wisdom thinks that  
freedom is another term for animality, giving vent to the animality within.  
So laws against obscenity must be struck down in the name of freedom.  
Why is there so much porn on the Net? Because of the Supreme Court!!  
The internet serves as a sort of collective brain of society, of the human race.  
If so, it is more like the brain of a subhuman species,  
one whose intellect is limited while it's sexuality isn't.  
Using the human brain as our model of what we want the internet to be,  
it's clear we need to restrict porn on the Net - and in society.    
When children, teens, young adults, are drawn away into various forms  
of "entertainment" to the point that their school work suffers,  
dwindling down to where it doesn't exist, to the point that they are illiterates,  
or think like illiterates, doesn't that tell us that "Entertainment" is the problem ??  
And what makes it so powerful?  
The total lack of control society has over it is largely due  
to the Supreme Court striking down law after law !!  
If you have a dog on a leash and I come along and cut the leash,  
the dog runs wild.That's what the Court has done.  
Animality is running wild because the leashes (the laws), have been cut.  
Children are having to go thru a gauntlet just to get educated.  
Between them and their goal of becoming educated,  
there lies the obstacle of TV, radio, cds, dvds, drugs, garbage on the internet.  
Not to mention sports.and crime capers.  
If entertainment were cut back to the point where kids did better in school,
 that would be a boon to society. Supreme Court, are you listening?  
Written by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)
Published | Edited 29th Nov 2015
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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