Darwin Brought The Dawn

Darwin, take the letters R and I away       
And what do you have?  DAWN!      
Yes, that's the way it should be,      
For Darwin is synonymous with      
the dawn of a new day,      
Even an endless day.      
Endless because the sunlight of      
THEISTIC Evolution will never fade away!      
The sun of Theistic Evolution (TE) will never set.      
TE, as opposed to Naturalistic Evolution,      
Acknowledges God as the Creator.      
Imagine that the Earth (like the Moon)      
Didn't rotate as it revolves around the sun,      
Day would be endless,      
That's the way it is with Darwin's discovery.      
No night will ever fall upon what      
Darwin has given to the world!      
When a young university student,  
he took courses in Christian theology.      
But gave up his plans to go into the ministry.      
Later, he lost his faith in God after the death of his daughter.      
But he retained enuff sense to turn down atheist Karl Marx      
Who asked permission to dedicate the 2nd edition      
of "Das Capital" to his hero, Charles Darwin.      
He got over his astrangement from God in his old age.      
Yes, a member of his household staff reportedly      
Recalls that "he loved the Book of Hebrews."      
I think I know why.      
Hebrews says the Jewish priesthood was inferior      
To the priesthood established by Christ (Hebrews 7.1-7.28).      
And Christ's sacrifice (of Himself) likewise      
Was superior to the animal sacrifices of the Jews(Heb  ).      

Finally, the Jewish sabbath (Heb 4.4) was only
a forerunner of another sabbath "rest," (Heb 4.3),
A rest the Jews had not entered into,
"In My anger I [the LORD] swore,
they shall not enter My [sabbath] rest,"
namely, the Christian sabbath
that succeeded the Jewish one (Hebrews 4.7-11).      
Yet the Jewish sabbath lives on.      
Sort of like reptiles gave birth      
to the mammals but the reptiles still live on.      
Though the mammals came afterward,      
The reptiles and mammals continue to coexist.      
Hebrews describes one religion      
developing out of an earlier one,      
Somewhat like one species evolving from another.      
Thus, Hebrews describes and endorses Darwinism,      
Not in biology but in theology, so to speak.      
But a more likely reason Darwin "loved the Book of Hebrews"      
was because of the Christian account of Creation      
Which augments (or replaces certain aspects of)      
The Jewish account of Creation in Genesis, chapter 1.      
Hebrews 11.3 gives the Christian alternative      
to the six 24-hour "days" of Creation Week.      
Hebrews in effect demythologizes Genesis One!      
By freeing it from the straitjacket of literalism.      
Hebrews gives more glory to Genesis One,      
And by extension the Torah, which it is a part of!      
Hebrews makes Genesis One compatible with science,      
With the Big Bang Theory of the origin of the Universe!      
In short, Hebrews reconciles science and the Bible!      
No small feat!      
Hebrews 11.3 says, "By faith we know that the worlds were framed by the Word of God..."      
But in the original Greek, the word "worlds" reads, aionos" or eons!! (Or eon?)      
So the message is that "the eons were framed by the Word of God" !!!      
The creation of "visible things from the invisible" follows the "aionos"(Heb. 11.3).      
My point is that the Apostle Paul, the author of Hebrews,      
Takes the "Days" of Genesis One and defines them for us as EONS !!!      
Why would Darwin have liked - LOVED - that interpretation?      
Because Evolution needed long periods of time in which to work!      
Darwin would have seen Paul the Apostle as being on his side.      
Being an ex-theology student who, no doubt, took Greek,      
Darwin would have recognized the value of Hebrews 11.3,      
While Christians reading Heb 11.3 in English miss out!      
(Even today, 50 full years after the "background radiation"  
discovery of 1965 which proved the Big Bang was true,  
And that BILLIONS of years is the true age of the universe,  
Bible translations, except for 3 of them, all give "worlds,"  
A spatial word,  as the translation for "aionos," a time word!  
That cowardice is unforgivable, totally unjustifiable!)  
Christians who believe in an "old Earth" of billions of years,      
Are not told by their pastors that Heb 11.3 says in the Greek      
Something more than it says in the cowardly English translations.      
Lastly, it's only natural for Darwin to have loved Hebrews    
For Hebrews demythologized Moses' Creation story,    
And that's what Darwin was all about   -   demythologizing!!

PS: If I'm not mistaken,
I recall being told that the Big Bang was so hot,
trillions of degrees, that the micro-universe had to cool off
for 100 million years before atoms could form or else
before they could form molecules and visible matter could take form.
So the BBT supports Hebrews 11.3 where it says,
"in order that the visible could come
from that which doesn't appear."
Written by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)
Published | Edited 7th Oct 2015
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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