`Christ said, "I came to fulfill the Law [of Moses]    
Not do away with it"( Matthew 5.17).    
That doesn't negate the fact that some parts of the Law    
Were designed to be temporary, not permanent(Hebrews 8.13).    
Christ Himself, not the Apostle Paul serving as His mouthpiece,    
Clearly claimed to "make clean" those animals which    
up until the Cross had been considered unclean(Acts 10.13-16).    
Even before the crucifixion Christ pulled the rug out    
from under the Law by denying what Moses taught,    
Which was that eating "unclean" meat defiled you (Leviticus 10.10; 11.1-46).    
Christ overruled Moses, saying that "unclean" meat passes out    
of the body, carrying that uncleanness with it as it goes(Mark 7.14-23).    
Rather, it is man's inherent animality which makes us unclean.    
It's not the animal we eat, its the animal/beast that we are.    
That poses a problem(Ecclesiastes 3.18-21).  
Enough digressing, now for the issue at hand.    
How did Christ fulfill the Law of Moses    
In a way that has been overlooked until now?    
The Law lists just about every conceivable offense    
Then gives the just penalty, according to Moses (and/or God).    
(See Exodus 21-22; Leviticus 18-20).    
But it overlooks one really bad sin/offense - child molestation!!    
NO WHERE in the 5 books called the Law of Moses,    
The first five books of the Hebrew Bible,    
Is there one word, much less one whole verse about it.    
What an omission! What an oversight in need of correction!    
Christ remedies that shortcoming,    
He gives us the appropriate penalty.    
"If anyone offends one of these little ones,    
It would be better for him if a millstone were hung    
around his neck and he be cast into the sea"(Matthew 18.6;Mark 9.42;Luke 17.2).    
By making up for this flaw in Moses' Law,    
Christ demonstrates the validity of his claim,    
"I came not to destroy the Law but to fulfill it(Mt 5.17).    
In this case He does so by adding to it.    
Just like He does in the case of "adultery,"    
Which may have actually been an instance of prostitution.    
For the Seventh Commandment (of the Ten Commandments),    
Forbids adultery alone but was extended to cover prostitution,etc.    
Yes, with the woman (Mary Magdalen, aka Mary of Bethany)    
"Caught in the very act of adultery"(John 8.4),    
Moses said such are to be stoned(John 8.5).    
But Christ added to the Law,    
Those unforgettable words,    
"He who is without sin, let him cast the first stone,"(John 8.7),    
Thus voiding that part of the Law of Moses!  
PS: "offend" in Mt 18.6;Mk 9.42;Lk 17.2 is skandalizo,  
in the Greek, according to "Strong's Bible Concordance,"
(See #4624 in the Greek lexicon in the back),
Meaning to trip up or entice (to sin).
(It comes from skandalon,meaning a trap-stick or snare.)
I'd say it could also mean to abuse.
So "molest"  is a fairly synonymous term.
Written by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)
Published | Edited 1st Oct 2015
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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