Give the Devil His Due

Gorbachev the Antichrist is quite a man!    
It was a Herculean feat to give up Eastern Europe    
And to let (make) the Soviet Union split up!    
First you arranged for Chernobyl to blow up,    
Spewing radioactivity all over Europe,    
Just so you could claim to be a "changed man,"    
Who realized just how much worse nuclear war would be.    
So "it must never be fought!"    
Yes, you came, hat in hand, to President Reagan    
Saying "we've got to end this Cold War.    
So that we can then begin to disarm and    
reduce the risk of accidental nuclear war."    
To "prove" the sincerity of your change of heart,  
you announced to the world - openly -    
That if the Eastern European nations rebelled    
Russia wouldn't use force to crush the freedom movements    
as was done in Hungary in 1956,Czechoslavia in 1968.    
Thus you encouraged those captive nations to demand their rights.    
And so when the Berlin Wall came down,in 1989,    
it was really your words that brought it down.    
Then you tricked a group of hard-line Communists  
into attempting a coup d'etat against you,    
Just so that you could react with anger against the whole Communist Party,    
Yes that gave you an excuse for ending the Party's monopoly of power,    
allowing democratic parties to spring up for the first time.    
Finally, you orchestrated the collapse of the Soviet Union,    
So you, as the head of the USSR, could work yourself out of a job and resign.    
So that the "new face" of Boris Yeltsin, the head of Russia, would be in charge.    
You did all that to make it look like the "old guard" Communists were out    
While the good guys of the pro-democracy movement were taking over.    
(Even though Yeltsin was your protege, a life-long Leninist like you,    
And never a real democrat - until you gave him that role to play.)    
Your deception worked, the gullible West was duped into accepting    
Yeltsin as a "former Communist"  who supposedly became a democrat,    
Which is about as likely as a gay male changing into a "former homosexual."    
Believing the lie, the West has disarmed precipitously,over the last 3 decades,    
on the basis that "Communism in Russia has fallen."  

Now that our 39 "boomer' submarines have shrunk to just 12 subs,
We're down to just 1,336 warheads( 8 subs X 167 warheads).
But Russia's ABM system (Anti-Ballistic Missiles) can intercept
between 1,200 and 1,300 incoming warheads, according to
William T. Lee, an ex-CIA intelligence analyst (Google him).  
So, the next step we take to Disarmament will bring us down
to below 1,200 warheads, at which point we will have zero warheads.
For 1,200 warheads minus 1,200 (intercepted) warheads equals zero.

Look at you, out of power for these 24 years since 1991,    
While actually retaining it behind the scene,    
Trusting, relying on your "front man" Yeltsin, and now Putin,    
Who could turn on you any minute, turn traitor but they don't!    
You must have nerves of steel, making you a true disciple of    
Your hero Joseph Stalin, whose name means "steel-like."    
When Russia supposedly went capitalist,  
you turned all of Soviet industry over to    
trusted, loyal Communist Party members, mostly to KGB operatives,    
so that strict control could be maintained, as in the old days.  
When Mikhail Kordakofsky, who was made the head of a huge oil company    
just because he had been the leader of "Young Communists" organization,  
When Kordakofsky turned traitor and began funding democratic parties,  
He was convicted on false charges and thrown in prison for ten years.  
This shows the Communists are still in charge, running everything.  
Communism has NOT fallen for real, only superficially, on the surface.  
When former KGB officers expose President Putin as a murderer,  
They get killed, for example Litinenko who died of radiation poisoning.  
24 years in hiding, so to speak, that's quite a feat.  
What patience you have had, oh great Gorbachev!  
How you must look forward to ending your charade,  
To the day when you can put off your disguise,  
When you can stop calling yourself the retired, former leader,  
When you can admit you NEVER really retired or resigned.  
You have patience par excellence,  
You are worthy of the title, Son of the Bolsheviks!  
Heir of the great Lenin and Stalin  -  Stalin's spawn!    
For you have been true to Stalinist ideals!  
(Namely, the desire to launch and win nuclear war.)
Back when Hitler attacked Russia in June 1941,  
The Red army took over and ripped machines out of factories,  
Carrying that equipment east into the safe haven of Siberia.  
New factories were built so the production of battle tanks, etc,could continue.  
Just two and a half years after retreating, the Red army came roaring back.  
The glory of that near-miraculous feat will be more than matched  
When Gorbachev, after (superficially) dismantling the Soviet empire  
And going off into an "exile" of false retirement,lasting two and a half decades  
Comes roaring back and takes over all of Europe!    
Yes,hundreds of missiles,phallic in shape,  
will ejaculate thousands of nuclear warheads,  
All of them flying toward America or to Western Europe.  
So World War 3 can be put in sexual terms as  
The Russian Rape of America and Europe.
Written by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)
Published | Edited 6th Aug 2015
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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