What Does the Bible Mean By "the Return of the [Roman Empire]"(Revelation 17.8,11)

First, the short version, then the long one.
"The Fourth Beast" (Daniel 7.7) is the Roman empire.
Almost all of Western Europe was under one-man-rule by Caesar.
But by the time of Dan 7.8 the empire has fallen,
Splitting up into about 30 nations.
(Ten of which are the "10 horns," Dan 7.8).

Then, in Daniel's vision from God, he sees "another horn"(Russia),
 "It came up among the other 10 horns"(Dan 7.8)
So Russia will invade/conquer Western Europe!
Russian conquest re-establishes one-man-rule over Europe,
As in the days of the ancient Roman empire.
So Russian conquest of Western Europe equals
The socalled return of the Roman empire.

Since Russia bombs America at the same time that it invades Europe,
The "return of the Roman empire" is code
for (the time of) the Russian attack on America.

Now for the longer version:
Bible prophecy says,"The Beast you saw was,  
Now is not,but will ascend out of the abyss,"
Meaning that it will return to existence(Revelation 17.8,11).
This is "the Beast with 7 heads and 10 horns"
Which starts off as "the Beast with 10 horns"(Daniel 7.7)
The prophet Daniel sees "Four Beasts"in a series of visions(Dan 7.1-3, 7).
"The Beast with 10 horns" is the fourth.
And since they come in succession,
The fourth must follow the third Beast.
Since the third is the ancient Greek empire(Dan 8.3-7, 20-21),
Rome, the Roman empire, must be the Fourth Beast.  
(Because Rome conquered Greece.)
So when we read that "the Beast..[that] now is not, will [return],"
This means the Roman empire will come again(Rev 17.8,11)!
But it won't - will not - actually be Roman, literally Roman,  
for Rome("Babylon")gets "burned with fire"(Rev 18.8),
And "In a single hour"(Rev 18.10,17,19).
This Judgment from God happens BEFORE
The socalled "return" of the Roman empire.
For the Judgment occurs "as the cities of the nations fall"(Rev 16.19).
"Fall" as in fall to invasion from without,invasion by Russia.
So how can the Roman empire "return" if Russia conquers Europe?!
Obviously, Bible prophecy is talking about a partial or metaphorical return.
Right now Western Europe is divided up into many sovereign nations.
In contrast,under the Roman empire Europe was all united
Under ONE-MAN-RULE, rule by each successive Caesar.
So, if the Kremlin takes away national sovereignty,
Western Europe would be united under one-man-rule again!
That will be the "return" of (a likeness of) the Roman empire!  
But it will last only "5 months"(Rev 9.5,10).
For the Second Coming will reverse Russia's victory.
Christ will become the Savior of the World!
Written by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)
Published | Edited 25th Jul 2015
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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