Homosexual Marriage and "The Slippery Slope"

When lawyers oppose something
They say, "If we accept a,
Then a will lead to b
And b will lead to c, etc,etc.
Where will we all end up?"

I think this is "the slippery slope" argument.
Anyway, the anti-gay marriage side used it
When they said,"If gay marriage is legalized,
Then polygamy also will have to be legalized,
Then marriage between a man and his dog,etc,etc."

But they used the "slippery slope" argument the wrong way,
It seems to me.
What they should have done,
And can STILL do in the future,
Is this:
Focus on the mutability of opinion,
The changeability of behavior.
"If 5% of the population is gay now,
BEFORE gay marriage raises the status
Of being gay to equality with heteros,
What is to stop people, as time goes on,
From choosing gayness for themselves
on a larger and larger scale?

What if that 5% mushrooms
into 50% of the population?

What harmful effect would there be
If 50% - or even 80% - of the population
Were to become gay or at least
become bi, as in bisexual?
THAT is the way the "slippery slope" argument
Should have been used against gay marriage!
But no radio talk show host, no preacher,
No politician - nobody - used that opportunity!
Why not?

It's perfectly plausible to expect that 5%
To morph into 10% then 20% then 40% then 80%.
(I used the figure of just 50% to be conservative.)

Now why should homosexuality be so attractive
As to grow from 5% of the population to 50% or more?
Think about what we're dealing with here.
Lets say everybody masturbates.
(I know that's an exaggeration.)
The organ you use in masturbation
Is the same one used in same sex activity.

So when you masturbate you are
becoming "broken in" for gay sex,
The way new shoes are broken in by walking in them.

If you become enamored toward your organ
by repeatedly experiencing orgasm with it,
It stands to reason that you are setting yourself up
To become enamored of COPIES of that same organ.
Why, because a copy is the same image as the original!
If the Mona Lisa looks good in a painting on the wall,
She looks pretty good appearing on a page in a magazine.

My point is that when the image is the same,
It evokes the same positive reaction
Whether its your organ or someone else's.

A man knows what another man
feels when he has an orgasm.
For they share the same organ, so to speak.
Likewise,a woman can empathize with a woman.

Based on that principle of EMPATHY
The market for homosexuality is unlimited.
The sky is the limit.
This is the reason the law should be used
To hold homosexuality's potential in check!

Comments anyone?
Written by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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