America is Still Under the Curse Stemming From Slavery Days

During the Slavery era
It was against the law
To teach slaves how to read.
By keeping Blacks ignorant,
Their masters hoped to keep them
Humble, docile, self-doubtful,
Unsure of their own self-worth.
But this went against the ideals
Of the Protestant Reformation!
The great William Tyndale of the 1500s
Translated the Bible into English,
So that the common farm worker,
"the lowly plowboy" in his words,
Could read the Bible when on a break.
British America was predominantly Protestant.
Hence the high literacy rate in the colonies.
When peasants learned to read (not just the Bible),
Their self esteem - their aspirations - increased.
They became ambitious,their consciousness was raised.
The prosperity of the colonies, and then the states,
Was due to Protestantism and the Protestant Reformation.
Its well-known "work ethic" was based on literacy.
Universal literacy created a sense of equality.
My point is that by depriving Blacks of literacy
Just because they were lowly slaves,
America betrayed the ideals of Protestantism.
Which in turn were based on the Gospel.
The Apostle Paul wrote that,  
"If anyone preaches another gospel,  
(A false gospel)let him be accursed"(Galatians 1.8-9).
The curse that Paul spoke of applies  
To America because we,our forefathers,
Put the desire to have ignorant slaves
Above the Gospel and the Protestant Reformation!
How has that curse been manifested?
The Roman Catholic Church is now
The largest denomination in the USA.
It didn't used to be that way!
When we deprived Blacks of literacy,
We were acting like Catholics!
For the Catholic hierarchy lived by
The rule that lowly serfs  
- the common man in general -
Weren't supposed to know too much.
"Where ignorance is bliss,
'Tis folly to be wise."
The Pope,the cardinals,the archbishops,
The whole religious-royalty gang,
Reserved the interpretation of the Bible  
For themselves, and nobody else!
They banned all non-Latin Bibles!
Because Protestant America in the 1700s-1800s  
acted as bad as the Roman Catholics
God has punished us by arranging for  
the Catholic Church to grow like a cancer.
Why is that really so bad, so harmful?
After all, they have come halfway toward us  
by allowing for Bibles in the vernacular!
(That's only because ordinary Catholics  
were forsaking the Latin mass,
Joining the Protestant Churches!
The hierarchy allowed English Bibles
NOT because they wanted to,
NOT because they want knowledgable Christians!
But only as a desperate attempt to hold onto people!
Here's how the large number  
of Catholics have hurt this country:
They vote Democratic,  
much more than Protestants!
The Demos are the party of Abortion,
gay rights,Big Labor,Environmental extremism.
And it used to be the pro-slavery party!
When the southern states held conventions in 1861  
to choose between seceding or remaining in the Union,
ALL the delegates, etc, were what? Democrats.
It was the Democrats who voted  
to rend the country asunder!  
Let me get back to the subject.
Demos today are against money for National Defense!
Social Programs come first,
To the exclusion of National Defense.
Demos are definitely NOT afraid to  
Throw National Defense "under the bus."
We have been disarming ever since  
Russia ended the Cold War in the late '80s.
Russia ended it for that very purpose:
To get us to reduce the size of our nuclear arsenal!
Now, just how does our disarming benefit Russia?
It doesn't - in peace time.
But in wartime, it enables Russia, the Kremlin,  
to do the socalled "impossible," to win nuclear war!
Conclusion: if we had fewer Catholic voters
There would be fewer Demos in the Senate,etc.
We wouldn't have disarmed so recklessly.
We would still have our "Boomer" subs.
So Russia wouldn't be able to win nuclear war.
PS:I expect:
(1) nuclear war(Russian Attack) in early August, 2015.
(2)We will get wiped out, but Russia will emerge unscathed(Revelation 13.3-4,7).
For we have reduced the size of
our retaliatory arsenal so much.
Plus, Russia has ABMs with which to
shoot down our retaliatory warheads.
(3)Russia will overrun Western Europe.
See Daniel 7.8, interpreting the words
"came up among them" to mean
"enter into the midst of them,"
as in a military invasion.
(4)Russia will lead an international invasion
of little Israel(Ezekiel 38-39; Zechariah 14).
(5)That's when the Messiah
(Christ at His Second Coming)
will Appear over the Mt of Olives.
Seeing Him, the Russian troops switch sides.
Christ sends them home, as His soldiers.
They "proclaim God's glory"(Isaiah 66.19).
(6)Gorbachev, the Antichrist, gets overthrown!
Global conversion to Christ
brings World Peace!(Zechariah 14.9).
Written by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)
Published | Edited 10th Jun 2015
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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